The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2705: Invitation to the Flat Peach Conference

Fang Chuan was relieved with Sun Sheng's words, and he had some confidence in his heart.

He has a clone of the mysterious statue of life on his body, and this clone can at least deal with Emperor Ziwei.

This clone of Sun Sheng can deal with an emperor.

This directly reduces the pressure by half.

Of course, for him, it is still very difficult, every step must be careful, like walking on thin ice.

Sun Sheng also left this hall afterwards, and they practiced separately, preparing to deal with the next situation.

Fang Chuan's confrontation with these four emperors had not officially begun.

And this time, he had gained a lot in the Juyu.

Not only did he incorporate a broken fairy armor, which raised his body to the best treasure level, but also greatly increased the potential of his body.

At the same time, the cultivation base has been improved, breaking through to the fifth level of the Golden Core Realm.

Once this watershed is broken, the subsequent breakthrough will be much simpler than the five levels of the Golden Core Realm.

Moreover, there is still part of his body that hasn't been absorbed by Xuanyuan Yourong's pure Yin power.

When he accumulates some more energy and finds the right opportunity, he can break through again.

With the power of nine candles and the use of the staff of Hades and the Moon Blade, he can now blast out half a step out of the Aperture Realm.

When he breaks through again, he is at least qualified to sit on an equal footing with these emperors.

Of course, this is not the time yet.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

No one from the Four Great Monarchs came to summon Fang Chuan, and no one else came here. They seemed to be forgotten.

On this day, Fang Chuan finished his training and came to the sky above Shenra Valley, looking at Jianmu in the distance.

In these three days, he also collected some information, knowing that Jianmu was the cause of the war of the gods that year.

It is precisely because of this Jianmu that those strong men have the idea of ​​opening up the realm of God and the realm of God.

It is precisely because of it that the aura and laws of the earth have fallen for so many years.

And no one knows the origin of this Jianmu.

In fact, even the Four Great Emperors cannot easily approach Jianmu.

The people in the Shenluo Temple know very little about the merits of the Heavenly Seal Fragments.

Even in the entire realm of God, there are not many people who know the celestial seal fragments of merit, even if they know, they cannot discuss it.

This is the heavenly rule set by the four emperors.

"Shang Xian, there is a female Xian Xian from Yaochi Wonderland who wants to see you."

At this time, a graceful fairy came outside Fang Chuan's palace and said to him respectfully.


Fang Chuan nodded: "Get ready for fairy brew and fairy fruit, and welcome guests in the front hall."


When the fairy heard this, she hurriedly responded, then turned into a streamer, and was ready to go.

"The first person to come was actually from Yaochi Wonderland?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and swept away his divine consciousness. The powerful divine consciousness immediately spotted this beautiful woman with a strong breath.

The breath of this person has reached the ninth level of the Nascent Soul Realm, no matter where he is, he is a super strong.

She has a strong atmosphere of magic weapons.

The strength of this person cannot be underestimated.

Even compared to Fang Chuan's previous in the extremist, the nine-layered monster of the Nascent Infant Realm that was killed was stronger and more difficult to deal with.

After a while, the fairy was invited to a front hall.

This front hall is decorated with fairy spirit and a sense of luxury.

"Where is the immortal in your house?" When the fairy came to the front hall, she didn't see Fang Chuan, and she frowned, a little unhappy.

"Shangxian will be here soon." The fairy who was in charge of the reception quickly responded, somewhat trembling.

After all, this person is the supreme powerhouse!

"Humph." The woman snorted and sat down.

"Yaochi realm fairy greeted me with disrespect and disrespect."

After Fang Chuan waited for her to sit down, he teleported to the front hall, standing in his place, looking at each other faintly.

"You are the new Yipin Xianguanchuan, the future disciple of Emperor Ziwei?" Seeing Fang Chuan suddenly appeared, the woman could not help standing up.

She looked at Fang Chuan carefully.

The aura on Fang Chuan's body surprised her a bit, not as strong as he thought, but rather weak.

However, those who can be favored by the four emperors are naturally not ordinary people.

She smiled faintly: "I am Yaofeng, the first female official in the Yaochi realm. I will be in charge of the Yaochi realm when the Emperor Yao is away."

"Fairy Yaofeng, hello."

Fang Chuan nodded: "I don't need to introduce myself. In comparison, Fairy Yaofeng is already familiar with me."

He waved: "Please sit down."

Afterwards, he sat in a chair and looked at Yaofeng: "Did Fairy Yaofeng come by the order of Emperor Yao this time, or as a private person?"

"Private identity."

Yaofeng smiled slightly: "The four emperors are now discussing important matters in the secret realm, and the peaches in the Yaochi realm are about to mature. The Yaodijun once ordered me to deal with it as appropriate."

"Flat Peach Conference?" Fang Chuan raised his brows.

Although he is Xianzun II, his subjective consciousness is still based on the earth's Fangchuan. Therefore, for this person who grew up watching Journey to the West, these four words are very attractive to him.

He never thought that some things recorded in Journey to the West turned out to be true.


Yaofeng smiled slightly, showing a hint of pride.

Flat peaches are a specialty of the Yaochi realm and are very precious, and ordinary immortals are not eligible to participate in the conference.

Only some first-rank immortal officials and second-rank immortal officials with extraordinary status and status are eligible, and there are three or six or nine classes.

Each flat peach is equivalent to a top-grade elixir, prolonging one's life, increasing cultivation, and even comprehending the laws of heaven and earth.

Although Fang Chuan has only become a fairy official, he is also very familiar with the Flat Peach Conference in the Yaochi Realm!

She added: "There are a total of 128 people participating in the Flat Peach Conference this time, and 18 of them are ranked first."

She looked at Fang Chuan and waved at Fang Chuan with a flash of light.

When Fang Chuan grabbed it casually, he grabbed a certain strength of the text in his hand.

After scanning his spiritual knowledge, he knew that this was an invitation letter.

Seeing Fang Chuan's heavy lifting, Yaofeng grabbed the invitation letter from her and confirmed Fang Chuan's ability.

She smiled and said, "If Fang Shangxian has nothing to do, ask Fang Shangxian to be there on time tomorrow."

"Definitely, definitely." Fang Chuan nodded.


As Yaofeng said, he arched his hands, and then turned into a light that penetrated the hall.

"Peach Conference?"

Fang Chuan smiled: "Interesting!"

His eyes lit up suddenly, didn't the Pan Peach Conference provide him with a good opportunity to plunder resources?

The flat peach should be the spiritual fruit of heaven and earth, containing the laws of heaven and earth, and spiritual energy, which is of great help to any monk.

For him, it is naturally the same.

Moreover, his dantian is different than others, and he may need more flat peaches to consolidate and cultivate.

As he was thinking, the fairy on duty hurried in again and said respectfully, "Shang Xian, Emperor Xuanyuan's granddaughter, Fairy Xuanyuan Yourong, please see me."

"Xuanyuan Yourong?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and waved his hand: "Invite her in."

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