The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3336: Breakthrough, cross the peak of the Tribulation Realm!

"Unexpectedly, I will directly give me the accumulation of realm, let me directly break through!"

Fang Chuan was overjoyed, this kind of inheritance is generally rare, but this also shows that the other party is dead.

Only those who are dying can pass on their accumulation of realm to others and let others directly break through.

Fang Chuan knew that the opportunity could not be lost, so he hurriedly ran the "Pill Fire Technique", under the impact of the accumulation of realm when the bottleneck was loosened.


Half an hour later, his bottleneck was broken, and his realm suddenly rose to the first stage of the tribulation realm!

Just skipped half a step across the tribulation realm!

This is also the strength of Fang Chuan's physical body, otherwise, he would have to go through the painful process from one to nine products!


As soon as he broke through the Tribulation Realm, there was a thunderous thunder in the void, it was the Heavenly Tribulation!

From this moment on, any breakthrough he made in the Tribulation Realm would have to go through Heavenly Tribulation!

However, for others, the catastrophe is very terrifying, and it may fail directly and then be wiped out.

But for him, this is a good opportunity to train!

"Da Lei Yin Jian Qi, baptism!"

Fang Chuan flew up into the sky with a leap, and greeted the Heavenly Tribulation Cloud that had already accumulated. A Heavenly Tribulation Thunder crashed.

He ran the ten-point holy sword, displayed the great thunder sound sword aura, and began to fight the tribulation.

This time, what he experienced was still the Nine and Nine Thunder Tribulation of crossing the Tribulation Realm!

A thunder and lightning is more terrifying than a thunder and lightning, and one is faster than one.

However, his sword is also extremely fast, one sword at a time, and the sword aura of Da Lei Yin is constantly baptized under the catastrophe, and there is a taste of breaking through the current level.

In a blink of an eye, he had already smashed the seven or nine thunder tribulations and ushered in the eight or nine thunder tribulations!

Boom, boom, boom...

Every thunder and lightning is as thick as a bucket, and when it blasts, the laws between heaven and earth seem to be greatly hindered.

One by one, it seemed that they kept banging on Fang Chuan's body.

Fang Chuan's sword was no longer able to match the speed of this Thunder Tribulation. He almost took a blow with his body, and then the Great Leiyin sword energy smashed it.

In the blink of an eye, the Eight-Nine Thunder Tribulation ended.

At this time, Fang Chuan's physical body was also baptized, and at the same time, his dantian had undergone tremendous changes.


The mountains and trees gradually formed, a round of sun shining on the sky, and every world was full of vegetation aura.

The energy of the five elements is becoming more and more full!

His world has been completed. At this time, if a world projection is summoned, any Nine Tribulations Earth Immortal can be killed directly!

Because the weight of his world is already extraordinary, it also contains the extraordinary energy of the Five Elements, the breath of the Heaven Seal of Merit, and the breath of the Five Elements Holy Object.

The Nine and Nine Tribulations are here!

Boom boom boom...

Fang Chuan had no time to release the sword at this time, his body was filled with a powerful protective innocence, and at the same time, his body had reached the limit of defense.

A vague shadow of the world also appeared behind him.

A thunder and lightning blasted, and he blasted away with a punch, and suddenly the thunder and lightning exploded, and the terrifying thunder and lightning energy poured on him.

There were arcs jumping on his body, and each arc was enough to destroy a solar system!

But his body completely bear it!

Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation slashed out eight blows in a blink of an eye, Fang Chuan's body was already blackened, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his internal organs were severely damaged.

The final blow has been accumulated.

"This time, the thunder catastrophe is stronger than imagined!"

Fang Chuan took a deep breath, holding his breath, his body contained the aura of great body protection, and at the same time, his true energy had reached its limit.


The ninth ninth thunderbolt came, and the ten-fang divine mirror armor had already appeared on his body. Then, as the light shone, Fang Chuan was completely enveloped by thunder and lightning.

Constant roar!

The shock wave is everywhere!


Fang Chuan was knocked into the air so far, I don't know how far he flew in this dark space!

The dome of blood on his forehead exudes a **** light.

When he fell into this dark space, the robbery cloud had dissipated.


He exhaled heavily, cracks appeared on his body, but he showed a smile.

His body was shining, and his body was recovering at an extremely fast speed.

Zhen Qi also quickly undergone a sudden change, reaching the quality of crossing the tribulation realm, but his strength has reached the peak of the first level of the ascension realm!

Because, the power of the sky directly saved him from years of hard cultivation!

"It feels so good to break through!"

Fang Chuan clenched his fists, feeling the joy of the breakthrough, and at the same time, he had to admit that with the Celestial Blood Orb, his cultivation was much faster.

It is the breakthrough of a realm to the peak, this is an extremely long accumulation, the further the realm is, the longer!

Celestial Sky Blood Orbs can be said to have given him a great help.

Of course, he also knew that the Celestial Sky Blood Orb could help him at most in the mortal world. Once he reached the immortal realm, he would not have this advantage.

But, enough!

"The accumulation that Senior Iron Operator gave me is equivalent to the four levels of ordinary people's Ascension Realm, and the five levels of accumulation have dissipated."

"But it's enough, at least it can help me reach the fourth stage of the Tribulation Realm quickly!"

Fang Chuan smiled, and was even more satisfied. If he was allowed to accumulate by himself, it would be too slow. This kind of accumulation is really not that there is.

However, it is all right now, the fourth layer of the Tribulation Realm has almost no bottleneck, and it will not be long before he can break through as long as he feels it!

This has already saved a lot of effort.

You know, the more difficult it is to break through the realm later, if there is no such opportunity, Fang Chuan is the same.

This is good talent, not as good as luck!

However, generally speaking, people with good talents will not have bad luck!

"I don't know if people from Taixuan Sect know my realm, will they be scared to death?" Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile.

It only took him a few days to return to the Tianlong Empire, and his realm was rising like a rocket.

It took Jin Xuanning, the head of the Supreme Profound Sect, how many years it took to reach the first level of the ascension state from the Nine Tribulations Earth Immortal!

And other people have no chance for a lifetime.

"It's enough for me to get this inheritance. Now even if Long Wuao breaks through, I don't take him to heart."

Fang Chuan was full of confidence, indeed, even if Long Wuao was fierce, he would break through at most a realm.

But now, he is invincible in his ascent!

Who is he afraid of?

His eyes flashed: "However, I have to refine this cave, and then merge him with the previous cave to form a new cave and place it in my world."

"Next, I have to accept some good things into my world and make it more perfect. The more perfect the world, the greater the power!"

Fang Chuan took a deep breath, and then the divine consciousness began to diffuse, and while the light flickered, he had already begun to refine the world.


In a certain place in this world, Long Wu'ao was cultivating after breaking, and suddenly felt that his connection with this world was getting weaker and weaker.

He was surprised: "Not good!"

Boom-However, at this moment, his realm broke through!

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