The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3479: mutual attraction

Boom, boom...

When Fang Chuan thought, a flame popped out of his fingers, and the flame burst into the sky, forming a mountain-like cauldron.

With a wave of his hand, he threw the Ziyun sword and the sky-opening axe into the cauldron, where the fire suddenly surged and continued to refine.

The purple cloud sword shines brightly.

Kaitian axe also emits dazzling golden light.

Fang Chuan played a sub-treasure tactic, the light penetrated into the open sky axe, the open sky axe suddenly vibrated violently, and kept roaring.

The Kaitian Axe had spirituality and didn't want to be decomposed, but under Fang Chuan's spiritual power, he didn't have any resistance and began to slowly dissolve.

A series of talismans flew out, which represented the formation in the Sky Open Axe.

The laws of the immortal world gush out, making the flame of the entire cauldron doubled.

In the end, the Kaitian axe turned into a golden molten slurry, which is the body of Kaitian, possessing spiritual treasures.


Fang Chuan fought another treasure refining battle, and immediately, the formation method and immortal world law contained in the Sky Open Axe were directly integrated into the Ziyun Sword.

The Ziyun Sword shook frantically, even beeping, cracks appeared.

Obviously, its body cannot withstand so many rules and formations, because it has very powerful formations and rules.

But then, under Fang Chuan's mental effect, the essence of Sky Open Axe was integrated into Ziyun Sword.

This is not a very simple process. The law, formation and essence of the sky-opening axe are not completely matched with the Ziyun sword.

This requires a powerful refining ability to be able to neutralize and mediate.

The stronger the magic weapon, the more difficult it is to merge. Among the heavens, there are few that can do this.

But, it happened that Fang Chuan was one of them.

one day.

Two days...

This process was very complicated. It was not until the tenth day that the Ziyun Sword fully merged with the Sky Open Axe, and a strand of golden inscription appeared on the purple sword body of the Ziyun Sword.

It looks even more sacred.

And its quality has also directly broken through, reaching the true sense of the exquisite fairy artifact.

The laws of the fairy world contained therein are also rich and powerful.

Such immortal artifacts are very precious even in the fairy world, at least not every immortal possesses such immortal artifacts.


Fang Chuan waved his hand. After ten days of condensing, he finally succeeded. Then he waved his hand and the cauldron dissipated.

The purple cloud sword is brilliant, purple and gold, soaring into the sky.

Fang Chuan flicked his finger again, his spirit carved an inscription in it, and finally Ziyun sword let out a sword chant.


Ziyun felt the call from Ziyun Sword, and in the next moment, he had already flown out and landed in front of Fang Chuan.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Ziyun sword fell into her hand as if she had found a loved one, and then trembled, as if communicating with Ziyun.

"So strong!"

Ziyun realized the power of the brand-new Ziyun Sword. When he moved his spirit, the imperial sword slashed out. Suddenly, the sword beams crisscrossed.

Her swordsmanship has more than doubled.

The general seven-layer powerhouse of Ascension Realm is not her opponent.

"Huh, strange?"

Ziyun frowned. When she was using the Ziyun sword, she always had a strange feeling. It seemed that Fang Chuan had an illusion of spiritual communication with her at any time.

She couldn't help but look at Fang Chuan, feeling confused.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "I left my mark on your Ziyun sword. As long as you are in trouble, you can notify me and let me feel it."

With a wave of his hand, the Ten Fangs Sacred Sword flew out, and the Ziyun Sword suddenly became attracted and wanted to get away and fly towards the Ten Fangs Sacred Sword.

"This..." Ziyun flushed even more.

Fang Chuan said indifferently: "The Ten Fangs Sacred Sword in my hand can suppress the Ten Fangs, the heavens and the earth, and the universe and all realms can be suppressed, and there is also my brand in it. Therefore, Ziyun Sword will naturally get close to the king."

After listening to Fang Chuan's words, Ziyun finally understood it. In fact, it was because the Ziyun sword had Fang Chuan's mark, and the Shifang Sacred Sword also had Fang Chuan's mark.

Therefore, the two swords attract each other.

The quality of the Shifang Sacred Sword is higher than that of Ziyun Sword, so Ziyun Sword is more active.

This situation is exactly the same as that of Ziyun and Fang Chuan.

"thank you."

Ziyun knew that Fang Chuan was deliberately annoying her, but couldn't say anything wrong, so the other Chuan thanked him and wanted to leave.

Fang Chuan waved his hand, stopped Ziyun, and looked at her: "Next, I want to refine the clock of time. You can protect me."

"it is good."

Ziyun nodded, softened his hands, and softened his mouth. Fang Chuan wanted to practice, so she had to guard here.


At the next moment, Fang Chuan had already thought about it, and his spirit enveloped the entire Ziyun dojo. He flew to the uppermost sky and sat down cross-legged.

Then, the clock of time flew out.

The clock of time grows bigger in the wind, and on the body of the clock, there are countless ancient patterns painted, exuding the charm of time.

When Fang Chuan's force stimulates the clock of time, the time around the clock changes suddenly, giving people a sense of being cut.

Hh hh...

Fang Chuan's force controls the power of the clock of time, and in a moment, the surrounding time is constantly changing.

However, because he is not fully integrated with the clock of time, and cannot communicate with each other, he cannot fully control it.

After that, his mental power and mana were lost in it.

Lianbao decided to begin.


A wave of fluctuations came from the clock of time, and his spirit and soul alternated in the clock of time.

The clock of time is being refined.

A little, a little...time goes by.

About two days later.

Fang Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, and with a thud, the clock of time was completely integrated and fell into the world of Dantian following his thoughts.

With a buzzing sound, the clock of time merges into the law of the pubic world, hidden in the space of the pubic world.

The laws of time spread out.

The time of the pubic world began to accelerate.

The place where Fang Chuan’s parents and wives were, did not have any acceleration, but let them proceed step by step.

After all, time is life and relative.

For other people, the speed of time does not affect how they get along with everyone they are bound to, so it has no effect.

On the other hand, Fang Chuan is unwilling to let his family's time pass too fast.

Owning the clock of time and controlling the time law of the pubic world, Fang Chuan's realm has gained a considerable accumulation.

Originally, the Nine Layers of Crossing Tribulation Realm to break through the Ascension Realm required a lot of accumulation.

Today, he has accumulated more than half.

Moreover, he believed that once he had accumulated his foundation, he would definitely break through immediately. The thicker the foundation, the smoother the breakthrough.

Similarly, the stronger the strength after the breakthrough.

The best news is that under the action of the clock of time, Jianmu is growing rapidly, almost breaking through the seedlings and turning into seedlings. At that time, he will be able to absorb immortal energy from a higher dimension.

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