The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 950: Phoenix Crown

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

Above the tall building, in the thirteenth floor!

A woman wearing a phoenix crown is sitting on the ground and playing the piano. The sound of the piano is strong and melodious, echoing in the world forever.

Lin Chen walked up side by side with Nangong, and stopped at the entrance of the thirteenth floor.

"I don't know why my predecessor called us both."

Lin Chen didn't hesitate, opened the door and asked.

With Lin Chen's question asked, the woman's finger resting on Guqin suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the melodious piano sound echoed between heaven and earth abruptly stopped.

"You two little guys are smart people, don't I see who I am?"

The woman asked softly, facing her face.

"The senior's identity is better said by the senior himself."

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I have to be a sister and an outsider. Some words are hard to say, and I can't say."

"Oh, so polite?"

The woman suddenly sneered.

Immediately, her tone suddenly became eerie, and whispered, "You were not so polite and modest when you spanked me!"


With the sound of Jiao drinking, a terrible icy breath suddenly burst out from the woman's body, like a tornado, spreading in all directions, where the breath passed, even the air seemed to be affected by it. freeze!

As the breath swept away, Lin Chen suddenly drew a flower in front of her eyes, and then she saw a tens of thousands of tall snow and ice giants, like a towering mountain in the middle of a walk, lifting its big feet covering the sky. With huge shadows, descending from the sky, pressing down towards Lin Chen's head!

Lin Chen's brow gradually wrinkled, not only because of such terrible scenes, but also because at this moment, his body could not move at all!

However, even so, Lin Chen still raised his mouth, and just before the giant foot of the snow and ice giant was about to fall, Lin Chen's body suddenly moved, and his right hand was erected sharply. One finger!


At this moment, time seemed to stagnate suddenly, a ripple visible to the naked eye, centered on Lin Chen's fingertips, spreading horizontally, and a few blinks of work spread to the distance!

And then, the ice giant on the fingertips of Lin Chen seemed to be crushed, and his body collapsed and destroyed!

"I want to be overpowered by momentum, I think you're a bit naive."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

And when Lin Chen's joke came out, the surrounding ice and snow turned into a mirror, broken and opened, and disappeared.

The scene before Lin Chen's eyes once again turned into a pavilion, and the beautiful woman with the phoenix crown was ignorant of when she turned her back on them.

"A long, long time ago, the demon king invaded Wanxianyu in a big way. For the thousands of people of Xianyu, I can only choose to defeat it. I can't kill it, but if I do that, I will lose both."

With the sound of the woman's cold voice, a huge picture appeared in front of Lin Chen's eyes.

"It would have taken only another 10,000 years before I could completely seal it with the fairy king sword as a carrier, but when you two arrived, you completely disrupted my plan."

The woman's jade hand waved and the picture suddenly turned.

When Lin Chen looked at the scene on the screen, he frowned, and asked in amazement: "Did we say that our previous breakthroughs not only did not alleviate the situation here, but also harmed you and boosted the situation. The flame of the devil? "

"That's right, that's it."

The woman nodded lightly.

Then he waved his sleeves and suddenly the picture disappeared and disappeared into view.

"Is there any remedy now?"

Lin Chen asked.

Now that things have happened, it's no use complaining, it's better to think hard about how to solve the problem.

"There are many ways, but in my current state, even the simplest way, I can't show it."

The woman shook her head slightly and sighed, saying, "You two are too weak, and I can't count on you, so we are in a very embarrassing situation, we ca n’t enter, we ca n’t retreat, I can only hide here. "

"Because it's not the peak period, can't you use some means ..."

Lin Chen heard the words and meditated secretly.

Later, Lin Chen glanced at Nangong Qian again, and found that the latter's eyes were dull and indifferent, apparently far away, and it should have been shocked by the momentum of the woman just now.

Of course, Lin Chen knew that Nangong Qian was not a big deal, so he retracted his gaze and turned to look at the woman in front of the Fengpixia crown, asking, "Are all your guardians dead?"

"Except for the hibiscus tree, everything else has died."

The woman replied, and then she looked at Lin Chen with curiosity: "Little guy, your temperament is extraordinary. Although you are not a reincarnation, you should be almost the same as the reincarnation. But little guy, who are you? I do n’t want to ask, and I do n’t have time to ask. I just want to know. What can you do in the face of the situation? "

"There are many ways, but with our current conditions, I am afraid that none of them will have a high success rate."

Lin Chen said.


The woman was surprised, she was actually just asking symbolically, and did not give any hope, but did not expect that Lin Chen really had a solution?

Therefore, the woman is no longer inking, she directly stretches out her hand and makes a "please" gesture, saying, "There is a way better than no way, let's say, what method do you have?"

"Method, I can say, but before you do, you have to answer a few questions,"

Lin Chen talked about the conditions with the woman.

"What question? But ask anyway."

The woman nodded gently.

"What's the fairy king here?"

Lin Chen asked.

"The name is just a code name, so why should you be bothered by this irrelevant thing at this critical moment?"

The woman immediately shook her head and rejected the problem of Lin Chen.

"Okay, then I won't ask this question."

Although Lin Chen said so on his mouth, the corner of his mouth was slightly curved!

Because from the woman's words, Lin Chen got the second message, that is: she is the fairy king here!

If fake replacement!

"Do you have any other questions?"

The woman looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"Of course."

Lin Chen nodded gently: "My second question is, what kind of state are you now? Is it dead or alive?"

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