Fang Chuan can be said to have gained a great deal this time. After coming to the realm of heaven, the resources in his hand have already undergone several leaps.

"It's a pity, I am now in the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm, and it is dozens of times more difficult to break through the Nascent Soul Realm than the Nascent Infant Realm to exit the Aperture Stage.

Fang Chuan also understands that he has reached the bottleneck, the real bottleneck, it is not so easy to break through.

No matter how hard he tried, if he didn't achieve the right opportunity, he wouldn't be able to break through.

However, the realm has reached a bottleneck, which does not mean that his combat effectiveness has no room for improvement.

Realm is just a kind of power, and combat effectiveness is a comprehensive manifestation of strength, skills, and exercises, perceptions, and magic weapons.

Of course, at his current level, there is no problem in defeating the five layers of the Out of Aperture Realm, and it will be even more powerful if he uses the destiny technique.

And the most important thing is that he possesses two-thirds of the celestial seal fragments of merit, so that his life span far exceeds that of others.

Generally speaking, the five hundred to eight hundred years old in the Nascent Soul Stage is already the limit.

It is barely possible to live out of the Aperture Realm between fifteen and two thousand years.

However, with his physical foundation, dantian level, and the blessing of the heavenly seal of merit, he has reached three thousand two hundred years old.

Therefore, it is different from before. In the past, life was burnt, and it was very dangerous to use fatalism, and he could only have one month of life remaining at every turn.

Now, burning a thousand years old, there is still left.

Vaguely, he also felt that it was the last moment and the last opportunity to return the realm of God to the earth.

However, Jianmu World seemed mysterious and mysterious, and it was not so easy to solve.

"Well, now that I have reached the bottleneck, I should hone myself even more. The practice in this life is much smoother than the previous life."

Fang Chuan had recovered his calmness, and collected everything in the mustard space, standing in the air volley, smiling faintly.

In his mustard space, there are countless refining materials, alchemy materials, and top-grade spirit stones.

Even if he was in the realm of cultivation, he was also a super rich man, completely comparable to the heads of the fifth and sixth sects.

He is already satisfied.


He teleported and left the treasure house.

Three days passed quickly, and everyone was almost recuperating, and Fang Chuan had a good life with Luo Yao and Xuanyuan Yourong.

The imperial immortal technique can be said to be infinitely useful. Although his realm cannot be broken through, it has been extremely stable during these three days of cultivation.

And Luo Yao and Xuanyuan Yourong, under his influence, can be said to have made rapid progress.

Coupled with the superposition of various resources and his alchemy techniques, he has refined many symptomatic pills for these two great beauties.

The breakthrough between the two of them is like riding a rocket.

Especially Luo Yao, her realm is not high, but her blood comes from the Yao Chi realm Yao female Yao Wu Yue, and her talent is even more extraordinary.

Compared to Xuanyuan Yourong, I don't know how much stronger it is.

Therefore, she actually had a feeling of coming from behind, and the two of them were directly promoted to the Ninth Stage of the Nascent Infant Realm in three days.

Only one step away can reach the half-step out of the Aperture State.

This is a miracle for others.

However, since it was from Fang Chuan's hand, it seemed natural again.

All the people were summoned to this hall by him, Shennong Ziji, Emperor Xuanyuan and others were also there, and Emperor Xia was also there.

In the past three days, Emperor Xia had experienced nightmares that he didn't want to mention again, and told Nightmare Wutian everything he knew.

The Taoist Zhenyuan and others were also completely honest, collecting information everywhere, and inquiring around Jianmu World.

In three days, their intelligence had been collected.

"Since the world of Jianmu is so mysterious, and Jianmu already has his own spiritual will, then I will meet him."

Sitting on the dragon chair, Fang Chuan looked at everyone, with a temperament that everything was under control.

He said again: "Auntie, Kinnaruo, you stay in Hao Di Mountain with Taoist Zhenyuan, and once Jianmu World breaks down, you will break Hao Di Mountain's Tianzhu!"

The Heavenly Pillar of Hao Di Mountain is an important support point for the realm of God, and Fang Chuan wants to repeat the old tricks and let the realm of God fall.

Of course, Jianmu is a key, and only when the world of Jianmu collapses can the Tianzhu of Hao Dishan function.



Everyone quickly agreed, and they also knew that the Heavenly Pillar of Hao Di Mountain was not trivial. Only when all of them were added together could they be broken.

Fang Chuan looked at Emperor Xuanyuan and others: "Emperor, Ziji, Wutian, and Brother Sun, you come with me and take Emperor Xia to build the wood world."

"it is good."

Emperor Xuanyuan and the others are naturally willing to go.

As for Luo Yao and Xuanyuan's tolerance, they must stay in Hao Di Mountain, this place is relatively safer.

After Fang Chuan bid farewell to Luo Yao and Xuanyuan Yourong, under their watch, he left Hao Di Mountain, and then turned into streamers, moving forward at full speed.

Jianmu World is actually a huge Jianmu that runs through the center of the four heavens and the earth, which is huge.

When Fang Chuan and the others came near Jianmu World, they could feel that they were as small as a cell compared to Jianmu World.

Jianmu World is divided into five circles, and each circle, like a halo, presents a whirlpool shape.

Very vast!

Moreover, in the world of Jianmu, powerful lives have been bred, all of which are plant life, but are born as human beings.

Just like Xia Di, he originally had the appearance of a person, but he had many plant characteristics.

Under the leadership of Xia Di, they successfully entered the world of Jianmu.

Entering it, their feeling is still vast!

On the first circle, huge planets are calmed down, just like Jupiter, all planets above the halo.

However, these planets are still a bit smaller than the earth.

"I don't know where my world is, and I don't know how I got out of it. After I left Jianmu World, I met my master Vast Sky."

Xia Di took Fang Chuan and the others to fly in the first circle of halo, and explained: "However, my memory tells me that if you want to enter the main body of Jianmu World, you must find the entrance!"

"Any circle has an entrance. Jianmu World has no hierarchy, because we are all citizens of Jianmu!"

As he spoke, they flew past a huge planet.

Fang Chuan's brows wrinkled and wrinkled, because the longer he stayed in this Jianmu world, the more familiar he felt.

But he couldn't remember how familiar it was.

They followed Xia Di to move on, and did not disturb the life on the planets in Jianmu World.

"I know!"

When Fang Chuan and the others came to a core like the sun, he suddenly remembered that he knew what Jianmu was!

He was shocked by himself!

Jianmu is the wood of the gods he encountered in the ruins in his last life!

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