The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3477: I missed a mount

Fang Chuan and Ziyun went to Fengqian's dojo.

And Fang Chuan's reputation has also spread, which has caused many people to dare not leave their dojo at will.

These heavens are very powerful, and in front of Fang Chuan, they are only shivering, not dare to provoke them at will.

Ziyun also didn't expect that one day, he would rob a house with such a person in the heaven.

This is quite different from her before.

She couldn't help but glanced at Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan said as he flew, "If I give you the soul of Ruo later, he is useless, but don’t let me see him. He dared to do something with me before to make me angry. Can't help killing him."

"it is good."

Ziyun nodded, and then she suddenly realized that she seemed to have forgotten Ruo's existence, which made her a little ashamed.

If for her, it is just like the brother.

She has experienced too much with Fang Chuan during this period, and almost forgot.

Not long after, they came to a floating island full of fire elements, and a roar came from the island.

Thousands of miles away from the island is full of heat waves.

Ordinary monks cannot approach at will.

"This is Feng Qian's dojo?" Fang Chuan smiled, and his divine sense scanned it.


Immediately, an enchantment surged around the island, blasting towards Fang Chuan's consciousness.


Following that, Fang Chuan's divine consciousness and Feng Qian's enchantment blasted against each other, and suddenly exploded violently, with waves of air surging.

Almost formed an energy storm.

With a bang, Feng Qian's barrier shattered.


On the island, there was an angry roar, followed by a man with gorgeous feathers and a feather coat appeared in front of Fang Chuan.

This person is Feng Qian.

He is a phoenix king who can compete with the dragon clan.

Among the heavens, the most powerful phoenix.

He looked at Fang Chuan coldly: "Who are you to dare to be presumptuous in my dojo?"

He looked at Ziyun again: "Ziyun, you came just right, and I happen to have something to look for you. If this person is your friend, let him go immediately!"

"Master Feng Qian." Ziyun leaned back.

Feng Qian is a powerhouse of the Ninth Level of Ascension Realm. Ziyun doesn't know how strong he is, but Ziyun knows that Feng Qian is definitely not something she can handle.

Fang Chuan looked at Feng Qian indifferently: "Huofeng, that's not bad, it happens to be a mount for me."

"What are you talking about?" Feng Qian's eyes spit out flames: "Are you deliberately provoking this king?"

"No, I'm telling the truth." Fang Chuan smiled: "Look at my pill fire, is it helpful to your fire and phoenix bloodline?"


As he said, the pill fire on his body suddenly surged out, and the surrounding heat was surging, which was stronger than the flames on Feng Qian's body.

"What level of fire is this?" Feng Qian was taken aback, but followed coldly: "Among the heavens, no one can make this king surrender!"

He looked at Fang Chuan again: "Your technique is good, tell me, this king will not kill you!"


Fang Chuan laughed: "Do you think I am discussing with you? In my eyes, you are already my mount."

"court death!"

Feng Qian was so angry that he let out a sharp cry, followed by a long spear in his hand and waved at Fang Chuan.


Fire Phoenix Spear!

In the blink of an eye, the Fire Phoenix Spear penetrated through, containing the power of the Ninth Level of Ascension Realm, and its destructive power can be imagined.

He is angry!

To kill Fang Chuan with one move!


His strength is actually similar to that of Xing Luohu, and stronger than the previous Heavenly Prince, but Heavenly Prince has the power to seal him.


The Fire Phoenix's Spear slammed in front of Fang Chuan, and Fang Chuan stretched out his hand and placed the tip of his finger on the Fire Phoenix's spear.

There was a loud noise.

There was a ripple on the tip of the Fire Phoenix Spear, and then it exploded, turning into pure energy.

Upon seeing this, Feng Qian's pupils shrank.

"Fengwu World!"

He roared, his spirits unfolded, and he condensed into a phoenix of fire, and slammed away at Fang Chuan.

Wherever it passed, a sea of ​​fire formed.

The terrifying high temperature is enough to melt any planet, and a star like the sun is not as hot as his flame.

The sharp cry is the cry of a phoenix.

This trick is enough to destroy the world.

"The strength is good, but it's still a bit worse for me."

Fang Chuan shook his head and waved his hand, forming a monsoon, which impacted the past. In an instant, the fire phoenix was suddenly impacted by the monsoon.

Boom boom boom...

The fire phoenix exploded, was shocked so much, and disappeared in an instant.

Feng Qian's expression was ugly.

Fengwu Nine Heavens was his fame stunt, which contained a powerful immortal law, but it was actually vulnerable to Fang Chuan.

"What other move, let you three moves."

Fang Chuan looked at Feng Qian indifferently, with a smile on his face, as if he did not put Feng Qian in his eyes at all, which made Feng Qian extremely angry.

"Fire and Phoenix Universe Circle!"

Feng Qian roared, and merged all his mana into a circle of burning flames, and then threw it at Fang Chuan.

The circle grew bigger in the wind, the flames became more intense, and the speed was extremely fast, and it rushed to Fang Chuan's head in the blink of an eye.

This is to melt Fang Chuan directly.

The surrounding space was distorted by this terrifying heat wave, forming a series of space cracks.

This is a very powerful magic weapon.

"This trick is not bad, but it's not enough to beat me."

Fang Chuan shook his head. He is now equivalent to the strength at the end of the second step of the Ninth Stage of Ascension Realm.

Although Feng Qian's move was good and powerful, it didn't affect him.


Fang Chuan waved to the Huofeng Universe Circle, and with a scream, an ice-bound power enveloped the Huofeng Universe Circle.

Then, the flames of the Fire Phoenix Universe Circle were extinguished by ice.


The circle of fire and phoenix also fell into Fang Chuan's hands, and he smiled: "This magic weapon is not bad, it is very useful to wrap your neck."


Feng Qian was so angry that he condensed a spear of fire and phoenix in his hand, and even rushed to kill Fang Chuan closely.

Behind him, a fire phoenix shadow formed a field of flames.

As soon as he rushed over, his momentum was impressive.


Fang Chuan raised his hand and punched in the air. The mana turned into a fist, and it blasted past, like a comet, at extremely fast speed.


Feng Qian was shocked. The momentum of Fang Chuan's punch had already made him feel the gap between them, but he still shot it out.

There was a loud noise.

Feng Qian's Fire Phoenix Spear shattered immediately.

And Fang Chuan's mana fist slammed into Feng Qian's body. Feng Qian's body was protected by a fire phoenix feather robe, and under the shining light, a defensive barrier was formed.


However, after only resisting it, it burst.

Puff—Following Feng Qian being hit by a punch, he flew out suddenly, pale and embarrassed.

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