"Haha, this is my Fang brother!"

Sun Sheng laughed and put the iron rod on his shoulders, his eyes swept over everyone: "King Qin Guang, you can think about it, what will be the consequences of the shattering of the temple!"

"you guys!"

King Qin Guang was furious. As the king of the top ten underworlds, it was unbearable to be bullied by Fang Chuan.

With a hum, a black light flashed in his hand, and a long whip with bone spurs appeared in his hand.

He said angrily: "I'm going to see today, with the strength of the three of you, how can I level down my reception hall!"

Boom, boom——

The long whip in his hand slammed towards Fang Chuan, causing bursts of explosions each time.

The power of the Nine Layers of Leaving Aperture Realm, carrying a strong atmosphere of the underworld, formed a kind of terrifying power, constantly hitting Fang Chuan's body.


Fang Chuan stayed still, and the immortal-class aura emerged from his body, forming an absolute defense-like guardian light.

King Qin Guang's attack hit Fang Chuan without any effect.

"King Qin Guang, you did it first!"

With a roar of anger, Sun Sheng swept the iron rod, and a wave of terrifying power rushed out, and immediately swept all the ghost officials, ghost soldiers, and ghost soldiers present in the whirlpool of power.

Fortunately, Sun Sheng is only a warlike person, not a bloodthirsty person.

The ghost soldiers were directly blown out by this force, and fell on the square outside the reception hall, all losing the power to fight again.

"No, someone is strayed in our reception hall!"


The square outside the reception hall was also in great chaos, and the ghost soldiers and ghost soldiers who received the news from the judge rushed over.

"Give it all to my old grandson!"

Sun Sheng's screaming sound came out, accompanied by a terrifying force surging out, like a terrifying wave, blasting all the ghost soldiers and ghosts.

Boom, boom——

With a scream, these ghost soldiers and generals were all blasted hundreds of meters high, and the square was beaten to pieces by Sun Sheng's stick.


"It's messy!"

"What a great opportunity!"

As if the world was in chaos, the undead who were about to accept the sentence uttered a scream, and then ran towards the outside of the capital city.

At this time, all the troops gathered in the Hall of Reception, and no one cared about these running dead.

Boom, boom——

Fang Chuan was running the power of his body, running the power of nine candles, and he was fighting heartily with King Qin Guang.

He didn't use the Thunder God Arrow, just the Heaven and Earth boxing skills, and he fought like crazy.

King Qin Guang’s **** whip, containing the breath of hell, underworld, and the rules of underworld, constantly hit Fang Chuan.

The battle between two people was earth-shattering.

Fang Chuan laughed from time to time, obviously very comfortable.

"There's really no way, I knew that when I met Sun Sheng, the underworld would be in chaos, as expected."

Hei Wuchang quickly backed away. Under this level of battle, he didn't dare to approach easily, otherwise, all that was waiting for him would be ashes.

The judge led the ghost soldiers and generals, entangled with Sun Sheng.

Hei Wuchang looked around, gritted his teeth, and decided to help the judge to contain the terrifying Sun Sheng.

Otherwise, if he didn't do anything, he would have to let King Qin Guang pick up his skin afterwards.

"Your opponent is me!"

With a hum, a crystal clear sword light penetrated, Heiwuchang was taken aback, and the funeral rod ran the law of the underworld and slammed it over.

With a bang, the sword light exploded.

But then, the sword light like the tide, carrying the power of terror, came towards the continuous assassination.

Emperor Xuanyuan's Xuanyuan swordsmanship had been exerted to the extreme, and where this law was different, he could barely suppress impermanence.

"Haha, it's so cool. Today, you have to demolish this hall of reception. Life and death is a life and wealth is in the sky. Why can you hold a few notebooks to do the way for the sky?"

Sun Sheng laughed and struck out one stick after another. He moved the real fire, and some ghost soldiers and ghosts could not withstand his power at all and were directly smashed into powder.

The tragic cry came and went one after another.

"You little ones, continue to struggle with this uncle, and this uncle will kill you all!"

Sun Sheng's voice was like a thunder explosion, spreading throughout the capital city.

Those undead who ran out of the capital city of Fengdu were almost shaken by the ear-splitting sounds.

Many dead spirits were scared to crawl on the ground, as if the end of the world had come.

"You are too much!"

King Qin Guang was furious, and the **** whip was slammed frantically, with heavy whip shadows, and he continued to bombard him.

He said again: "You trespassed into my underworld and killed my ghost soldiers and ghost generals. It's just looking for death. How long can you stay here?"

Different laws and different spiritual powers, King Qin Guang's greatest reliance is the restriction of the underworld to living people.

In Sun Sheng's body the true energy was endless, but there was always a day out.

Last time, for this reason, he ran out of all the spirit stones on his body before leaving the underworld.

Otherwise, he would have to break this underworld last time.

Emperor Xuanyuan also felt the restriction, but he became more and more courageous as he fought. He wanted to use this environment to sharpen his swordsmanship.

Fang Chuan gave a sneer, and punched out again, directly blasting King Qin Guang's fierce whip shadow.

Space torn.

Energy annihilation.

He shook King Qin Guang back with a punch, and the flames of the Immortal Venerable Furnace ignited on his body. Suddenly, all the aura of the underground palace between heaven and earth gathered on him.

Beep Beep Beep...

A stream of pure power supplemented his dantian.

He smiled and said: "King Qin Guang, I'm really sorry, no matter what the law, no matter what the spiritual power and energy of the attribute, it is a big supplement to me!"

Boom boom boom -

After he finished speaking, Quan Ying burst out frantically.

"how is this possible?"

King Qin Guang's scalp was numb, and the whip shadow continued to agitate, but there was already a strong feeling that he could not resist Fang Chuan.

He knew that something serious seemed to have happened this time.

Back then, a Sun Sheng had already caused them heavy losses.

This time, there was another person who was terrifying, tough, and perverted.

"Stop playing with you!"

Fang Chuan shook his head, a golden light emerged from his body, and followed the Moon Blade with the golden light of merit, which penetrated out at once.


The power of disintegration emerged instantly.

King Qin Guang suddenly numbed his scalp: "Not good!"

He roared, and the whip shadows immediately overlapped in front of him, forming a powerful defense.


However, the level of the Moon Blade was originally raised by a notch, and the power of the cutting technique was also raised by a notch.

The moon blade penetrated, and King Qin Guang's defense instantly shattered.

"Do not!"

King Qin Guang let out a scream, and the Moon Blade instantly penetrated his shoulders, and the black blood burst out from the underground palace.

He directly smashed the throne on the hall.

King Qin Guang, with disheveled hair, was embarrassed.

However, he was relieved, after all, Fang Chuan spared his life at a critical moment.

"Tear down the hall!"

Sun Sheng's fierce roar was passed, and the iron rod turned into a sky full of cudgel shadows, blasting above the reception hall!

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