The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 922: Almost blind second

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

The branches and rattans of the sky are like a large army, and they are overwhelmingly rolling towards Lin Chen and Nangong!

However, in the face of the thrilling scene, Lin Chen smiled lightly. I didn't know where to take out a picture scroll, and raised the corner of his mouth to slowly unfold the picture scroll!

At this time, the branches and rattan of the sky were already in front of him, and the nearest branch was only an inch away from Lin Chen's eyes!

However, just at this moment, Lin Chen has completely unrolled the picture!

Suddenly, thousands of Jianguang burst out, bright and dazzling!

Lin Chen hurriedly said, "Sister, close your eyes!"

While talking, Lin Chen also closed his eyes violently, afraid to look directly at the bright sword light!

Nangong Qian didn't know why, but she was a bit unresponsive, her eyes closed a bit late, and she suddenly felt a pain in her eyes.

Nangong Qian was shocked and just wanted to use Yuanli to heal her eyes, but at this moment, Lin Chen's voice sounded again in her ears!

"Sister, don't use Yuanli. The strength of Xiandao and martial arts are the same. If you use Yuanli, your eyes will be blind!"

Lin Chen's tone is very serious!

As soon as Nangong shook his heart, he quickly cut off the Yuanli that was about to rush into the eye!

"So what now?"

Then Nangong asked again.

"You don't need to worry about anything. You just glanced at that person a bit, and you wouldn't blind your eyes. After half a cup of tea, you should be cured." Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, Nangong Qian was relieved and relieved.

She almost regretted her death just now. Regretting why she didn't listen to Lin Chen, she had to take a curious look.

"But then again, how did you know about my eyes, did you use the perception of soul power?"

Nangong Qian asked again, confused.

If Lin Chen really uses the soul power to detect these situations, then his soul power is simply some god!

However, what surprised Nangong Qian is that Lin Chen smiled and said, "I guess."


Nangong opened her mouth slightly.

how is this possible!

Can you guess so accurately?

"Let's talk about what you just saw."

Lin Chen smiled again and said.

However, when Lin Chen said this, the thin eyebrows of Nangong's shallowness were slightly raised!

Because just now, she was faint, but she saw a back!

Still a woman's back!

This Qianying figure is graceful, with long hair and a waist, carrying three swords, a large sword and two small swords, and two small swords are hung on the waist, and the large sword is slightly slanted on the back!

Just looking at the background can give people a sense of extreme domineering!

However, when seeing here, Nangong Qian felt a tingling in his eyes, quickly closed his eyes, and did not dare to look directly.

Therefore, the scene behind him is unknown.

However, Nangong Qian did not answer Lin Chen's question, but asked: "Are we in the branches of the hibiscus tree, or are we standing intact?"

"Just open your eyes and see."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"Can you open your eyes?"

Nangong shallow but some cups of snakes, asked cautiously.


Lin Chen nodded gently.

With Lin Chen's confirmation, Nangong Qian was suspicious. A pair of eyelashes flickered, and his eyes slowly opened.

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