The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 957: feeling terrible

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

Nirvana and Nirvana are divided into three, six and nine!

The higher the level, the more powerful, and the strength of the corresponding practitioner is also getting stronger!

And now, Lin Chen's Yuanshen is full of eight lines!

You know, the Yuanshen of the Nine Stripes Road is the strongest Yuanshen in the heavens and the earth.

And the most important thing is that Lin Chen ’s Yuan Shen is different from that of ordinary martial arts practitioners. Most of the Wu Shen ’s Yuan Shens are generally golden, while Lin Chen ’s Yuan Shen is ice blue color!

"It seems that the Yuanshen of the Immortal Era is very different from the Yuanshen of the Martial Era."

Lin Chen sighed secretly.

"Little man, although this Yuanshen is not very good, but the situation is urgent now, so you should use it first. If this war can be successfully ended, then this time, I will give you a gift again."

The crisp voice of the immortal came from above.

"Thanks a lot."

Lin Chen looked up and looked up at the fairy king of the Phoenix Crown, and slightly arched his hand to show his gratitude.

"Don't rush to say thank you, it's not too late to say after the war is over."

The fairy king shook his head slightly.

Then he said, "This seat is going to arrange a matrix method, and the two of them are waiting here, remember not to move around."

After speaking, the fairy king flickered, twisted Suona's posture, and walked away.

Lin Chen and Nangong Qian watched the fairy king leave.

"Is the fairy king pretty?"

Suddenly, Nangong asked such a sentence.

"Well, it's a peerless beauty."

Lin Chen nodded gently.

Regardless of the physical appearance or temperament of the immortal king, they are all top-notch goods. It is not difficult to imagine this. It is not difficult to imagine how many men's hearts won when the immortal king Fenghua was peerless!

"Haven't you seen enough?"

Nangong Qian asked again.

"She has a pretty butt."

Lin Chen thoughtfully.

"What else is beautiful?"

Nangong Qian asked again.

"I can't see it anymore, I can only see his back now, I can only see her ass, and I can't see it anywhere else."

Lin Chen shook his head gently, and at this time the fairy king had gradually faded from the field of vision, so Lin Chen intended to take his eyes back.

However, at this moment ...


Nangong slaps in a slap, without mercy is fanned on the back of Lin Chen!

"I said, can you guy be a little bit more focused, you all have Qinger sisters, why are you so pretty?"

Nangong Qian moved his wrist and looked at Lin Chen, who had tears in his eyes and an innocent face, and had a bad lesson.

"Everybody loves beauty, I just appreciate it a little bit, but don't have any other ideas ..."


Nangong Qian slapped his palms on Lin Chen's head again, and said arrogantly, "Don't argue with me!"


Lin Chen hugs his scalp, his innocent face, wants to cry without tears.

"I'll be more focused in the future, don't go straight when you see a beautiful woman, can you be a little manly?"

Nangong Qian said.


Lin Chen shrugged helplessly and had to agree.

In fact, Lin Chen said in his heart at this time: Sister, you are just my sister, not my woman, so much for me?

Of course, Lin Chen also knows Nangong Qian's temperament. If Lin Chen speaks out what he thinks, then the wait for him must be the squall of Nangong Qian!

Of course, it isn't that Lin Chen is afraid of Nangong shallows, and he is not inferior to Nangong shallows. It is that Lin Chen does not compare with Nangong shallows at all. Unless it is something that Nangong shallows do harm to the earth, Lin Chen will "adversely accept" Nangong shallows .

After all, his cultivation has now reached Nirvana, and now he has cultivated the Yuanshen. On the strength, he is no worse than Nangong. On the means, he is already stronger than Nangong. If it is really hot, then, The one who can laugh to the end is definitely Lin Chen!


When Nangong agreed that Lin Chen agreed, a delicate humming sound was emitted from the white Qiong nose, extremely soft, as if coquettish!

In fact, I don't know why, just now Nangong shallowly saw Lin Chen staring at the immortal king, and she felt uncomfortable, as if a stone blocked her trachea!

Shaking his head, Nangong Qian is no longer tangled in this matter, but asks: "Lin Chen, what kind of law do you cultivate?"

"Immortal Sky Dragon Phase."

Lin Chen answered truthfully.

"Immortal Tianlong Fa phase? Can this Fa phase exist in the Top 100 Fa phase list?"

Nangong asked in doubt.

Even with her insights, she has never heard of any immortal dragons!

"This Fa phase does not exist in the Top 100 Fa Phase list."

Lin Chen said.

"How is that possible? How could you practice in a direction other than the top 100?"

Nangong shallowly wondered: "It is clear that the Fa phase you have cultivated, whether it is imposing pressure or breath fluctuations, has reached the standard of the top 100 Fa phase, and can even be ranked in the top 50 or 60. How can it not be the Top 100 Fa phase?"

As for Nangong's doubts, Lin Chen did not answer, but only smiled mysteriously.

"Could it be that?!"

Suddenly, Nangong Qian seemed to have thought of something, and his face was startled, and he asked inconceivably: "The immortal dragon pattern has not been recorded ?!"


Lin Chen smiled and nodded.

Nangong Qian was instantly lost in thought.

The Top 100 Rankings of Heaven and Earth Laws are being updated and updated every moment, because between heaven and earth, there are always some wicked powers, and they will create new Faphases. Each of these Faphases is very powerful and enough to mount The top 100 law rankings.

Among these new types of laws, those that can be cultivated by most people are generally recorded in the top 100 list, thereby eliminating the old law and replacing the old law.

For example, twenty years ago, there was a great power of Sen Luoyu who, with the utmost power, created a French style called "Supreme Dominance", which was so powerful that he was recorded on the top 100 list. Ranked eighty-ninth.

The original Yantian Tianxiang, which originally ranked eighty-ninth, ranked 90th!

Therefore, if Lin Chen ’s immortal dragon pattern can really be ranked in the top one hundred, then it is impossible to not be recorded, unless this legal pattern is only suitable for Lin Chen and not suitable for public practice.

However, from the previous process of Lin Chen's cultivation of the Fa phase, as long as the blood of the real dragon, the inverse scale of the dragon, and some other treasures of heaven and earth, any martial arts practitioner can consolidate the immortal Fa phase.

In other words, the immortal Tianlong Fa phase is very suitable for public practice!

However, even so, in the top 100 list of heaven and earth law, there is no such word as "immortal dragon law", so what is going on?

Nangong is extremely confused and baffled!

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