The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2768: Hao Di Shan surrender

When everyone saw Fang Chuan's figure, everyone was relieved, of course, except for Emperor Xia.

Zhenyuan Taoist and others, they knew that if Fang Chuan died, Emperor Xuanyuan and the lunatics might really kill them all.

Emperor Xuanyuan and the others, from the bottom of their hearts, hope to see Fang Chuan alive.


Fang Chuan nodded and looked at Shennong Ziji and the others: "I have seen your center. Actually, I have already returned before the passage exploded. It is impossible to do anything to me when a small space collapses. "

His gaze fell on Taoist Zhenyuan immediately, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "You are a very restless person. This time I will not kill you because you organized these people and handed in the fragments of their merits. The reason is in my hands."


After he finished speaking, a slap in the air and a slap in the air, there was a tearing wind in the space, and a slap in the face of Taoist Zhenyuan.

The moment the slap sounded, Taoist Zhenyuan flew out, spinning several times in the air, before falling dozens of kilometers away.

His face was hurt by the beating, and his body was affected by Fang Chuan's true qi, and the pain was unbearable.

"Mr. Fang, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

In this case, he had to stand upright when he was beaten. He knew how vulnerable Fang Chuan was in front of him. He came out to stir up the wind and the rain before, just because he saw that Fang Chuan might die inside.

Fang Chuan is still alive, he doesn't have any courage to fight Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan looked at Emperor Xia again, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "How about it, let's be disappointed, it's okay, I won't punish you, because you are still very useful."

"You--" Xia Di gritted his teeth, but was helpless. He understood the reason why he was still alive, just because of his identity.

He is very anxious. Once he loses the value of use, Fang Chuan will definitely behead him.

"All right."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said calmly to everyone: "Emperor Vast Sky and Desolate Emperor are already dead, I have collected two-thirds of the Heavenly Signs of Merit, and I have received orders from God. This realm of God is my final say. , Do you have any comments?"


"As it should!"

Almost everyone lowered their heads to answer.

Fang Chuan said again: "In this case, I want the realm of God to return to the earth, return to the world, and reproduce the ancient grand occasion, do you have any opinions?"


"Everything is arranged by Mr. Fang!"

Everyone answered in unison, in fact, they are also looking forward to the return of the realm of God to the earth, and the ancient grandeur presented by it.

They also need the complete law of heaven and earth!

Before, it was because Vast Sky and others were unwilling to let go, and wanted to control the world. Now that the opportunity came, they would naturally not let it go easily.

"Go back to Haodi Mountain first." Fang Chuan gave the order, and then flew towards the exit of Yizhongtian with the crowd.

The Four Heavens are already in chaos.

The death of Emperor Haotian was known to the people of Haodishan at the first time. At that moment, some ambitious people in Haodishan immediately jumped out.

And some people who swear to follow Vast Sky Great Emperor staged a fierce battle with them.

Of course, when this battle had not had time to reach the fiercest, Fang Chuan and the others took them all with absolute strength.

By this time, these talents understood that the realm of God had completely changed.

Fang Chuan sat on the dragon chair where Emperor Haotian usually sits, and looked at the people below with a calm smile.

At this time, there is quite a scene where he was the immortal venerable and the ten thousand immortals surrendered.

Of course, that sense of accomplishment is not at the same level as it is now.

"Mr. Fang, everyone in Hao Di Mountain has surrendered, and the treasure of Hao Di Mountain has been opened. Please check and accept it, Mr.

Yang Tai stood at the bottom with a smile on his face. Fortunately, he had been polite with Fang Chuan before, and he did not completely stand on the side of Taoist Zhenyuan.

He is now being reused by Fang Chuan, which makes him extremely excited.

Sun Sheng stood by and looked at everything in front of him. He also had an incredible feeling. He clearly had a powerful hole card and was ready to use it against the Four Great Emperors, but he did not expect that Fang Chuan had grown to this point.

The Great Emperor Haotian, who was equivalent to the fifth level of the Aperture Realm, was directly killed by him.

He is like to revisit the old place in the realm of God?


Emperor Xia and others knelt in a corner of the main hall. They were all members of the Xia family. They were held here by Fang Chuan and the others. They watched this person who was not from the Xia family gesticulating in the Xia holy land.



However, there is no alternative.

"Wu Tian, ​​the information about Jianmu World is left to you, as long as you don't kill Xia Di, you can do whatever you want."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and pointed to Xia Di, who was kneeling on the side, conveying pain and anger, and said to Nightmare Wutian.

Nightmare Wutian nodded, and knelt on one knee: "Yes, I promise to complete the task."

"Emperor Xuanyuan, Emperor Ziwei, Auntie, the three of you immediately return to your territory to find all the information about Jianmu World." Fang Chuan ordered again.

"it is good."



The three of them answered immediately, with some excitement, because when everything was ready, they were going to Jianmu World.

Jianmu World is also a very magical place for them.

They have this great expectation of returning to the world.

Emperor Xuanyuan is even looking forward to the so-called Yin Cao Netherworld together with Fang Chuan after returning to the world. He can't wait to see the most important woman in her heart.


After the three emperors said goodbye to Fang Chuan, they immediately turned into rays of light and left the hall directly.

"Yang Tai, you take me to the treasure house of the Xia clan."

Fang Chuan stood up, took a step, and teleported to Yang Tai's side.

"Yes!" Yang Tai quickly agreed.

Afterwards, Fang Chuan led Yang Tai, Sun Sheng, Luo Yao and Xuanyuan Yourong two daughters to the depths of Hao Di Mountain.

The treasure house of the Xia Clan is located in Haodi Mountain, a very deep secret realm.

The radiance of bright clouds passed from a huge portal, dazzling people, a huge formation exuding a powerful atmosphere, passed from the portal of the treasure house.

Fang Chuan and the others stood under this huge portal, appearing small.

"There must be many treasures in such a big portal. The Xia Clan must have scraped many treasures of heaven and earth after so many years in the realm of God!"

Sun Sheng rubbed his hands, showing a very expectant expression.

Luo Yao and Xuanyuan Yourong also stared at this magnificent portal, revealing the appearance of a wealthy fan.

Fang Chuan smiled: "After breaking this formation, I will know immediately. I believe this treasure house will not disappoint me!"


As he said, he played a series of tactics to break the formation...

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