"Meet again, arrogant kid."

Nightmare Wutian appeared in front of Fang Chuan wearing a black robe, with a light smile on his face.

He had already become hostile to Fang Chuan before. At this moment, he even invited his companions, and finally found Fang Chuan.

The five of them shot together, and he thought there was no problem at all.

"Boy, hand over all your things, sign a contract with us, and become our slaves. We can consider letting go of your dog's life."

Jinnaruo also said with a sneer, with a kind of joking.

Nightmare Wutian has said before, this kid is just a little weird, and he is not confident enough to take it down.

Otherwise, Nightmare Wutian would have already started.

Now the five of them are all masters at the first level of the Aperture Realm, and together they can be said to be invincible.

If they hadn't had the Heaven Seal of Merit and Virtue, and they had been accustomed to acquiring resources near Jianmu World, they would have been competing with the Four Great Emperors for the world.

"you guys?"

Fang Chuan looked at Nightmare Wutian and the others, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He had warned Nightmare Wutian before, and he didn't take any action at the time because he didn't want to make extra branches.

Now he has no worries, his goal has been achieved. Since these clowns are coming to die, he doesn't mind killing them one by one.

Although, each of the five of them can be compared with the four emperors.

However, Fang Chuan is not enough now.

He said calmly: "Your life has entered the countdown, cherish every word you say now, and every breath of air you breathe."


"This is the first time I have seen such an arrogant kid!"

"The cemetery of the demon of heaven is the site of our brothers. You dare to be so arrogant. It's a miracle to live to this day."

These five people all laughed. In their opinion, Fang Chuan was a fool who couldn't help himself.

"The same, I will give it to you."

Nightmare Wutian smiled faintly, a light flashed in his hand, and a black long whip was added, which contained evil spirits and evil laws of heaven and earth.

Afterwards, his eyes stunned, his wrists shook violently, and the long whip in his hand snorted, turning into a sky full of whip shadows, forming a lore domain.

Boom boom boom -

Where the whip shadow passes, there are endless explosions.

The strength of Yizhong of Leaving Aperture Realm was fully revealed.

Fang Chuan is completely enveloped!

"Ha ha."

In the face of such a terrifying attack, Fang Chuan just smiled faintly, then waved his hand, banged, and a whirlpool-like fluctuation erupted from his hand.

The wave impact passed, and the law of heaven and earth exploded with terrifying lethality.

In an instant, the whip shadow cast by Nightmare Wutian suddenly exploded, and the power of terror was backlashed on Nightmare Wutian's body.

"No, help me!"

Nightmare Wutian was taken aback and felt the terrifying power released by Fang Chuan. He quickly roared, and at the same time shot out a defensive black light, forming a powerful light shield.

However, within a moment, the light shield broke.


Before his voice fell, the fluctuations Fang Chuan made casually had penetrated his body.

Power was raging in his body, and his whole body was shaking. At the same time, his eyes widened and he looked at Fang Chuan in disbelief.

"No, it's impossible..." Nightmare Wutian glanced away for the first time, and he did not expect that Fang Chuan was so powerful.


"Obviously there was no such powerful before!"

"No heaven?"

Jinnaruo and the others were still waiting to see Fang Chuan being forced by the nightmare lawlessness, as if they would take action when necessary.

However, before they had time to do it, Nightmare Wutian was directly beaten by Fang Chuan with no power to fight back.

The power Fang Chuan displayed completely shocked these people.

"Kneel down."

Fang Chuan said faintly, with a sword-like gaze falling on them, suddenly making Jinnaluo and the others tremble.

At that moment, his gaze was like a king who ruled the world at the same time, so they didn't have any idea of ​​resisting.

They are just some evil ways and meditation. They have great self-esteem in front of people who are weaker than themselves. In the face of life and death, they choose to live and give up dignity.

Flop, flop...

They had already lost all their confidence at this moment, who were initially aggressive, and knelt on the ground following Fang Chuan's words.

They shivered.

The person who can easily label Nightmare Wutian like this must be someone who can easily kill them in seconds.

They worry to the extreme.

"Who are you, why do you have such a cultivation base, but you are unknown in Yizhongtian?" Fang Chuan glanced at them and asked indifferently.

"Returning to the Lord, the world of Jianmu has emerged from the heavens, and the area under the jurisdiction of the four emperors, as well as the area where we do not care." Jinnaruo quickly said: "And we are the people who survive in this area. We used to be in the same heaven, the people under the four great emperors, but because of committing things, we were exiled here, but we did not expect to have the opportunity to cultivate

At this point. "

He added: "Although we are strong, we also understand that we still have a certain gap with the four great emperors, and we don't have as strong power as them, and we are free here. Although it is a bit dangerous, there is still room for survival."

He glanced at Fang Chuan and forced a smile: "So, we are willing to stay here, and we have practiced evil ways."

"Very good." Fang Chuan was very satisfied with his attitude. He needed such a person. He waved his hand: "In your current state, it is even more difficult to break through. Now I have a plan, you can listen to it. One listen, if you want, I can give you one

An opportunity to follow me. "

"We are willing."

"We are willing."

These people answered almost unanimously, which shows that they have actually suffered a lot here, so they cherish their lives so much.

These people finally invested in Fang Chuan's command, especially when they knew that Fang Chuan intends to integrate the realm of God with the mortal world, and make the laws of heaven and earth complete.

They are extremely supportive.

Fang Chuan asked them to open their hearts, planted some spiritual seeds, and completely transformed them. They did not resist at all.

Nightmare Wutian did not die, Fang Chuan instead used Qi therapy to completely heal him, and at the same time taught them some suitable Out-Aperture Realm Saint-level techniques.

These people are even more loyal and grateful to Fang Chuan.

"Master, Taoist Zhenyuan has a little contact with us. He has also contacted us before. If you want to find him, we will go with you."

Nightmare Wutian said with a smile, at this moment, he has a feeling that his life has changed greatly.

Jinnaruo also said: "The Taoist Zhenyuan actually has several clones, it seems that because he also possesses a magic weapon of the Heaven Seal Fragment of Merit, the master can seize it."

"Okay, let's go now."

Fang Chuan nodded and waved his hand, leading them directly out of the Demon's Cemetery.


After they left, the avatar of the statue's life appeared behind them, frowning, revealing contemplation.

His clone had the dual cultivation base of the Aperture Realm, but he was not sure to defeat Fang Chuan today.

Moreover, he had a feeling that Fang Chuan could not be suppressed. "Follow me!" He thought about it, and turned into a ray of light, and followed.

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