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At the same time, Wan Mo Tu Xian Di was outside.

It seemed that a yellow shirt was aware of something, but those meditation and closed eyes opened suddenly!

She suddenly turned her head and looked at the entrance to Wanxu Tuxiandi. Liu Mei frowned, and the word "Chuan" gradually wrinkled in the eyebrows!

"Something happened!"

As her face changed, the woman in the yellow shirt immediately stood up and said in a bright voice: "You, everyone, immediately inform the disciples under the sect and leave Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, and there is a big situation in Wan Mo Tu Xiandi!"

"What's the big deal?"

In the black and white of Taoism, two elders often asked curiously.

The white-haired old lady of Shengzong also looked at the yellow-shirt woman and waited for her reply.

The woman in the yellow shirt did not answer, but looked around cautiously, the expression was a bit complicated, and it seemed that he was hesitating to tell the truth in the end!

However, in the end, the woman in the yellow shirt still gritted her teeth and made up her mind and said, "Wanmu Tuxiandi, the devil who has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, wake up!"

Her voice is not loud.

But it made everyone on the scene smell smelly!


"Really fake? This is not a child's play, guardian, don't lie to us!"

"No wonder I always have a bad hunch, it turns out to be so!"


Everyone present was an elder in each of the major gates. No matter the strength or the mentality, they are very comparable.

But even so, when they heard what the yellow shirt woman said, they couldn't help talking about it!

After all, the demon awakened, this matter is really a bit too mysterious!

However, for the people's doubts, suspicions, or scorn, the Huangshan woman didn't care, and instead took out a golden jade pendant and cracked it into a slag!


With the crushing of Yu Pei, there seemed to be a ringing bell between heaven and earth, as if the alarm was sounded. Suddenly, a depressing and urgent atmosphere swept away!

"You actually notified the previous guardian?"

Many elders exclaimed, looking at the yellow-shirted woman's eyes, and became serious!

Originally, many elders thought that the yellow shirt woman was alarmist. After all, Wan Mo Tu Xian Di has been open for so many years, and no changes have occurred. Therefore, they did not take the warning of the yellow shirt woman just now.

But now, the fool can see the manner and expression of the woman in the yellow shirt, she is not lying at all!

What she said is true!

Among all the monsters in Tuxian Land, there really is something going on!

"Girl, what shall we do now?"

Many elders asked in a hurry!

"I told you just now, and immediately informed your disciples and told them to leave Wan Mo Tu Xian Xian immediately. They may have left early, but they might have saved their lives, but if they left late, then they The ashes will be wiped out, and the world will never be born! "

Although the tone of the yellow shirt woman was a little impatient, her expression was extremely serious, which shows her mood at the moment!

In fact, before the woman in the yellow shirt said this sentence, many elders had passed the secret law and notified the disciples under their door.

After the woman in the yellow shirt finished speaking, the remaining elders were no longer half-marked, and acted immediately, telling their disciples to leave Wanmu Tuxiandi through the secret methods of their respective ancestors!

So, a great escape in the land of Wan Mo Tu Xian, at this moment, unfolding!

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