The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 991: How can he kill the devil

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Yang Liuqing's domineering voice echoed between this world and forever!

With the spread of the voice, an immensely lingering momentum swept away like a snowstorm!

Around the world, the temperature of the whole world has dropped suddenly!

Even with the powerful strength of the white-haired old woman, I felt the cold!

Suddenly, the cold hair on the back of the white-haired old **** stood up!

At this moment, she only felt as if she was being followed by a falcon. Under this kind of gaze, even she did not dare to act lightly!

Obviously, she was afraid!

However, the old-fashioned white-haired man is an individual person, and his face cannot be lost, so he groaned, turned his head, and ignored Yang Liuqing, thereby covering up the fear in his heart!

The woman in the yellow shirt gave Yang Liuqing a surprised look.

As a disciple, he can deter the elders of Shengzong. This Yang Liuqing is really powerful!

At this time, Bai Youchang asked again, "But what are you saying?"

Until this time, he couldn't believe that Lin Chen was dead!

Can't believe it, Lin Chen actually destroyed the devil with his own power!

You know, the Demon King is the equivalent of the Emperor Wuhuang. Even if it is sealed for a long time and its strength is greatly reduced, it will not be weak!

Is it such a powerful existence that it was destroyed by Lin Chen?

It's incredible!

"Lin Chen sacrificed himself and destroyed the Demon King, and it is for this reason that we can come out safely, otherwise all of us will be trapped by the eternal world in the Wanmu Tuxian Land and never come out again."

Nangong Qian said.

And when Nangong Qian's words fell, above the sky, one figure after another fell from the sky and fell in front of everyone.

The two great talents of the Holy Sect, the Taoism of the Taoism ...

It is those disciples who have not come out before!

However, after they landed on the ground, they were all aggression with one face, looking at each other, looking at each other, seemingly completely unaware of what happened!

Between heaven and earth, there was silence, almost everyone was waiting for Chu Feng and others to speak.

However, at this moment, Nangong Qian suddenly said: "Lin Chen destroyed the Demon King, so you can come out, thank Lin Chen, if not, the consequences can be imagined."

The faces of Chu Feng and others all changed!

Without waiting for them to speak, Bai Youchang said: "Since people have left Wanmo Tuxiandi, then we will now return to Daozong immediately. It is a matter of urgency and urgency, and we must not delay for a while.

Having said that, Bai Youchang put his hands on Chu Feng and Nangong's shallow shoulders.

Then he looked at Yang Liuqing: "Miss Yang, my husband's speed is not as good as you, so he will not show ugliness."

Yang Liuqing nodded gently, "Yes."

The next few people left without any ink!

"Elder, was that woman just now true?"

The charming woman among the two wise men of the Holy King looked at the old white-haired woman and asked.

The white-haired old lady did not answer her question, but calmly asked, "Did you not destroy the devil?"

"We haven't seen any demon kings from beginning to end."

The charming woman is one of the three talents of Shengzong, Xie Yiman. She shook her head.

"Since you did not destroy the demon king, then the person who destroyed the demon king should be Lin Chen."

The white-haired old lady said, then his face became heavier, staring at Xie Yiman and asking, "What about Li Hanhao?"

With that said, Xie Yiman's face became embarrassed!

"I ask you, what about Li Hanhao?"

The gray-haired old woman asked in a low voice!

Xie Yiman still didn't answer, but instead kept looking at the tall man beside him, it seemed difficult to talk!

The tall man beside Xie Yiman was naturally the head of the three sages of the sect, Luo Xiu. Regarding the question of the gray-haired old man, Xie Yiman did not answer. He uttered five words coldly. "Li Hanhao is dead."

The white-haired old man listened, and in those eyes, there was a ray of venom!

Li Hanhao died, and she must have been punished!

As the leading elder of the Holy Sect, she has the responsibility and obligation to ensure the safety of each disciple's life. If it is an ordinary disciple of dead knowledge, it is okay to say, but Li Hanhao is one of the three talents of the Holy Sect. Can it be an ordinary person?

Because of this, her eyes become resentful when she thinks that she will be punished later!

Xie Yiman was a little afraid of the white-haired old lady's gaze, and thought of the cruel nature of the white-haired old lady, she took a step back involuntarily.

Luo Xiu was not afraid, but snorted coldly, saying, "The technique is not as good as that of man, but he has to fight with others, not only losing his own face, but also the face of my saint.

Xie Yiman sighed and said, "Unfortunately, we can't even get revenge now."

"Even if he is alive, we can't avenge him."

Luo Xiu shook his head: "If it is not him this time, then we will always be trapped in the fairy king's pavilion. What is the difference between death? He not only has enmity against us, but also has kindness and enmity against us. Let's talk to each other. "

Xie Yiman didn't speak, but sighed a sigh of regret, a regret appeared over his beautiful face!

I just don't know, is she regretting Li Hanhao, or is she regretting Lin Chen?

"It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time, return to the Holy Sect, and tell the suzerain about the situation."

The white-haired old man no longer hesitated, and left with the disciples of the Sect.

Because all the disciples who were trapped in the Xianwang Pavilion have appeared, the elders present were no longer stranded and left with their respective disciples.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was only one person present, and it was the yellow shirt woman.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief: "The great change of the Ten Thousands of Demons and the release of the magical gas will definitely cause turbulence and unrest, but now that the Demon King has been destroyed, the remaining things are no longer a major event."

She sighed again: "It's just a pity that guy."

Originally, she was very optimistic about Lin Chen, because from the first sight of Lin Chen, the sixth sense of being a woman is to tell her that this man is extremely simple, and may be able to change Wan Mo Tu Xian Di for many years. pattern!

Now, Lin Chen has really changed the pattern of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di!

"Since the demon king has been destroyed, then the name of my guardian is a vanity. Destroy the remaining monsters in the land of thousands of demons, and it is my last quest to be the guardian. . "

Muttering, the woman in the yellow shirt took a step and resolutely stepped into the million magic Tuxian!

As a guardian, you should have awareness as a guardian!

It was just that she did not expect that the task of removing magic was unexpectedly smooth!

That is, in a few days, she made a horrible monster in Wanxu Tuxiandi, and she was almost completely cleared by means of thunder!

A bright sun penetrated the dark clouds and warmly fell on the face of the woman in the yellow shirt.

The woman in the yellow shirt slowly raised her head and whispered softly, "Three days have passed. That guy's reputation should have shaken the entire Bai Chaoyu."

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