The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 893: Who counts who

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The white light gradually enlarged in Lin Chen's eyes, and eventually turned into a huge stone platform.

On each stone platform, there is one person standing and looking out, there are four in total.

One of them, Lin Chen knew it, was one of the three great talents of Shengzong-Li Hanhao.

At the beginning, this Li Hanhao was seriously injured by Lin Chen, but Lin Chen's negligence caused the other two talents of Shengzong to get out of the way and save Li Hanhao.

As for the other three people, Lin Chen didn't know each other, but looking at their dress, they must not be those of the Holy Sect.


The four of Li Hanhao also noticed that someone was approaching, so they turned to look around.

When Lin Chen's face was reflected in Li Hanhao's eyes, Li Hanhao's pupils shrank slightly, and said, "Lin Chen?"

"Like a fake replacement."

Lin Chen grinned at Li Hanhao.

Humans and animals are harmless.

But it made Li Hanhao tremble slightly!

Obviously, Lin Chen has left an indelible psychological shadow in Li Hanhao's heart!

At this time, Lin Chen started looking around.

He was thinking about how to break through this defense of Shitai and attack Li Hanhao.

Li Hanhao is one of the three talents of Shengzong. Both the means and strength cannot be underestimated. If he continues to grow for a period of time, he is afraid of a potential threat.

Therefore, Lin Chen now wants to solve it.

And also when Lin Chen was thinking ...

"Lin Chen, since Shitai is holding you this way, you are stuck here just like us."

At this time, Li Hanhao stared at Lin Chen, his voice was rather dark: "Find out how to pass the storm group in front."

Lin Chen heard the words, raised his eyes and looked forward.

As Li Hanhao said, ahead is the space storm rising from the ground.

There are dozens of storms, forming a spectacular storm group, like a wall blocking the front.

Shitai cannot pass through!

"No wonder Shitai will stop here."

Lin Chen thought secretly.

Then he looked up and looked at Li Hanhao and said, "There is a good way to do that is to wait."


Li Hanhao heard the words and sneered suddenly: "We have been waiting here for almost a quarter of an hour, how long do we have to wait here? Lin Chen, you know, once the storm has swarmed, it is impossible to disappear without four or five days of."

"Then let Shitai change course." Lin Chen said.

"You can change Shitai if you have the ability." Li Hanhao sneered.

Lin Chen stepped on the stone platform under his foot.

Shitai did not listen to the command at all.

"It doesn't seem to be wise," Lin Chen said secretly.

"Wait then, I'm not in a hurry anyway."

Later, Lin Chen simply sat on the stone platform, looking like an old Lai.

Both sides fell into silence.

"Lin Chen, I have a solution. I wonder if you would like to listen?"

Suddenly, Li Hanhao spoke slowly.

Lin Chen bowed his head, slightly tickling the corners of his mouth.

Can't help it? Is the fox's tail finally showing up?

But Lin Chen immediately waved his hand and said, "No interest, I would rather wait."

"If you don't listen, how do you know if you are interested?"

Li Hanhao was a little angry, and whispered.

"I have no interest in what you said." Lin Chen shook his head and waved his hand.


Li Hanhao was really angry.

Damn Lin Chen, I really thought I was muddy? !!

However, Li Hanhao did not have an attack, but took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "My method is very simple. With you, we have five people in total, and we combined the five people's stone platform into one body. , Will surely be able to pass through the endless storms ahead. "

Li Hanhao's eyes were dazzling, and he stared at Lin Chen motionlessly.

He was ready to make every effort to persuade Lin Chen.

However, this time, he hasn't waited for his voice to fall ...

Lin Chen stood up directly from the stone platform!

He said sharply, "Okay! I promise!"

This sudden sentence surprised Li Hanhao.

He was a little stunned, and after a long while, he returned to God.

So you promised?

It's that simple?

Should n’t they refuse and be more proud?

However, now that you have agreed, you have no room to regret it!

"Well, since that's the case, let's stop the ink."

Li Hanhao slaps his palms, and said with arrogance: "Next, we will put together the stone platform of the five of us, but before that, Brother Lin Chen, let me remind you that we all want to enter Xian In the king's court, so I hope that the two of us can temporarily put down our hatred between each other, temporarily turn the gangster into a jade, and wait to enter the fairy king's court before liquidating the old account. How about it? "

His tone was sincere.

"I don't care, it's up to you."

Lin Chen shrugged.

"You can rest assured at this point, since I said that I will not hit you, I will definitely not hit you."

Li Hanhao smiled mildly.

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly integrate Shitai into one." Lin Chen urged.

"it is good."

Li Hanhao nodded.

Then he printed his hands and began to work.

Although I do n’t know what Li Hanhao ’s method is, after Li Hanhao showed it, Lin Chen felt that the stone platform under his feet was attracted and rammed towards the other four stone platforms.

Finally, Wudao Shitai touched each other.


Dazzling white light burst into bloom, in this dark space, extremely bright, like a scorching sun.

Wudao Shitai is completely integrated.

Lin Chen and Li Hanhao stood in five corners of Shitai and were silent with each other.

Li Hanhao said, "Although the stone platform of the five of us has been integrated, there is still an invisible barrier between the five of us, so the five of us don't have to watch out for anyone. It's a drama. "

The huge stone platform, flickering with dazzling white light, carried five people forward.

Its speed is not fast, but it is extremely stable, even if there are thousands of waves in front, it is impossible to force it back.

Finally, Shitai contacted the storm group.

Around Shitai, bright formations flashed. On top of the formations, countless ancient runes faintly circulated, releasing a powerful defense force.

Even though the storm group is extremely violent, it still cannot break this defense barrier.

The huge stone platform is like a flat boat on the endless sea. Although it is very small, it never capsizes. Instead, it is still drifting forward at a steady speed.

It seems that with Shitai's defensive power, it is absolutely impossible to pass this boundless storm group.

However, at this time, Li Hanhao suddenly made a look at the other three.

The three of them then shot out against Lin Chen.

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