Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

Yes, this power belongs to the God of Blood Tuo!

Lin Chen gradually narrowed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the strength of Chu Feng turned out to be related to Xuetuo Deity.

And at this time, the Chu Feng had already rushed again.

Like a beast, he was running wildly, as if to destroy everything between heaven and earth.

The sharp howling wind came, and Lin Chen's brow frowned slightly.

Without any hesitation, Lin Chen directly took out Yudao Village Rain.

A black light flashed!


With a muffled sound, Chu Feng's body flew straight out.

Not only that, he also spurted blood, and his breath began to languish!

If this scene is seen by others, it will definitely be frightened.

Who is Chu Feng? Dignified Taoist genius!

Was it bombarded by Lin Chen?

Although this is not the true strength of Lin Chen, but it is also a means of Lin Chen!

It's terrible!

And after Chu Feng flew out, Lin Chen waved his sleeves again. In the cuffs, a handle lightsaber was formed and shot out.

Falling from the sky, inserted into Chu Feng's arms and legs, it was straightforward, nailing Chu Feng's body to the ground, without mercy!

Chu Feng's body began to struggle violently, trying to break free from the **** of a thousand sword spirits.

Although he is very strong, it still takes some time to break free of the thousand sword spirits.

Lin Chen took advantage of the time to flash forward and came to Chu Feng.

Squatting down, stretching out the palm of the hand, running the power of Qingdi's floating slaughter tactics, sticking to Chu Feng's forehead.

In the moment, Chu Feng's body stopped struggling.

Motionless is dead.

But the next moment, Chu Feng's body was shaking violently!

Lin Chen's palm on Chu Feng's forehead began to lift slowly.

I saw a **** power, like a huge drop of liquid, with Lin Chen's palm as the starting point, being pulled out of Chu Feng's body stiffly.


Along with this process, Chu Feng began to make a sharp growl in his mouth.

It's painful.

Lin Chen didn't care about these, and still carried out his own actions.

In the end, Lin Chen spread his palm, and in the palm of his hand, this drop of blood-colored liquid kept tumbling, but it looked a little scary.

"You have 70% of this power in your body, and it's all in my hands. If you can't wake up like this, then I have nothing to do."

Lin Chen said.

At the same time flicked his sleeves.

The huge blood-colored liquid shot out quickly and eventually hit the mountain wall ahead.

Without any sound, this huge drop of blood-colored liquid exploded, turning into blood-colored light spots, which drifted with the wind.


Chu Feng's body was lying on the ground smoothly.

He didn't twitch or struggle, and was calm.

Without knowing it, he thought he was dead.

However, his breath has not only been cut off, but also quite strong and powerful, indicating that he has been well.

The scarlet light in his eyes began to fade away, replaced by a clear color.

"It seems to be waking up." Lin Chen smiled.


At this time, Chu Feng's throat made an uncomfortable muffled sound.

He frowned, forming a chuan word, then uncomfortably held his scalp, rolled his eyes, and looked around.

When he found Lin Chen next to him, he blinked his eyes, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something.

But now, he was seriously injured and could not make any sound at all!

"Don't rush to speak, let's heal the injuries in the body before talking."

Lin Chen said.

Chu Feng did.

And even if Lin Chen didn't say so, Chu Feng would still be like this.

As soon as he thought, the elemental force in his body began to gradually operate at a special frequency ...

On the surface of his body, a trace of white smoke erupted, and the wounds began to heal at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

About half an hour later.

Chu Feng found that he had the ability to speak.

He looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Brother Lin Chen, what's wrong with me? The two of us just fought?"


Lin Chen nodded: "You're controlled by someone, you just didn't even wake up. Can you remember, who controlled you?"

Lin Chen is a little curious, Chu Feng is not weak, and the means are endless. Among these thousands of magical slaughter lands, how many have the ability to calculate him?

Chu Feng heard the words, gritted his teeth, and spoke two words.

"Sacred sect."

His voice was slightly angry, but behind this anger, more, it was a kind of self-deprecation and helplessness.

"Three talents of Shengzong?" Lin Chen asked immediately.

Chu Feng nodded gently and explained: "Before, I met the three of them and had a conflict. With the three of them working together, I was indeed not an opponent, but they were also difficult to hurt me. However, I did not I thought they could detonate the power inside me. "

Having said that, Chu Feng sighed and stopped talking.

In fact, even if Chu Feng didn't say it, Lin Chen understood.

It must be the three talents of the Holy Sect, which triggered the power of the Xuetuo religion hidden in Chu Feng's body, thus controlling Chu Feng.

Then let Chu Feng come to kill Lin Chen.

So insidious scheme!

However, this time, the three talents of Shengzong were miscalculated.

"They certainly didn't expect that the Qingdi floating slaughter tactics I practiced were exactly the nemesis of the Blood God theology."

Lin Chen's mouth evoked a slight arc.

"Brother Lin Chen, thank you very much."

At this time, Chu Feng was holding his fists in front of Lin Chen with a sincere attitude.

"No problem, it's all a sect."

Lin Chen shook his head gently.

Chu Feng nodded, without a reply.

Taking a deep breath, he sat down with his legs crossed and began to heal his injuries.

Now, he hasn't recovered from the injury, so he needs to adjust his interest rate.

After Lin Chen waited for a while, he wanted to leave.

After all, he didn't have time to be the chubby bodyguard.

However, at this moment, Chu Feng took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

"Thank you, Brother Lin Chen, for checking for me."

He arched his hands toward Lin Chen.

"you are welcome."

Lin Chen smiled.

In fact, he didn't really want to check for Chu Feng ...

"Brother Lin Chen, there is an issue below, I don't know if I should ask." Chu Feng said suddenly.

"But it doesn't matter."

Seeing Chu Feng's mysterious expression, Lin Chen said.

Chu Feng did not answer directly, but glanced at Yang Liuqing not far away.

"It's okay, Qing'er is his own."

Lin Chen saw Chu Feng's anxiety and comforted.

Chu Feng heard Lin Chen called Yang Liuqing as Qinger, and she couldn't help but look a little surprised.

However, he didn't think much, but he arched his hand and asked, "I don't know, Brother Lin Chen, what means did I use to wipe out the kind of power in my body?"

What he said must be the power of Xuetuo.

Lin Chen heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he secretly said: I really asked this question.

But Lin Chen didn't want to answer him, just said, "Secret means."


Chu Feng heard it, Lin Chen didn't want to tell him the truth.

After all, this is Lin Chen ’s secret, so Chu Feng did not continue to ask, but said: "Brother Lin Chen, you may already know that, accidentally, contaminated with that power, and now you want to get rid of it, I do n’t know Lin Can Brother Chen help in the next one. "

"I have helped you."

Lin Chen pointed to the mountain wall not far away and said.

There was a deep hole in the mountain wall where I did not know when.

The ground beneath the mountain wall is also corroded by pits, as if it were strong acid ...

"This is indeed a big thank you to Brother Lin Chen."

Chu Feng arched his hands, but then the words turned around and said, "However, in Xiati, there are still about 30% of the remaining power. This kind of power is like the epiphysis, which will continue to breed, thus occupying me. Body, I hope Brother Brother Chen can help. "

"What obligation do I have to save you?"

Lin Chen frowned, saying, "In this world, all causes and effects have their own set. You have been infected with this power, but now you have saved me, and thus have me with your cause and effect? ​​Brother Chu, Isn't it appropriate for you to do this? "

"This is indeed the truth."

Chu Feng was a little tangled.

As Lin Chen said, what he does, he must bear the evil results himself, if it involves others, it is really bad.

"Okay, I'm looking for Xianwang Pavilion, would you like to come with me?"

Lin Chen asked.

Chu Feng saw that Lin Chen didn't really help him, and he shook his head gently, saying, "I'm going to investigate the three great talents of Shengzong."

"Investigate them?" Lin Chen frowned slightly, giving Chu Feng a strange look.

Is this Chu Feng stupid?

Don't you know that it was the three talents of Shengzong before that trapped you in a frenzy?

Lin Chen whispered: "I'd like to advise you, the three guys are not very easy to provoke, don't provoke them easily."

"Thank you Brother Lin Chen for your concern. They are a bit strange and associate with some people who should not have existed in the world. I will just investigate them secretly. This time, this will not conflict with them.

Chu Feng said.

Those in his mouth who should not exist in the world are naturally those who are hidden.

Lin Chen saw that he could not discourage Chu Feng, and he said, "Well, you can do it."

Then what seemed to come to mind, Lin Chen asked, "But do you know where the Fairy King Pavilion is?"

Chu Feng entered the inner hall of Xianwangdian half a day earlier than him. He should have a deeper understanding of this inner hall.

Of course, Lin Chen just asked casually. After all, Xianwang Pavilion, the first center of the inner hall, is not something that ordinary people can find ...

However, unexpectedly, Chu Feng nodded and said, "I know one or two below."

"you know?"

Lin Chen's eyes brightened.

Seeing Lin Chen's inquiring gaze, Chu Feng replied, "I'm going to look for the three great geniuses of the Holy Sect, and the three great geniuses of the Holy Sect should now be in the place of the Immortal King's Pavilion, so where they are going now It's that fairy king's pavilion. "

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