The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 973: The water saint is in danger

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

At the same time, Wan Mo Tu Xian is out of the ground!

Almost all of Zongmen's disciples have evacuated Wan Mo Tu Xian Xian and came to the outside world one after another.

"Elders, are there disciples among your ancestors?"

The woman in the yellow shirt stood high, glanced at the crowd, and asked in a clear voice.

"I have three little saints yet to come out."

Shengzong's white-haired old man whispered, and the three people she said were the three most famous saints!

"There are four little guys in my Daozong who are still in the land of all evils."

Taoist black and white impermanence said in unison.

The four people they are talking about are Yang Liuqing, Chu Feng, Lin Chen, and Nangong Qian!

"I still have one person in Huazong."

Hua Zong's elder said.

The elders of the major gates counted the number first, and then spoke one after another.

Finally, I counted about twenty people who have not come out!

"It seems that twenty people have entered the fairy king's pavilion."

The woman in the yellow shirt stood high, and those flaming eyes narrowed slightly.

"Guardian, what should I do now?"

An elder Zongmen asked.

"The ancestral gate with a large number of people can go back first. Now the turmoil of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di has caused the entire Bai Chaoyu to become less peaceful, so you should not stay here."

The woman in the yellow shirt was very popular, and she took a decisive decision, saying, "The ancestral gates with different numbers must also take back the young disciples who have already come out. Only one person is required to guard here, and the disciples must be answered.

"Okay, then do what you say"

"You are the guardian of Wanxu Tuxiandi, we listen to you."

"It's the only way today."


Most people nodded one after another and agreed with the yellow-shirted woman's suggestion.

The same is true of Taoist Black and White Youchang. He intends to let Hei Youchang take his disciples to return to the ancestors first, and let Bai Youchang stay here, waiting for Lin Chen's four to pass.

However, the solemn saint, however, did not agree with the suggestion of the yellow-shirted woman.

"My Holy Sect is the first gate of Bai Chaoyu, some ants-like monsters, we are not afraid!"

The white-haired old man waved his sleeves and groaned!

"Yes, fearless!"


Dozens of Shengzong disciples all echoed, their voices were neat and loud!

The woman in the yellow shirt gave them a strange look, then red lips opened slightly and spit out four words: "There are a lot of problems!"

Having said that, she did not care about the Sect.

This group of guys love whatever they want. Anyway, something is up to them.

Subsequently, each of the major gates was one by one.

The yellow-shirted woman's eyes narrowed slightly, looking to the depths of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di.

"Grandpa, there has been a change in Wanmo Tuxiandi. As the last guardian, can you tell me what should I do now?"

Muttering softly, deep under her eyes, there was a touch of thought and worry.


At the same time, Bai Chaoyu, the East!

A white-haired woman with blood on her feet walked on the surface of the sea at a very fast speed, drawing a straight gully at the sea level!

And under the ocean behind the woman, there were tens of thousands of monsters, all of them looking stern and screaming!

Although the speed of white-haired women is not slow, the speed of these monsters is faster!

The distance between the two sides is getting closer!

"Damn, what happened? Why all these monsters who have been sleeping for ten thousand years suddenly wake up?"

The face of the white-haired woman was a little ugly. At this moment, Rao is as powerful as her, and the Yuanli in Dantian is still only one in twelve.

Only then did she fight this group of monsters, she was invincible, and destroyed tens of thousands!

However, this group of monsters is constantly flowing. Just after 10,000 monsters have been destroyed, there are 10,000 monsters to make up again!


If it is a single fight, then a white-haired woman only needs one finger to kill a monster into slag!

However, there are too many of these monsters. A monster spit and spit can drown her!


Suddenly, a giggling laugh sounded from the front, the sound soaked into the ears of the white-haired woman.

The white-haired woman's willow frowned and her figure slowed down a bit.

"Holy Lord, today is your death!"

Accompanying the sound of crickets, a huge devil's face emerged from below the sea, like a giant mountain, standing in front, blocking the way of the white-haired woman!

"You, the boss here?"

The white-haired woman's red lips slightly opened, making a crisp sound, echoing above the sea!

"Well, yes, I've been hiding in this sea for countless years. Many times when you came to this sea, I waited to do something to you, but without the command of the devil, I You ca n’t act rashly, but now that your King is awake, you will surely die! "

The devil's face made a roaring noise and laughed!

"No wonder your group of monsters is so mad suddenly. The demon king who is the million devil's fairy land has awoken."

The white-haired woman nodded slightly, and suddenly, she smiled: "But your devil is always an outdated thing. This seat is for you to see. This is an outdated mess, and what kind of storms can be set off. ? "

Her tone is extremely overbearing!

When the devil's face heard the words, he was immediately angry, and gave out a crazy roar: "Holy Lord, you **** it! Insult my King, I will kill him without pardon!"

The words did not fall, the huge devil's face was like a meteorite, descended from the sky, and rushed towards the white-haired woman!

At the same time, behind the white-haired woman, tens of thousands of monsters piled up together to form an ancient giant crocodile, which was completely a stance towards the white-haired woman!

The white-haired woman saw that she was pinched back and forth, but she didn't panic, but narrowed her eyes and said to herself, "The birth of the devil is a bit troublesome."

And the next moment, her momentum sharpened sharply, like a long sword out of the scabbard, with long hair flying and screaming: "However, just because of your miscellaneous pieces, you also want to stop this seat? You might have some No one is in sight! "


The white-haired woman folded her hands, and suddenly a white light appeared on her body surface, bright and dazzling!

However, at this moment, the tens of thousands of monsters were already overwhelming!

There are so many monsters, with overwhelming power, they block the dazzling white light!

"Well, Lord of Water, you are dead!"

The devil's face opened his mouth wide and made a crazy but proud laugh!

But wait for its laughter to dissipate ...

"is it?"

Suddenly, a clear voice resounded without warning from countless monsters!

Then, beams of white beams spewed out from the inside of countless monsters, and shot directly for thousands of miles!

In the end, with the sound of "Boom", tens of thousands of demons exploded, and with the disintegration of countless demons, a giant white light giant appeared out of thin air, holding a sword in his hands and standing upright!

The giant is so imposing that even the sea level is impressed by it.

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