The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2784: Ten directions holy sword

The patriarch of the sword clan suddenly felt an unbearable colic, which came from his brain, and the whole person bowed like a cooked lobster, clutching his head, and let out a tragic cry.


"not good!"

"Let's save the patriarch!"

The painful look of the sword clan leader made the sword clan people completely unbearable, roaring, driving the long sword, and killing him towards Fang Chuan.

They are like sword lights, and like meteors, they cut through the sky, running through in a row.


The sound in the air became more and more harsh.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan just smiled, then stretched out his hand, opened his five fingers, and made a bang, a dazzling light burst out of his hand.

Following that, the whole group of rays of light bloomed violently, making everyone's eyes blind.

"not good!"


The light swept across these people, but for an instant, they were completely melted together with their sword light and their swords.

The screams kept ringing.

The first batch and the second batch of sword clan rushing over did not have time to stop, and slammed into Fang Chuan's light, as if evaporated.

The third group was about to take action, and all stopped seeing the scene before him.

They are all shaking!

They have spent thousands of years in the secret realm, even fighting against some monsters in the secret realm for thousands of years, and have encountered many powerful enemies.

However, as terrifying as Fang Chuan, they encountered it for the first time.

Once encountered, let them completely collapse.

The sword clan members are not afraid of death, but at this time, they all stopped.

"found it."

The effect of soul search was very good. In just a moment, Fang Chuan had all the memories of the patriarch of the sword clan and found the location of the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit.

This is the sacred sword of the ten directions, a holy artifact of the sword clan.

However, none of them can use it, and can only bless their luck and swordsmanship through its merits and golden light.


Receiving the memory, Fang Chuan glanced at the sword clan chief whose soul had died out, shook his head and flicked his fingers, the sword clan chief suddenly exploded into powder.

"Do not--"


The sword clan people are crying!

They wailed fiercely and looked at Fang Chuan with hatred, but they had forgotten how many humans the Sword Clan killed as soon as they came out.

Many people in Dan Wangzong also died in their hands.

This is a war, and kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Fang Chuan knows this well.

His indifferent gaze swept across these sword races, their core strength was almost dead, so he didn't make any more moves.

"Leave the rest to you."

Fang Chuan confessed, one step, and he teleported to the mountain, outside the holy altar of the sword clan.


"It's human!"

The people who guard the Sword Clan’s Holy Altar are all strong among the Sword Clan, and two of them are still stronger than the Sword Clan’s patriarch.

However, even if the sword clan is destroyed, they will not leave the altar.

The other four people are their disciples and have spent their entire lives guarding the altar.

When they saw Fang Chuan, they immediately rushed over and stood in front of Fang Chuan. They had already sensed a terrible crisis from Fang Chuan.

"The Ten Directions Sacred Sword is mine."

Fang Chuan looked at them lightly: "You get out of the way, I can't kill you!"

"If you want our holy things, you must step over our bodies and kill them!"

These people had no room for negotiation at all, forming a sword formation in an instant, and then carrying the wind and thunder, they blasted towards Fang Chuan.

Boom, boom——

The splendid sword light shook out the thunder, and the sky was filled with dazzling light. At this moment, they burst out with terrible power.

"I don't want to kill you, not my kindness, but disdain."

Fang Chuan shook his head, stretched out his hand to push, and there was a loud bang, and the force of terror gathered into a huge palm and pushed it violently.

Boom, boom——

The powerful sword aura of the six opponents suddenly burst open when they encountered Fang Chuan's innocent palm.

Bang bang bang...

The six swords were broken.

They flew out and landed on the ground, their internal organs had been shattered, their eyes widened and looked at Fang Chuan.

Their strength can be said to have reached the extreme.

However, in front of this person, they are so vulnerable, which is really unacceptable.

"The Sword Clan is gone, the holy relic does not need to exist."

Fang Chuan glanced at them, then stretched out his hand, and several fireballs hit these people, but in a moment, these people also turned to ashes.

Everything they stood by was wiped out after encountering a strong enemy.

Their souls carry a kind of sorrow.

Fang Chuan waved his hand, a sword light shot out, snorted, and directly shattered the barrier guarding the altar with the momentum of thunder.

A burst of light emerged from the altar and turned into a fierce sword, slashing towards Fang Chuan at a very fast speed.

"Small bugs."

Fang Chuan shook his head. This sword can kill all the monks below the Aperture Realm, and the masters of the First Aperture Realm will also be seriously injured.

However, in front of Fang Chuan, it was much worse.

He just waved his hand, a guarding light blocked in front of him, with a bang, the sword light was blocked by the light, and then shattered.

Great shock.

A crack appeared in the altar.


The Ten Fang Sacred Sword that was protected by the altar suddenly showed a dazzling light, and then rose from the altar, seeming to be impatiently flying towards Fang Chuan.

It felt the breath of the ten square jade seals on Fang Chuan.


The Ten Fang Sacred Sword was fixed in front of Fang Chuan, and each of the ten positions had a golden long sword engraved with special runes.

Each long sword seems to represent a kind of swordsmanship, a kind of killing.

The light of merit, shining in it, is uncertain.

"bring it on."

As soon as Fang Chuan spread his hands, Shifang Yuxi immediately emerged from his pubic world, revealing itself, and a sound of dragon chanting came.


And at the next moment, the ten-sided holy sword was immediately shrouded by the golden light of the ten-sided jade seal, and gradually shrank, and then returned to the side of the ten-sided jade seal.

With a hum, the aura of the Shifang Yuxi rose again, exuding a more majestic, noble and mysterious aura.

The ten-square jade seal is already more than two-thirds of the heavenly seal of merit, and the mystery is more and more revealed.

Now, only two of the ten sides of the ten square jade seal are left empty.

That is, there are two magic weapons of the Shifang series out there.

Fang Chuan immediately sensed that from a certain dimension, a strong aura was transmitted. It seemed that as long as the Shifang Yuxi was completely collected, he could draw power from this space.

Once he has such power, Fang Chuan's strength will be greatly improved.

He even felt that the level of his physical body was about to break through again!

The feeling of Juxia flying up makes him very comfortable!

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