The Strongest Male God System

Chapter 804: Copy two, the game of the gods

Chapter 804 Dungeon Two, God's Game

Just when Zhou Yang and others were fighting in an unknown place, public opinion in various countries of the world had blown up.

A huge cube with a side length of more than 500 meters is moving fast over the planet.

Hundreds of millions of people have seen it on TV or live webcast.

In particular, scientists and officials in the big countries that the cube passed through were crazy trying to figure out what happened.

The conclusion is-there is no conclusion.

The cube is white all over, huge in size, and flying fast, but extremely stable.

But the more so, the greater the panic among human beings.

You can imagine that when you wake up one morning, there is a city-sized cube suspended several hundred meters above your head.

This is much more shocking than all the science fiction apocalyptic blockbusters combined.

"Report that the cube is floating above the cherry blossom country."

In Xia's high-level combat room in a certain country, the staff officer was nervously tracking the situation.

In the combat room are a group of big men carrying the stars, and...Guan Ye.

"Confirm again, did Zhou Yang's flight be all missing?" An old man with Samsung on his shoulder asked anxiously.

"It has been confirmed that after the emergency landing of Zhou Yang's flight, all the crew have lost track." The staff officer was very determined.

"In addition, according to the latest real-time news captured, there have been ten such disappearances in the same period of time all over the world." The combat staff looked at the information board in his hand and said every word, "From A long-distance tour group from Johannesburg to Egypt disappeared near the pyramids."

"A folk performance group in Stuttgart disappeared at the foot of the Alps."


"According to satellite tracking of the cube, the cube happened to pass over the place where the above-mentioned twelve missing cases occurred."

"The staff's inference is that the disappearance is directly related to the cube."

The words of the combat staff echoed indoors.

A dullness and depression swallowed everyone's heart.

"Notice!" General Samsung issued an order with a serious expression.

Mobilize coastal defense forces and closely monitor the movement of the cube.

At the same time, there must be the maritime power of the Star Striped Nation and the related power of the Sakura Nation.

Once such a thing occurs, it is definitely not something that a country can handle.

Especially in the Star Stripe Nation, there are mixed good and bad.

Happily, the evil star Zhou Yang, who was finally sent away, disappeared strangely along with his fellow flight members.

And that large cube dangling in the sky, no one cared about other things.

The news that the Star Stripe Nation was swept by Zhou Yang alone can also take the opportunity to deal with it coldly.

But the concerns are also obvious.

The cube is obviously beyond the scope of human civilization.




Any one answer is enough to destroy the existing worldview.

People on a planet are like criminals waiting to be sentenced. I don't know when the cube will "surprise" everyone.


After being headshot in the first wave, Zhang Liang suddenly shouted: "This thing is playing with one, two or three wooden people, don't move, keep the current posture."

The voice yelled out, and he said it in English and French immediately when he had time.

The people in the venue came from all over the world, and they all looked like a ghost.

Among them is a couple from Sakura Country, crying constantly, seeming to have an impression of this.

"Don't move, everyone will get a headshot!" Zhang Liang shouted desperately.

"How can it end?" the deputy captain roared.

"There is a button on the back of Bodhidharma, and you can end it by pressing it! But only the person who presses it can survive. The rest will still die when the time is up. This is the plot in the movie. I don't know if it has changed! "

Zhang Liang's voice hit everyone's heart.

"Dharma tumbler...falling down!" The monster doll cried back to everyone again.

Everyone's eyes widened, but just as Zhang Liang said.

There is a red button in the middle of the back of the tumbler.

Above the red button, there is an electronic clock counting down.

There is one and a half minutes and the timer will end.

"What are you waiting for? It's facing away from us now, I'll press!" The man closest to the tumbler started suddenly.

Whoever lives according to whoever lives, then I'm sorry, a fellow Daoist will not die a poor Dao!

In the crowd, the man's wife was dumbfounded and then smiled.

Yes, as long as the husband can successfully press down, he can live.

As for myself... so be it!

"Don't move!" Zhou Yang warned loudly.

"Don't move!" Zhang Liang also shouted.

The latter has seen the movie and knows it well.

Zhou Yang knew that things would not be that simple.

However, the man was very emotional and couldn't stop at all.

When Zhou Yang gave a warning, he had already rushed to a place about two meters behind Tumbler.

Seeing that he was about to press a button.

"Haha!" The tumbler let out a thrilling laugh, the moment the man stretched out his arm to touch the button.

One doll per person, four eyes trading.

"Uh!" The man was shocked, his eyes suddenly reddened and swollen.

"Boom!" The head burst in place.

"Don't move everyone!" Zhang Liang quickly reminded her loudly.

However, the same kind of in-situ explosion scene had too much impact on them, and several people couldn't help turning around and ran away.

"Boom bang bang!"

A few more explosions came.

A piece of blood permeated.

However, this kind of scene also makes those who panic and want to escape completely give up their fantasy.

Can't move!

Absolutely... can't move!


Many people in the crowd couldn't bear it, crying loudly.

To move is to die.

Do not move, it is dead when the time is up.


"Calm down everyone, don't be impulsive! This kind of thing is to make us desperate!" Zhou Yang shouted.

At the critical moment, his mind was very clear.

"Zhang Liang, are you sure the rules are correct?" Zhou Yang roared.

"No, this is the rule in the movie! There can only be one person left in the last group! And...there are still words behind."

"In the movie... these life and death situations are God's games!" Zhang Liang also cried, "Everyone will die!"

"Not necessarily so!" Zhou Yang suddenly smiled.

He turned his head to look at Zhang Liang and said: "Then tell me, if the tumbler finds a person who has moved and cannot die, what will happen to this tumbler?"

"Huh?" Zhang Liang was taken aback, "I don't know, everyone in the movie... will die!"

Zhou Yang is even more determined: "Yes, I want to come to this man behind the scenes and like to borrow elements from various works..."

"People can't die!" Zhou Yang smiled slightly, "I really want to see how this system will work when its logic is not self-consistent!"

"Everyone... keep your posture and leave it to me!" Zhou Yang looked around at the nearly 1,000 people behind and shouted.

"Dharma tumbler...falling down!" The tumbler turned his back to everyone again and began to chant a bad command.

Zhou Yang just looked at it with a smile.

Until the tumbler suddenly turned around, Zhou Yang laughed and walked forward.

"Zhou Yang!" everyone roared heartbreakingly.

Is their benefactor going to die like this?

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