The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2796: The gate of life and death, the gate of ghosts

Fang Chuan was the same, he was very excited, because once he entered the underworld, he might find his parents.

It's been many years.

Especially in the first year, I can dream of them almost every night.

It wasn't until Fang Chuan's soul merged with King Dan Xianzun that he really came out of that pain, because he saw hope.

Finally, the long-cherished wish will come true.

Only one step away from dreams.

Of course, he was also a little nervous. Once a person died, he still had a chance to enter the underworld, but if the undead had an accident, his soul would disappear.

No matter what, he can only move forward at this time, never back.


The three figures of them rushed into the underground palace at an extremely fast speed.

Today's underground palace has been occupied by some demons. Now humans are becoming stronger and stronger. They have nothing to hide and can only survive in the cracks.

The dark environment of the underground palace, inaccessible to people, has just become a place for them to multiply.


Skynet was so elusive and not leaking, Fang Chuan and the three of them became their nightmare.

Boom, boom——

There were loud explosions from the underground palace, and the screams continued. All the demons who encountered Fang Chuan and the others were no doubt turned into ashes.

Even if the world has changed, it has brought them great gains, but it is impossible for them to have room to fight back in front of Fang Chuan's trio.

More than a thousand demons, the most powerful have already left the Aperture Realm half a step, but unfortunately, they have also been bombed into scum.


A tragic cry rang and a bang, and the last demon was blasted into ashes by a flame that Fang Chuan protruded.

Fang Chuan and the others have reached the deepest level of the underground palace.

Fang Chuan didn't dare to go deep, because there were many monsters hidden in the underground palace.

The monsters on the periphery have been cleaned up by the demons.

And the monsters in the deep layers are the undead spirits who have not entered the underground palace, absorbed some of the atmosphere of the underground palace, and become strong under the influence of the underground palace.

However, Fang Chuan and the others walked through the depths of the underground palace, and these monsters didn't even have the courage to come out. When they encountered Fang Chuan's breath, they immediately fled.

A huge and simple teleportation formation appeared in front of Fang Chuan and the others.

It seems to be a uniquely shaped portal, with a huge gourd shape in the center, and two huge circles are two vortexes shining with light.

The words ‘gate of life and death’ are written on this huge portal.

"Behind the gate of life and death is the ghost gate."

Sun Sheng said to Fang Chuan, "The Gate of Life and Death is a teleportation formation, one that can send you to the Ghost Gate and enter the underworld."

He paused: "The other one, teleporting you to Outland, where there is no air, no aura, and no way back."

He said again: "This is the so-called, one foot is born, one foot is dead, everything depends on strength and luck."

"Brother Sun, just speak up if you have something to say." Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile.

"You guessed it right, what I mean is to let you crack this formation, let us directly enter the Shengmen, to the Guimenguan." Sun Sheng smiled.

"it's actually really easy."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, took a step forward, and looked at the huge portal of the teleportation formation in front of him, and his consciousness was also swept out.

The gate of life and death, for him, although simple, can not be careless.

Once he made a mistake and entered the Outland, it would be difficult for him to come back.

Who knows where Outland is?

However, he is even more wondering, where is the underworld?

Is it in a normal world, or on a planet they are familiar with?

Mankind’s knowledge of the universe is very small. Even the sesame mung bean is not considered a solar system, and humans don’t know much about it.

My own satellite did not understand it clearly, and Mars was a preliminary visit.

As for the monks who leave the orifice realm, the primordial spirit does not necessarily fly that far, but rather enters a parallel space or a mysterious dimension to comprehend the mysteries of the universe.

While he was thinking, he was investigating the mystery of the gate of life and death through his spiritual sense. After a while, he had mastered the law of the gate of life and death.

The people who set up the gate of life and death are really too cruel.

The life gate and the death gate are constantly changing according to certain rules, unless someone really understands the profound meaning of this formation.

Or, master the rules of setting, otherwise, you can only rely on luck.

"I already know."

Fang Chuan retracted his gaze and looked at Sun Sheng and Emperor Xuanyuan: "Within a quarter of an hour from now, the family will be up."

He paused: "However, in fact, I really want to try, what is the outer domain that the dead door leads to."

"I advise you not to mess around, at least wait for you to be distracted or combined, at least you can save your life in Outland."

Sun Sheng rolled his eyes: "I haven't been to the underworld for a long time. Some people who want to kill are still waiting for me!"

He glanced at Fang Chuan: "Is the one above?"

"Yes." Fang Chuan nodded.

"I'll be one step ahead!" Sun Sheng laughed, stepped without hesitation, and went through the vortex above like an arrow, disappearing.

Fang Chuan couldn't help being taken aback, then smiled.

Sun Sheng is a very straightforward person, and a person who believes, he believes very much, which is really touching.

Fortunately, Fang Chuan joked with him from time to time.

"I've gone too." Emperor Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and stepped unhurriedly, turning into a sword light, and disappeared into the vortex above with a sigh.

Fang Chuan smiled and followed.

From a distance, the portal is very huge. When he rushed into the portal and came into the whirlpool, it was like an ant entering a cauldron.


The scene in front of him changed at an extremely fast speed, and a breath of death passed.

Then, with a flash of light, they came to a gate.

A Huangquan Road, not knowing where it came from, stretched straight to the front of the Guimen Gate.

On both sides of Huangquan Road, there is yellow turbid river water.

Three thousand weak waters, torrential.

A steady stream of dead spirits came from Huangquan Road and came to Guimenguan.

"keep quiet!"

"Don't cry, you are dead!"

The two ghosts are different, their majestic faces are maintained, and they make yelling sounds from time to time, and sometimes they slap the mourning stick in their hands at the unobedient dead spirits.

The undead who was beaten suddenly uttered a painful cry, and immediately became honest after being beaten.

The three of Fang Chuan suddenly appeared empty on Huangquan Road, and all the dead were stunned.

"Who are these three people?"

"We are all here, why did they fly here?"

"No, the man in the middle is so familiar, it is Fang Chuan, Mr. Fang, is he dead too?"

"Go away, how could Mr. Fang die, he is alive!"

Suddenly the undead on Huangquan Road were in a mess. 50% of them were Chinese, 30% were foreigners, and 20% didn't know where they came from.

But, 80% of people know Fang Chuan.

"Brother Fang, you are all celebrities when you are here, amazing, admire!" Sun Sheng chuckled.

"Who are you guys, don't you want to go back quickly!" The two ghosts guarding the ghost gate yelled at the dead while the other three roared.

Fang Chuan is no longer famous, and they will not be polite.

"court death!"

Sun Sheng's laughter stopped abruptly, and he was also a violent temper. With a bang, the iron rod became bigger with the wind and smashed over.

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