The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2732: Emperor Haotian, scumbag!

The moment when Haotian Great Emperor's majestic voice sounded, a blush appeared on Emperor Yao's face, and his own man finally came in front of him when he needed it most.

When everyone saw the mighty figure of Emperor Vast Sky appearing above the sky, Emperor Vast Sky’s Fist had already blasted over.

With a violent explosion, Vast Sky Great Emperor's Thunder Fist Jin was torn apart by Fang Chuan's Fist Jin, and Fang Chuan's Heaven and Earth Boxing continued to blast towards Emperor Yao.


The Great Emperor Vast Sky showed an unexpected look, and he never expected that Fang Chuan's punch was so terrifying that he could not stop the power of the Great Emperor Vast Sky.

However, at this moment, he once again activated his punches, one after another, hitting more than ten punches in a row.

Every punch was terrifying, blasting above Fang Chuan's fateful strength blessing, but it only weakened Fang Chuan's punch time and time again.

Under a series of explosions, Fang Chuan's fist strength had already blasted on Emperor Yao.


Emperor Yao made a stern cry, and his whole body flew out, covered in blood, looking embarrassed, but also with a pitiful attitude.


The Great Emperor Haotian roared, stepping on the mysterious footwork, came to the front of Emperor Yao, and took the Emperor Yao in his arms.



Everyone was dumbfounded, and they never dreamed that Emperor Vast Sky and Emperor Yao had an affair!

They suddenly understood why Yao Wuyue said those words before, because they all knew what Yao Wuyue was in these years.

Suddenly, the majestic and invincible image of Emperor Yao suddenly collapsed in everyone's hearts.


Emperor Yao looked weakly at Emperor Haotian, but a smile appeared on his face: "Thank you, you can save me at this time."

"I should."

Emperor Vast Sky nodded, then turned his gaze to Fang Chuan: "Boy, I underestimated you, I should take you down the first time."

He changed his words: "However, even so, you have only a dead end."


Fang Chuan shook his head and said with a sneer: "You are just a master of the first level of the Aperture Realm. With my all-out effort, you will only have a dead end."

"The power you just showed is really strong, and I admit that I am not your opponent."

The words of the Great Emperor Vast Sky shocked everyone. The Great Emperor Vast Sky admitted his shortcomings, so Fang Chuan was naturally the strongest in the realm of God.

However, the Great Emperor Haotian said again: "But, for Yaoer I can burn my soul and die with you."

He looked at Emperor Yao: "Yao'er, don't worry, I will guard your life, and your Yaochi realm will definitely continue to be brilliant!"


Emperor Yao suddenly burst into tears, and his body was constantly shaking. After so many years of waiting, so many years of persistence, after all, it was not in vain.

Even if she was given up by her own people and despised by her own people at the moment, all this is enough.

The Great Emperor Vast Sky can protect herself at this time, and use her life to protect herself, and her whole life will be enough.

She looked at Emperor Vast Sky: "You don't have to fight him hard, I believe you completely now, Vast Sky, I have a way to defeat him."

As she said, she almost tried her best, stretched out her hand a little, and a golden light appeared in front of her.

Fang Chuan looked intently, it was a golden lotus flower, but its breath was exactly the same as Fang Chuan's ten-fang jade seal.

It is one-eighth of the celestial seal fragment of merit!

This is the most noble thing that Emperor Yao has guarded all his life.

"Do not!"

One of the people in the Yaochi realm let out a roar: "Emperor, this golden lotus of merit is not yours alone, it is a holy artifact of our Yao people, you can't give it to the Xia people!"


This person is an elder of the Yao ethnic group, although not as good as Yaojin and others, but also has a very high status among the Yao ethnic group.

However, as soon as her voice fell, a thunder suddenly struck off, her voice was still in people's ears, but she let out a scream, and the whole person was directly turned into ashes.


Was beaten to ashes by the Great Emperor Haotian.


With a wave of his hand, the Great Emperor Haotian grabbed the Golden Lotus of merit, and then a golden light poured out of his body, turning into a ten-point wishfulness.

Shi Fang Ruyi is another one-eighth of the Heaven Seal Fragment of Merit in the hands of Emperor Vast Sky.


The great emperor Vast Sky’s laughter resounded in the sky, and as his handprints were printed, the merits and merits of the golden lotus merged into one.

Shifang Ruyi seems to be composed of ten golden shining Ruyi, pointing in ten directions.

The light flashed, and in the middle of the ten directions, there was a lotus flower with golden light. Suddenly, the golden light of merit was scattered between the heaven and the earth and gathered on the ten directions.

At that moment, the aura of Emperor Vast Sky suddenly soared, and the aura of merit in his body had already surged, turning into golden dragons, roaring up to the sky, and the dragons roared thousands of miles away.

At this moment, the appearance of Emperor Haotian was extremely majestic.


Emperor Yao had lost his merits, Jinlian, and his injuries were too serious, his body was bleeding, and his expression languished, but suddenly he found that Emperor Vast Sky changed her eyes.

Contemptuous, cold, unfeeling...

Emperor Yao suddenly felt as if his heart was severely pierced by 10,000 knives, and his face showed despair and sorrow.

She suddenly understood.

Everything is understood!

The Great Emperor Haotian was with her for the sake of merit, but later, he gave birth to an illegitimate daughter with her.

But now that the merit of Jinlian is in hand, Emperor Haotian no longer conceals his disgust.

He hated her from beginning to end.


"Why?" Emperor Yao asked quickly.


Emperor Haotian sneered and looked at Emperor Yao: "I, Xia Haotian, dominate the heavens and the earth, but for the sake of my merits, Jinlian lied to you, and even deceived your affection. And you have always been guarded against me, knowing that Today, you completely believe me."

He said coldly: "Why do I like you for such a woman, why don't I hate you?"


After the Yaodijun heard this, desperate blood spurted out of her mouth, her injuries could no longer be sustained.

At this moment, she was discouraged, she had no idea of ​​living, and a mouthful of blood came out. She smiled sternly and didn't want to speak any more.

Tears flowed down.

She actually loves Xia Haotian deeply.

It was only because of the rules of the Jade Lake Realm that she concealed her love, and for the sake of the Jade Lake Realm, she did not want to give the Golden Lotus to Xia Haotian.

However, Xia Haotian had such an attitude.

She was desperate.

She smashed to the ground at an extremely fast speed, however, everyone in the Yaochi realm didn't intend to save her.

"Master." Yao Wuyue was in a complicated mood. After struggling, she turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Emperor Yao.

"Fang Chuan, after three days, I will take your dog's life." The Great Emperor Haotian didn't even look at Emperor Yao. He turned into a ray of light and left the Yaochi realm.

Everything went quiet.

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