The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2746: Break through again, Golden Core Realm Eightfold!

The light of merit, restrain all evil.

Fang Chuan played the Shifang Tianlun, and immediately felt a sense of anti-repression, and immediately controlled the Shifang Tianlun to spin even more powerfully.

With a squeak, the ten blade wheels of the Shifang Sky Wheel had already cut off the opponent's white bone scepter in an instant.


The bone spirit of the second layer of the Aperture Realm let out a scream, and quickly wanted to retreat, but it was too late, and the Shifang Heavenly Wheel had locked him in.

With a squeak, the ten-pointed heavenly wheel slashed directly on his body. Although he reacted at that instant, not only did he stir up the sky of corpse poison to resist, but also quickly moved his body sideways.

His arm, attached to his shoulder, was chopped down at once, and instantly melted by the golden light of the ten-square heaven wheel.

He let out a scream, and quickly backed away.

He showed a look of fear.

The white bone robe on his body was also shaking, which seemed to represent his inner fear.

His power is clearly above Fang Chuan, but because of this ten-point heaven wheel, he was suppressed and he was plunged into crisis.

"Ha ha."

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, which is also his confidence here, because he knows that the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit in his hand can completely restrain these evil spirits.

He raised his hand, and immediately, the Shifang Heavenly Wheel returned to his palm, still spinning at an extremely fast speed.

He looked at this already somewhat panicked Bone Spirit of the Out-of-Aperture Stage Dual-Stage Bone Spirit: "You are indeed very powerful, but it is a pity that you can't exert your power in front of me. You can say it was my surprise."


As soon as his voice fell, the ten-square heaven wheel immediately rotated, carrying the power of pill fire and thunder, like a thunder wind fire wheel, and instantly smashed the past.

"Do not!"

This bone spirit was originally the king and hegemony here, as long as the horror inside the bone mountain does not exist, it will be unmatched.

However, his power was completely suppressed.


The sharp blade of the Shifang Heavenly Wheel cut into the bone spirit's neck, and both Pill Fire and Thunder erupted with terrifying destructive power.

With a burst, and with the scream of the bone spirit, the second-tier bone spirit in the out-of-aperture realm was also turned into ashes.

A group of more powerful, containing a stronger aura of the Aperture Realm Law, remained in this space.


Under Fang Chuan's control, the Shifang Tianlun returned to the pubic area, and returned to the Shifang Yuxi.

Fang Chuan teleported, and he was very satisfied with the surging power before he came to the aura of the Out of Aperture Realm.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he pocketed the Law of Exiting Aperture Realm.

Whoosh whoosh...

Pieces of the best spirit stones were shot out and landed in different directions, forming a defensive formation.

In the formation, some auras out of the Aperture Realm were released, giving this formation a more powerful defensive ability.

Unless it is a strong man who is out of the Aperture Realm and is constantly attacking, this formation can completely protect Fang Chuan's breakthrough.

"Since the energy is already in hand, let's have a chance."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, floating in the air, sitting cross-legged, the pill fire tactics turned, the pill fire in the dantian immediately burned.

The ten square jade seals also shined with golden light, forming a golden dragon of merit, swimming in the huge world of pubic area.

At that moment, Fang Chuan's Dantian seemed to have a supreme miracle.

After Shifang Yuxi entered Fangchuan’s Dantian, it had already produced a subtle change, not only changing Fang Chuan’s body, but also Fangchuan’s Dantian.

It can be said that Fang Chuan's dantian is moving in a direction that is not clear to him as Xianzun II.

However, this is exactly what he needs.

If he wants to break through the realm of Immortal Venerable, he must find another way and not repeat the same mistakes.

The current state is just right!

Boom, boom——

The cultivation base barrier above the dantian became more and more solid and simple, containing special power, which was very different from the previous barriers.

And the breath surging behind it surpassed before.

The aura of leaving the Aperture Realm came directly from the mustard space to the Dantian, which almost caused a shock in the Dantian.

If it weren't for Fang Chuan's control ability, which far surpassed his current realm, I'm afraid Dantian would have exploded.

Of course, for him, he has no fear.


With Fang Chuan's thought, the qi in his dantian suddenly turned into a terrifying cannonball, bombarding the past one after another.

Inside the pubic area, there was a frantic explosion.

The severe pain has surpassed before, but Fang Chuan's ability to bear it has also surpassed before.

If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight.

If he wants such a quick breakthrough, he must endure the corresponding pain, which he had long expected.

Moreover, this painful training also greatly improved his spiritual consciousness.

Boom, boom...

I don't know how many times I have manipulated the zhenqi in the dantian, and the barrier of cultivation level that was horizontally on the dantian, the portal that has never changed, has finally loosened.

Fang Chuan's face had become very pale, but he continued.


In the cracks of the repair base barrier, some breath behind the door poured out, and his dantian immediately overwhelmed the river.

"It's now."

Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled, and he played one after another, and immediately, the aura of the exit-out-aperture realm hidden in his body began to decompose.

The first group decomposed, turned into extremely terrifying energy, and mysterious laws.

The energy is concentrated in the true qi, so that the quality and quantity of true qi have been drastically improved.

At the same time, the Law of Exiting Aperture Realm has also been submerged in the dantian, which has been transformed.

The dantian was expanding, and at the same time, spatial crystal walls appeared at the end of the dantian.

The law of exiting the orifice realm blended into it, immediately causing the crystal walls of the space to creep, and crystal clear spatial contexts appeared.

Fang Chuan's strength also increased sharply.


Fang Chuan's will has reached its apex. He has ignored the pain that is beyond human endurance, manipulating even more terrifying true Qi, and blasted towards the door of the cultivation barrier.




Once, again, and again, he was completely red-eyed, with a feeling of breaking through, and he kept blasting away.

In fact, every time he breaks through, it is a ruin.

Extremely ferocious!

Time passed by a little bit.

The aura behind the portal gradually fell into Fang Chuan's Dantian, and coupled with the laws of exiting the Aperture Realm, Fang Chuan's Dantian became more and more world-like.

The world is becoming more and more clear.

A kind of indifferent aura has also appeared, this is the aura naturally produced in his dantian.

This is a ground-breaking practice.

"Break it for me!"

Finally, following Fang Chuan's hoarse roar, the Twenty Regiment's Law of Exiting Aperture Realm was decomposed, and the portal finally burst.

A tyrannical aura burst out of Fang Chuan's body.

His body was trembling constantly, and both his true energy and physical strength had been greatly improved. The Seventh Level of the Golden Core Realm is reached!

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