The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3418: Collect victims

For the earth to be safe, Fang Chuan needs to destroy the nearby demons, and also needs to leave the surrounding star systems with an early warning array.

As long as the atmosphere of the demon is around, early warning can be obtained near Mars.

Therefore, he still has a lot to do now.

Hh hh...

After he left Mars, he immediately used the Great Move technique, and now the Great Move technique has reached the ability to cross the galaxy.

With a big move, he came to a star system near the solar system.

This star system is called Teresa Galaxy, similar to the solar system, the star in the center is Teresa.

Teresa is as fierce as it is, shining on the twenty-five planets of his galaxy.

His energy and area are much higher than the solar system.

Similarly, their galaxy also has civilization.

However, civilization is still only a constant star, and has not reached the star field level, otherwise, they would have already killed across the star system.

Between the star system and the star system, it is like between the countries.

Stars, planets, meteorite belts, and the edges of galaxies are all the territory of a galaxy, and the ownership of the border is very vague.

If the opponent's civilization has developed to the star field level, it can leave the star system, and the solar system will be eroded step by step.

The battle between civilization and civilization is also very cruel.

Fang Chuan had been in contact in his previous life.

The civilization of the Teresa galaxy has reached the constant-star imperial civilization, and twenty-five planets in the star system have been developed by them.

Calculated based on the average development speed of each planet for 20 years, in another 100 years, they can fully develop the planets here.

At that time, they will have to test out, once they have crossed the meteorite belt, they have passed through the dead zone between star systems.


They can formally invade the solar system.

As their technology and abilities have developed to a point, perhaps, within two hundred years, they will be able to hit the earth.


Fortunately, the earth is now developing rapidly, and its spiritual energy has recovered, and it has entered a semi-technical and semi-practical civilization.

If they really call, they might not please.

Of course, this is when Fang Chuan has helped the earth. Otherwise, with the original level of the earth, it would be no problem to be beaten through within a few hundred years.

At that time, humanity will either be completely extinct or become slaves.

The battle between civilizations is far more brutal and **** than the battle between human nations on earth.

"This Teresa civilization has developed so well. The Earth has never been able to observe that they have signs of life before!"

Fang Chuan frowned, but think about it, the Hubble Telescope is already the most powerful tool for mankind to observe the outside world.

But this does not mean that the Hubble telescope can observe the existence of civilizations higher than the earth's civilization.

Fang Chuan's location at the moment is officially a planet at the far end of the Teresa Galaxy, which is a gaseous planet, a wood-like planet.

This gaseous planet is generally only used as an energy star, but if it is to be developed, personnel must be stationed.

However, because it is too far away, and the energy on this gaseous planet is very unstable, it is difficult to develop, so Teresa civilization is still under study.

Occasionally a metal spacecraft flies over the planet at a very fast speed, which is an observation spacecraft.

Loaded with the most advanced detector of Teresa civilization.

However, it was impossible to detect the existence of Fang Chuan, an invincible powerhouse equivalent to the sixth level of the Ascension Realm.

And Fang Chuan's divine consciousness has completely enveloped this galaxy.

"Three hundred billion people?"

Fang Chuan was taken aback. Twenty planets were developed, but five of them were energy stars. Fifteen planets inhabited 300 billion people. On average, a planet has 20 billion people!

However, it is also normal, because in the solar system, the volume of the earth is not large, and it can hold nearly ten billion people.

It's just that 300 billion is indeed a bit more.

Fortunately, the Teresa civilization is a human race, and its appearance is not much different from that of the people on earth, but it is equivalent to the difference between black people and white people and yellow people.

Among them, there are blue blood people, and blue people...

"Since everyone is not a civilized person, it's not too much for me to charge some to my world, right?"

Fang Chuan thought for a while, but he wouldn't forcibly looting, after all, he wanted people to have the idea of ​​living and working in peace.


In Fang Chuan's spiritual consciousness, he suddenly sensed a huge earthquake on a planet.

He moved and came to this planet.

The water area of ​​this planet has reached more than 70%, but the overall land area is also larger than the size of two earths.

In a certain area, the planet experienced a violent earthquake, and the mountains and the ground broke apart, as if the end of the world had come.

All the residents were escaping frantically, and at the same time, a volcano erupted.

The volcanoes here erupt more fiercely than the volcanoes on earth, covering the sky, and the height of the magma flying into the sky can reach almost kilometers.

Tens of thousands of tons of magma were sprayed down in an umbrella-like manner.

All the residents fled frantically during the earthquake. The residents of this place lived in a domed metal house.

This kind of house is relatively backward in the Teresa Galaxy and cannot fly away automatically.

Moreover, in an earthquake of magnitude 9 or so, cracks appeared and there was a possibility of collapse.

This kind of situation is extremely rare in this kind of constant star civilization.

"Then you come on."

Fang Chuan smiled. According to his calculations, these people would never escape the volcanic eruption range. Once they were sprayed, their clothes with a certain defensive ability would not be able to resist.

Therefore, with a wave of his hand, his mental power was enveloped, and hundreds of thousands of residents, back and forth, disappeared out of thin air.

Their screams still echoed in the air.

And the person has disappeared.

Boom, boom...

In the end, the volcanic magma slapped on the ground, and the terrifying force was even more fierce than the earthquake.

This area was completely destroyed.

Even those high-strength alloy houses were completely melted...

The volcanoes here seem to be more ferocious than the earth, and the level of flames is higher.

"where are we?"

"Are we saved?"

"Is this heaven?"

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Fangchuan’s Dantian world. After they entered here, they found their language was strange.

However, they can not only speak, but also understand.

This was Fang Chuan's mental power that changed their thinking. For Fang Chuan, this situation was very simple.

He is now a **** to ordinary people!

Even stronger than the legendary god.

"There is information here, we have been digitized, my God!"

"There are still tasks, you can practice!"

"There is a mall!"

"But we don't have this so-called... Sichuan currency!"

Everyone soon discovered that there was an extra system in their heads. They all came from the constant star civilization, so naturally they would not be so ignorant that they knew nothing.

Then, they found that their location was an empty city with a majestic statue in the center of the city. This statue is naturally Fang Chuan!

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