The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 946: How could he die

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The huge vortex of space exudes bright white light, like a scorching sun, suspended above the sky where the white jade stairs disappeared!

"This is the way we should go."

Lin Chen pointed at the space whirlpool and said slowly.

Nangong Qian is somewhat unsure.

Because this is too simple!

The white jade staircase just now descended from the sky and stood up to the sky.

And this vortex of space gives a very terrifying feeling, as if you can't come out after entering.

By comparison, this space vortex is simply too low-level!

"Sister, the mountain is not high, the name is immortal, the water is not deep, and the dragon is spirit. Let us go up together and see if this space vortex repels us."

Between the words, Lin Chen stretched out his palm towards Nangong.

"Are your hands clean?"

Nangong Qian asked so.


Lin Chen was speechless.

However, before waiting for Lin Chen to say anything, Nangong Qian smiled and held out his hand, holding Lin Chen's palm.

"Let's go."

Nangong Qian said.

"But my hands are not clean."

Lin Chen said intentionally.

Nangong Qian suddenly raised his eyebrows: "What are you going to do? Can you walk?"

"Let's go then."

Lin Chen shrugged.

Nangong's shallow brows stretched out, holding Lin Chen's palm, flying up with Lin Chen, and flying towards the space vortex in the sky.

When the two were still more than ten feet away from the space vortex, they closed their eyes involuntarily, because the white light emitted by the vortex was too bright and dazzling. Block this white light!

However, although the eyes are closed, the attractive force radiating from the vortex can make them approach the vortex smoothly and closer.

Lin Chen was holding Nangong's shallow jade hand, and she could clearly feel it. A thin layer of sweat had oozed out of her palm!

"Sister, hug Xiaobai, don't be nervous."

Lin Chen reminded.


Nangong murmured lightly, the sound was rare and very delicate.

At this moment, suddenly, a huge attraction came, like a tornado storm, directly sucking them into the vortex!


I do not know how long it has been……

Finally, a sense of kind was felt at the feet of the two.

Lin Chen opened his eyes cautiously, and found that the space vortex had disappeared, and the bright white light naturally disappeared with it.

Lin Chen then relaxed, supported the back, moved a bit, and complained, "My old waist ..."

Just now, because the attraction was too violent, Lin Chen's entire upper body was leaning towards the back, and almost broke his waist!

Rubbing his waist, Lin Chen looked towards Nangong Shallow.

Nangong Qian has also opened his eyes and is looking around, but there is no discomfort in his waist ...

"It really is a woman, this waist is really good."

Lin Chen said with emotion.

A woman's body is inherently much softer than a man, and a woman's bones are not as stiff as those of a man. This is a characteristic given by God, no doubt.

"Lin Chen, are you sure we have come to the right place?"

At this moment, Nangong Qian suddenly spoke and asked.

Hearing that Lin Chen also began to look around.

However, with the turning of his eyes, a trace of doubt and incomprehensibility appeared in Lin Chen's eyes!

"It should be right."

Lin Chen touched his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face.

I saw all around, the world was broken, the wilderness was vast, and there was no vitality. The sky was a kind of dark color, which gave people an extremely depressing feeling.

Here, it is not like fairy land at all, but more like magic land!

However, while the two were groaning slightly, Xiaobai in Nangong Qian's arms suddenly woke up, then jumped up and jumped to the ground. Then he didn't listen to Nangong Qian and Lin Chen's persuasion at all, and walked towards one. The direction, ran away quickly!

Nangong Qian and Lin Chen glanced at each other and immediately nodded slightly, as if they had reached a consensus, and then said in unison: "Follow it."

Before the words fell, the two ran out, turning into two streamers, keeping up with Xiaobai.

The two did not know how long they ran, and suddenly, Xiao Bai in front stopped suddenly.

Lin Chen and Nangong Qian both stopped, and then set their eyes on the giant tree in front of them.

The giant tree is extremely stout. Even ten people may not be able to come together, and it is so towering that the treetops can reach the sky!

Although it is dead today, it is not difficult to imagine how spectacular and towering it is when it is leafy and green.

Xiaobai just stopped in front of this tree.


Nangong Qian seemed to have guessed something, and his eyes became somewhat suspicion.

But Lin Chen was so happy, clapping his palms, "We have come to the right place!"


Nangong Qian pointed his right hand at the giant tree, and then cast a little uncertain gaze at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen could see what Nangong wanted to say, but he nodded slightly and smiled slightly: "Yes, you guessed it, this tree is the hibiscus tree, and the body of the hibiscus tree!"

"The hibiscus tree is one of the three great trees on the Warfare continent. How could it die?"

Nangong shook his small mouth and asked inconceivably.

"The reincarnation of Wu Sheng is likely to die, why will the Fusang Shenshu be alive forever?"

Lin Chen asked with a smile.

"What is the reincarnation Wu Sheng?"

Nangong Qian immediately asked in confusion. Obviously, she had not heard the word "reincarnation Wusheng".

"With the reincarnation of Wu Sheng, he can kill 10,000 Wu Zun and Wu Huang."

Lin Chen said with a smile.


Upon hearing this, Nangong was not convinced, and said, "Once Wu Zun has a life span of at least 1,000 years, unless he is dead, it is difficult to kill a Wu Zun. After becoming Wu Emperor, his life span At least thousands of years, it is even more difficult to die! Even Wu Zun and Emperor Wu are so, then, the reincarnation Wu Sheng in your mouth can even be said to be immortal, how can it be Will it die? You haven't seen Reincarnation Wu Sheng, how do you know he will die? "

As soon as Nangong remarked, Lin Chen smiled.

He has never seen Samsara reincarnation?


Reincarnation Wu Sheng will not die?


A thousand years ago, he is the best example!

In this world, nothing but heaven and earth can last forever, even the three great trees and samsara!

A thousand years ago, Lin Chen, after becoming the strongest six saints, wanted to go one step further, compete with that place, and compete with that avenue!

However, before his dream was realized, he fell into Qin Changkong's treacherous scheme and was framed and killed by this traitor!

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