The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 948: Within three days

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

The grimace condensed by the dark clouds is huge, as if the army was under pressure, and it landed toward Lin Chen and Nangong shallowly. The void was violently twisted wherever it passed!

However, in the face of the majestic scene, Lin Chen did not have the slightest panic, instead holding the back of his head and blowing a whistle, Dang Erlangdang walked forward, his steps were smooth, calm and calm!

When Nangong saw this, he frowned immediately, and said angrily, "Lin Chen, walk well!"

After finishing speaking, Nangong Shallow was a flash of his body, turning into a streamer, rushing towards the dead hibiscus tree in front.

"What are you afraid of?"

Lin Chen shook his head and smiled, still walking slowly forward.

Seeing the dark clouds over the sky will soon be suppressed!

It's a killer!

At this time, Lin Chen and Nangong Qian both came to the hibiscus tree.

Xiaobai leaped and jumped directly into the tree hole, disappearing suddenly.

"We didn't take that white jade stairway, which means that we came to the right place, but we just came to the door and have not yet entered the door, and this hibiscus tree is the door."

Lin Chen said.

"Stop ink, go in quickly."

Nangong Qian grabbed Lin Chen's palm directly and arrogantly pulled him into the tree hole.

As Lin Chen and Nangong Shallow entered, the hole on the surface of the hibiscus tree suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the dark clouds fell from the sky, like an endless locust swarm, and the entire hibiscus tree was swallowed up instantly. !!

Unfortunately, both Xiaobai and Lin Chen and Nangong Qian have escaped into another space!

As a result, the dark clouds hit the ground, blocked by the earth, and spread out suddenly, like a wave of waves rushing towards all directions, it is spectacular!

But, then, this endless dark cloud rises up again, condenses, and finally condenses again in the high altitude, giving a grimace, crooked and distorted. Ordinary people just take a look at it, for fear it will be Will be chilling!

"Three Rabbit Caves!"

Among the dark clouds, the voice of that boy and girl resounded, and a long echo between the heavens and the earth: "The monk can't run the temple, the fairy king, this seat will let you live a few more days! And, you Thought you could suppress this seat with just one fairy sword? Naive! Ridiculous! "

With the sound of this illusory voice, the dark clouds gradually became thinner, but then, the ethereal voice sounded again: "Within three days, this seat will break your fairy king sword, And then it will be your death, and the end! "

The voice of nothingness echoed for a long time between this world!

The dark clouds finally dispersed.

It was a dark world, and there was a hint of light again. Although it was still very dim, it was much brighter than before!

The hibiscus tree, which stands tall, is violently decaying at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Although the hibiscus tree is extremely tall and stout, at this rate of decay, wait for the sacred tree to completely Destruction, it is estimated that it only takes half a quarter of an hour!

It can be seen that the power of the blow just now is so terrifying!

And because of the changes just now, this side of the world has become more scarred and full of scars!

However, the moment after the dark clouds disappeared, above the gray clouds, a graceful shadow in Tsing Yi appeared suddenly.

She lightly tiptoeed and stood steadily on the clouds, her body was as light as Fairy Lingbo, and her pretty and arrogant eyes glanced around the world, as if looking for something.

Eventually, a deep blue light flashed from the bottom of her eyes, and then, if she felt anything, she set her gaze on the hibiscus tree, which was about to die.

"A mulberry tree?"

With a sudden movement of heart, she immediately followed a stairway of ice and jade, starting with her feet, spreading downward, and eventually extended to the front of the Fusang tree.

The woman in Tsing Yi walked down the ice jade ladder step by step, and with every step she took, the ice jade ladder behind her disappeared one step. Eventually, when she walked in front of the hibiscus tree, the ice jade ladder at her feet, Also all disappeared.

"I can delay the rate of withering, but you have to open the door. Inside, there is something I left behind."

The Tsing Yi woman said slowly.

After that, she gently placed the cold jade hand on the trunk surface of the hibiscus tree, and then pushed forward slightly.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, a thick layer of deep blue frost, centered on the trunk of a woman's palm, spread out arrogantly, extremely fast, as if to cover every part of the hibiscus tree!

"Open the door."

When the woman in Tsing Yi retracted her palm, the entire hibiscus tree was covered with frost. The woman looked at the dry trunk in front of her and said slowly, although her voice was light, the tone was overbearing and could not be refuted!

After the woman's remarks fell, a tree hole, no more than eight feet in size, appeared on the trunk of the hibiscus tree, allowing only one person to enter.

"Thanks a lot."

The woman in Tsing Yi nodded slightly, twisted her **** little butt, and walked into the tree hole.

And as the woman entered, the tree hole disappeared instantly, perfectly and seamlessly, as if it had never existed before!

The surface of the entire hibiscus tree is covered with a thick layer of blue frost, and the light flashes, so that the temperature of the entire world is suddenly lowered, as if falling into an ice cellar!

With the rapid decrease in temperature, the hibiscus tree's withering speed is also abruptly reduced. It took only a quarter of an hour to completely destroy the hibiscus tree. But now, it takes at least two or three days Will wither away!

After the woman left, Fangtiandi again restored peace ...


At the same time, Lin Chen and Nangong Qian came to a new world.

The sun is just right.

Bird language floral.

The surrounding scenery is picturesque and there is no dead corner at all. The beauty is like a paradise. No, even if it is a paradise, it is hard to describe its beauty. Or, here, it is more like a fairyland!

A red-lacquered pavilion, with thirteen floors, stands high in front, soaring to the sky.

Nangong Qian's face changed immediately, and he said inconceivably: "Isn't this Xianwang Pavilion? Are we out again?"

As is known to all, there is a fairy king's palace in the Wanxu Tuxian land, and in the fairy king's palace, there is a 13-story fairy king's pavilion.

The Xianwang Hall outside the Xianwang Pavilion has a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, and fragrant birds.

However, if you look closely, you can see that although this pavilion also has thirteen floors, it is not the Fairy King Pavilion. Therefore, the surrounding world of birds and flowers is not the Fairy King Hall outside the Fairy King Pavilion.

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