The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3338: Long Wuao's value

"You may not want to listen, but I still have to say."

Fang Chuan stood proudly, looking at Long Wuao who was opposite: "I kill you as if killing a chicken. In my eyes, you are very pitiful."


What a proud person Long Wu'ao was. He trembled with anger when he heard Fang Chuan's words.

He looked at Fang Chuan angrily, a strong aura accumulated in his body.

He squeezed the knife hard: "I'm a peerless hero, how can you be so insulted, do you think you are really invincible?"

"Frankly, you can't pose any threat to me."

Fang Chuan shook his head, and then the sword light in his hand was already floating, and the golden sword light was constantly echoing, like a dragon.

He smiled and said: "I will give you a chance to accumulate your strength. If you can resist it without injury, I can let you go."

"Don't underestimate me!"

Long Wuao ran away completely, with a bang, his aura reached its limit, and then a red light flashed from him.

Then he slashed out with a sharp knife.

This knife exceeded his limit!

Daomang aspect!

"It's a pity, even if you use the secret technique to make your strength soar, you are just a first-time entry into the ascension realm."

Fang Chuan shook his head. He knew that Long Wuao's sword had already doubled before.

However, it's useless to explode!


As he said, with a wave of his hand, the large thunder sound sword energy accumulated before, like a golden dragon, whizzed through.

The latter came first, and with a bang, it directly penetrated the opponent's blade.

A deafening explosion!

Long Wuao's explosive sword energy also exploded directly at this moment!

Then, Fang Chuan's sword spirit remained undiminished, like lightning, hitting Long Wuao's body.

"Absolutely Dragon Qi!"

Long Wuao yelled loudly, and suddenly, a billowing dragon agitated his body, forming a powerful defense.

His Absolute Dragon Qi has already reached the ninth level, and his defense power can be said to be incapable of being defeated by ordinary ascension realm strong players.


With a bang, his absolute dragon aura still burst.

Fang Chuan's Da Lei Yin sword aura is too fierce, it is the baptism of countless days of calamity, plus the sword aura blessed by Shi Fang Lei Ling.

In just one click, Long Wu'ao's absolute dragon aura had been destroyed.


Da Leiyin's sword energy continued to penetrate, and Long Wuao's shoulders were directly penetrated. He was beaten for hundreds of miles, and finally blasted into a big pit.


This time, his injury can be said to have been extremely serious, and blood spurted out mouthfuls of blood, as if he didn't need money.

His aura was steadily weakening, and Fang Chuan's Great Leiyin Sword Qi continued to destroy his body.

His meridians and muscles have been greatly damaged.

"How?" Fang Chuan flashed before him, condescendingly, looking at Long Wuao who was lying in the pit like a dead dog: "I said, if you can be unharmed, I will Let you go. Unfortunately, you can't even stop me with a single blow, you

What qualifications are there to survive? "

As he said, he raised his hand again, and once again accumulated a ray of Thunder Sword Qi in his hand.


Murder came once again, and Long Wuao's whole body shuddered, he was terrified.

This time he was deeply scared!

He is a hero, knowing that if he dies, he will have nothing, and if he is alive, he still has a chance to recapture everything.

He doesn't want to die.

He struggled to stand up and looked at Fang Chuan: "I admit defeat, don't kill me, I still have use value!"

He is very smart, he doesn't need to talk nonsense, but directly tell Fang Chuan the reason not to kill him.


Fang Chuan smiled and nodded to look at Long Wu'ao: "Tell me, I also hope you have use value, because for me, killing you has no emotional waves."

Long Wu'ao's face darkened, but then nodded, and said with humiliation: "You know, we are trapped on this planet. It can be said that it is difficult to get out of the sky. ."

"I know this, say something I don't know." Fang Chuan said calmly.

"My ancestors had a good friendship with the Dragon Clan. He also came to this planet back then, and later returned to the Sky Dragon Star Territory and established the Sky Dragon Empire."

Long Wu'ao continued: "And I just know how to leave here, as long as you swear not to kill me, I can take you away, otherwise, you might stay here for the rest of your life."

He immediately looked at Fang Chuan with a dazzling look: "How is it?"

"It seems you do have a reason to live."

Fang Chuan nodded, because he still has no way to leave this planet. Although he has great deduction skills, he may not really be able to find a way.

Even to find out, it will take a lot of time and energy.

Now if he doesn't stay here for one more day, the situation in the Tianlong Star Territory will change a little bit more.

He smiled and said: "I promise you that on this planet, I can not kill you, but the premise is that you must take us out. If I find that you have lied, I will kill you immediately. This is a heavenly oath."

"No way!"

Long Wuao's eyes dazzled: "You can't kill me within a day after leaving this planet!"

"it is good."

Fang Chuan nodded: "I swear by heaven, within a day after leaving this planet, I will not be able to kill you."


An invisible force shrouded Fang Chuan's body, and after that, this special force quickly dissipated.

This is the oath of heaven.

"It turns out that this planet is still under the jurisdiction of Heaven!" Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile.

"Of course it is under the jurisdiction of Heaven."

Long Wu'ao breathed a sigh of relief, but his situation at the moment was also not good, because Fang Chuan's Da Lei Yin sword energy was still raging in his body.

He knew that it was impossible for Fang Chuan to heal him.

He can only rely on himself.

He hopes that he can stand after breaking through once, transform his right arm into a fairy body, and then break through the current realm.

When he breaks through, Fang Chuan won't worry about it.

"Okay, let's get out of here."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at Xuan Tong: "I have collected this world, and I will divide the resources in half."

"Thank you."

Xuan Tong was overjoyed. In fact, he didn't do anything since he came in. Fang Chuan is willing to divide him half, and he is not polite.

After all, he also spent a lot of thought and time for the information here.

But he felt that Fang Chuan was indeed a friend worth making.


Fang Chuan waved his hand, and a pale golden spatial ring flew into Xuan Tong's hands.

This cave mansion actually had a lot of resources, for Xuan Tong, it was enough to withstand his income for more than five hundred years.

As for Fang Chuan, afterwards, it was enough to cultivate to the fourth level of the Tribulation Realm.


Even if he cultivates to the fourth level of the Tribulation Realm, in fact, in the next situation, it may not be of much help! Not to mention, he now only has the first level of crossing the catastrophe!

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