The Strongest Male God System

Chapter 1164: Human brain collection

Chapter 1164

The most important part of the aircraft is finally displayed in front of everyone.

There are thousands of people densely surrounding.

The virtual screens on the surfaces of the buildings on both sides also feed back the real-time status of the core location.

At the same time, there are probably more than 30,000 people watching.

The moment when the picture on the screen becomes clear.

There was a sound of cold breath in the audience.

"this is……"

"Oh my God!"

After a brief noise, there was deathly silence.

Wang Hui, with his wings behind him, suddenly spread out.

Fly into the air.

Look around the crowd on the ground.

"This... is the truth about Wula!" His voice shook the First City.

Inside the aircraft, the most critical place is where the Ula body is stored.

There is no mechanical structure in the impression of ordinary people.

The main should be the computer first.

Then, the mechanical structure is indispensable.

However, in front of them, there are closely arranged nutritional vessels.

In the vessel is a complete human brain,


The space for storing the main computer is about 100 meters long.

It is ten meters wide and about seven or eight meters high.

In such a huge space, thousands of transparent vessels of the same specifications are arranged in ten rows.

In each vessel, a bunch of wires came out.

Wire, a thick conduit that merges into the ground.

Extend all the way to the rear of the aircraft.

Till the end.

There, there is an oversized lounge chair with a metal structure.

A woman with a nice face sat on it.

The end of the catheter went around her body and entered the back of her head.

The woman's body, mechanical structure and physical structure are almost half and half.

She put her hands on the armrests, her body sunk in the backrest.

His eyes opened slightly.

At a glance, it seemed to be a corpse.

Motionless, lifeless.

But looking carefully, her body has some basic vital characteristics.

Such as blinking, rising and falling chest...

"!" a bystander suddenly shouted.

It was like a stone thrown into the calm lake.

The crowd burst instantly.

"Yes... it's Ula's face."

"so similar."

"It's exactly the same!"

"What's happening here?"

"You guessed right...this one is Ullah!"

Zhou Yang smiled and waved his wings before landing in front of the woman.

"Come on, wake up your virtual face!" Zhou Yang's hand gently stroked the top of her head.

Woman, nothing happens.

The virtual face did not appear either.

"I don't want to say it again!" Zhou Yang said coldly, "If you don't do what I said, then I will cut off your nutritional supply!"

Zhou Yang turned around and squeezed another thick official road.

In the pipeline, the blue fluid flows continuously.

"What's the matter with you?" With an electronic synthesis sound.

Ula's virtual face appeared in front of everyone.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as a woman's face.

Everyone looked at each other.

Zhou Yang's threat actually worked.

Zhou Yang smiled and faced the virtual face: "Ula, next I will ask questions and you will answer."

"please say."

"Who owns these brains?"

"Belonging to, members of the three major families." Ula's virtual face is without sadness or joy. "Since the arrival of the singularity, the members of the three major families have died a total of 1,127 people, and the brains of all the dead , Have been preserved."

"What is it for?" Zhou Yang continued to ask.

"Used to determine all affairs that happen in this world." Wula said.

Li Hong, Xia Xi and others gradually widened their eyes.

They felt that they were not far from revealing a certain amazing secret.

"That is to say... there is no main computer at all. From start to finish, the human brain is used to process the entire world?"


Ula's answer did not hesitate.


The crowd exploded again.

The truth is amazing.

Since the singularity, the main computer, Ula, who has been with everyone... is not a computer, but a human brain.

And it's not a human brain.

It is a collection of more than one thousand human brains.

This news, with the first city as the center, quickly spread to the other six cities in the Celestial Realm through various methods.

For a time, people's minds floated.



Even with the sky...there were strange ripples in circles.

This is a stress response to fluctuations in consciousness.

Belongs to the unique characteristics of the heaven and human world.

The people began to get angry.

Yes, yelling.

Ullah is the faith in their hearts.

Today, faith has collapsed.

Many people have an abnormal consciousness directly, holding their heads and howling miserably.

"Why do you want to lie to us?" an angry wallbreaker shouted.

Xia Xi did not stop her subordinates.

She also wanted to know.

"Pure procedural judgments cannot handle complex emotional events."

"A simple human brain cannot handle a huge number of ordinary events."

"After serious thinking, we found a compromise."

"Using the advantage of quantity to ensure the normal processing of ordinary events, the human brain can start from emotions and make judgments on emotional events."

"We believe that the combination of many outstanding human brains far exceeds that of a single supercomputer."

The crowd was silent.

It seems...Ula made a lot of sense.

A cold computer can only make a yes or no choice.

It cannot weigh pros and cons like human beings, considering multiple factors.

Thinking about it this way, the collection of more than a thousand outstanding brains is indeed worth looking forward to.

The steady development of the Heaven and Human Realm over the years also shows that this method is feasible.

Zishi, Xizhao, and Fengyuan.

Was left aside.

Still maintaining a rigid movement.

The fixation method is simply the only way to torture people.

Xizhao suddenly realized that he could speak.

She was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Loudly shouted: "It does not matter whether the main computer is a mechanical structure or a human brain structure. The important thing is that it has always maintained the normal operation of our world!"

"Since it can be done, we have no reason to change!"

Shouting hoarse, it seems to have some effect.

The onlookers who had just been filled with outrage seemed to be persuaded.

When I saw this, I immediately added a handful of firewood.

"Everyone, the three of us have always served everyone. But now, this person of unknown origin is going to put us to death. Please look at Ula's face and save us!"

Feng Yuan also followed up in due course: "If we are saved, we will open one third of our genes to everyone!"

This sentence fascinated everyone.

If you can get top genes, many people's abilities will have a qualitative leap.

They looked at Zhou Yang with eager eyes.

If Zhou Yang is subdued, he will get his genes.

Worth a try.

"Haha, stupid thing!" Zhou Yang looked at the three heirs and smiled faintly.


Just a finger.

Dozens of onlookers were nailed to the spot.

"Who else is not convinced? Come here!" Zhou Yang hooked his fingers with disdain.

For a time,   everyone hesitated.

Zhou Yang's skills are too evil.

Zhou Yang smiled and said, "You guys... don't be fooled by these few."

"He said to open up family genes, do you believe it?"

"To tell you the truth... the genes of the three major families are simply taken from all of you!"

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