The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 960: Half an hour

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

The giant snow and ice giant, nine thousand feet high, is as solid and heavy as a mountain, and with one punch, it radiates a steady force, unstoppable!

The eighty-eight-eight-eight-foot-long immortal dragon form is full of explosive power. A golden dragon coils around his arm and is blown by a punch, but the momentum is not weaker than the ice giant, but Better off!

So the two fists hit each other directly without any fancy!

There was a bang!

A sound wave visible to the naked eye, where the collision of your two punches is centered, spreads out loudly!

The ground under the ice giant collapsed suddenly, forming a deep pit in an instant, and the depth of this pit continued to increase!

The earth under the eternal dragon's feet is cracking directly, forming a deep gully, spreading towards the rear!

The whole world seems to be shaking at this moment!

Immediately after, energy after waves followed, and fortunately, there are no creatures in Fangyuan Zhangzhang, otherwise, even a monk who has turned around Nirvana, if it is within the range of 100 zang impacted by this energy aftershock, I am afraid Will be strangled to death!

Yang Liuqing stood on the ice giant's shoulder. Her long hair was swayed by the wind, but her face remained unchanged. Instead, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she nodded softly. She said, "Yes, this method has a normal punch. It's the equivalent of a three-stroke nirvana. "

Lin Chen was suspended in the eyebrows of the immortal Tianlong Faxiang, and also felt the terrible fist of the ice and snow giant. He thought for a moment, and then murmured, "Without using Nirvana, you can play three turns Nirvana The power of the peak of the state, this girl seems to be a lot stronger than before entering the fairy king palace. "

Subsequently, Yang Liuqing and Lin Chen seemed to have a tacit understanding, but at the same time, they retracted their fists.

The ice giant collapsed layer by layer, eventually falling to the ground and turning into a large area of ​​ice water.

The golden light on the surface of the Immortal Dragon Phase gradually faded, and eventually disappeared.

Both Lin Chen and Yang Liuqing's bodies fell from the sky and fell to the ground at the same time.

"Your practice is good."

Yang Liuqing said.

Lin Chen smiled.

He knows Yang Liuqing very well, how can he not hear the meaning of Yang Liuqing's words?

Yang Liuqing's meaning is obvious: if Lin Chen fails her test, then she will force Lin Chen to change the law!

After all, Lin Chen is the man that Yang Liuqing fancy, no matter what aspect, Lin Chen cannot be weak!

"Qinger, what happened to your weapon?"

Then Lin Chen asked.

"In half an hour, I will be back in my hands."

Yang Liuqing replied.

"Half an hour?"

Lin Chen's pupils shrank!

"Yes, half an hour away, the devil should be born."

Yang Liuqing sighed lightly.

"It seems to be in trouble."

Lin Chen took a deep breath.

If it was placed thousands of years ago, Lin Chen, who was such an inconspicuous demon king, would be able to kill 10,000 per fart.

But now, unlike today, Lin Chen's strength is still inadequate. One fart of the devil can kill 10,000 Lin Chen!

Therefore, facing this devil, Lin Chen must be cautious!

Nangong Qian approached from a distance and said, "The demon king was born. Presumably, today's Wanmo Tuxiantu has been completely chaotic, and I don't know what those people are doing now.

With a slight guilt in Nangong's shallow tone!

Because if it weren't for her and Lin Chen, then the Demon King would not be born, and Wan Mo Tu Xian Di would not be in chaos.

She felt that before she ran into the Fairy King Pavilion with Lin Chen, she used the power of the avenue. However, the power of the avenue was used to suppress the demon king, but it was quickly consumed by them ...

At that time, the reason why Xiaobai suddenly appeared next to them was to stop them, but did not expect that in the end, they not only did not stop them, but also indirectly helped them a lot.

However, as for Nangong's guilt, Yang Liuqing said coldly: "Outside affairs are managed by outsiders. We can take care of ourselves."

"Qing'er is right. Rather than worrying about the outside world, why not study everything that happened from the beginning to the present?"

Lin Chen also nodded.

"What else can it do?"

Nangong looked at Lin Chen in confusion, and some did not understand what this guy wanted to say.

Lin Chen said: "Sister, before our session, there were countless people who came to Wanxian Tuxiandi, and of course there were many people who came to the Palace of Fairy King. There must be some demon and genius among them. Not only me, there must be many people who have used the power of the avenue here, but why did I use the power of the avenue to cause the devil to be born, but not others? "

"Yeah, why?"

"Still the same, because they all went the wrong way."

Lin Chen said patiently: "The predecessors followed the white jade ladder into another space, but we destroyed the white jade ladder. This is the biggest difference between us and them. And if I guess correctly, they enter The other space is actually the space in which the demon king is located. In that space, the demon king erased and tampered with their memory, so that people who came out of the fairy king's hall over the years were more or less disordered. "

"What about the bi-monthly scene? What about the bi-monthly scene?"

Nangong asked briefly.

"It is rumored that Shuangyue is the eye of the fairy king. In order to suppress and guard the demon king, he cut out his eyes and placed it on the sky above the demon king. The rumor may not be true, but any rumor is not Nowhere is the wind, so the double moon scene must be in the space where the devil is. "

Lin Chen said.

"You mean, all the predecessors have entered the wrong place, only we have entered the right place. We not only used the power of the road, but also destroyed the white jade ladder. This series of things add up, which will lead to the demon king. Born? "

Nangong asked with a deep moan.

"Yes, of course, there is Qinger's reason. If Qinger did not take back the weapon, it should still delay the demon king for a while."

Lin Chen nodded slightly.

"It seems that the three of us have more or less led to the birth of the Demon King."

Nangong sighed lightly, and then asked again, "But what about everyone else, everyone else has also entered the Xianwang Pavilion. They have failed to pass the barrier, have been expelled from the Xianwang Pavilion, or are still staying in the Xianwang Pavilion. in?"

Lin Chen couldn't answer this question. After all, he didn't know 100% of the building structure of Xianwang Pavilion.

Yang Liuqing did not have any meaning to answer Nangong Qian, because she and Nangong Qian, cough, not quite ...

And even when the three were silent, the cool voice of the fairy king came from the sky: "You don't need to worry. Except for the three of you, those little guys are now staying in the fairy king's pavilion, very safe."

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