"This is Plane One. There are hundreds of billions of people here. How do you look for the Nine Sky Profound Girl?"

Ziyun is not good at calculating one, and even if their spiritual consciousness can cover the entire plane, they may not be able to find a person who wants to hide.

"Find it slowly."

Fang Chuan smiled: "By the way, feel the world of the mortal plane here, and experience it, maybe you can understand it."

"Good." Ziyun nodded.

But in fact, Fang Chuan intends to show miracles everywhere, and then fight for some faith.

The power of belief in this plane is very powerful and has formed a system. They have one more skill than humans on earth, and that is prayer.

On the earth, only priests, monks, and Taoists have the ability to pray effectively.

Although ordinary people also pray, their ability to communicate with ‘gods’ is much worse. This is the so-called lack of sincerity.

And almost everyone here has such power, they believe in different gods, and they can even pray for the power of some gods.

Used in their work, used in their lives, used in their battles.

With hundreds of billions of people on the plane, there are actually many places that are not human territory and have not yet been developed.

Therefore, the human gathering place on this plane is not close.

However, the war also happened.

Whenever there is a war, these people will pray first, and if they get feedback from the gods, they will have a powerful force to land on some powerful soldiers.

In this way, they have the sharpest weapons.

War is cruel, and death is inevitable.

"I'll go and see, you are here to help me protect the law."

Fang Chuan finished talking to Ziyun, a mental power directly solidified into a clone. After using the Reincarnation Art, he gained a brand new identity.

He fell in a city.

This plane is mainly similar to the ancient earth, but they all have the ability to pray.

Sometimes, you can get the blessing of air luck.

You should know that people like Fang Chuan have a lot of luck in their bodies. An average person can get good luck after a hundred millionth of his luck.

And some people pray for marriage.

This will allow other ‘gods’ to calculate for them, and then use a rule to guide them to meet.

And most of these gods are people from heaven.

Many people in the Mahayana and Tribulation Realms can already become the gods of these people.

Moreover, there are some people who have been humanized by the heavenly gate, allowing them to embark on the path of cultivation, and then become the spokesperson of God.

Sometimes, these spokespersons can fulfill some wishes for these people.

Fang Chuan walked among these mortals. Whenever someone needed help, he would show up and help them.

The time on the mortal plane flies quickly.

One year, two years...

Someone in this city already knows that there is a **** here, the Ksitigarbha god, who is dedicated to helping them.

There is also a Ksitigarbha temple in the city.

Fang Chuan also gained a lot of faith here.

After the news spread, some people in other neighboring cities also got the news, praying to Fang Chuan when praying that the **** they originally believed in was useless.

Fang Chuan's spirit will come to help them.

The spread of faith is very fast with the help of miracles.

Finally, he alarmed these **** servants, the **** servants were left by the people of the heavenly gate, and Ziyun did not manage this plane.

Therefore, she does not have a godly servant here.

"Who are you?"

A **** servant found Fang Chuan. At this time, Fang Chuan was already in another city, and he had already felt a lot about the mode of operation of this mortal plane.

He also knows the position of the gods here.

However, he has not found the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

"I am the **** of the gods you serve."

Fang Chuan smiled, looking at the few **** servants in front of him, these **** servants have nine levels of cultivation bases of the combined realm.

It is almost invincible on this plane.

Each of them is full of strong power of faith, and the power of faith of a **** servant exceeds one million ordinary people.


The **** servant snorted coldly, they never believed that Fang Chuan was the **** of the gods.

One of the **** servants said coldly: "You leave quickly, otherwise, if we communicate with our god, you will not have time to leave!"

"They dare not."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, no one from Tianmen dared to come to him, except the emperor, everyone knew that Fang Chuan could not provoke him.

He waved his hand: "You can try."

"You wait."

The **** servants are naturally unwilling and do not believe that their **** is an invincible existence for them.

So, they started.



Soon, a light burst from the back of their heads, then sank into the space, causing ripples.

After a while.

The ripples stopped.


The **** servant was surprised, why their previous prayers of trying Bailing were useless in front of this person.

And they also knew that their strength was too weak to do anything with this person, which made them very entangled.

"You can try again." Fang Chuan smiled again.

The **** servant gritted his teeth and prayed again.

However, it is still useless.

It seems that, as Fang Chuan said, their gods did not dare to come, nor did they dare to punish the man who claimed to be a **** in front of them.

"Look at me."

Fang Chuan smiled, his body soaring into the sky, and then incarnate thousands of people, densely floating in the air.

Then, for a moment, he swished and flew in all directions.

He smiled and said: "Within a year, this plane will be taken over by me, and I am the **** of this world."

He looked at the shocked **** servants again: "From now on, you will join other **** servants and become my **** servants."

"Impossible, we will not betray our God." The **** servant shook his head quickly.

"Then I will let you become ordinary people again and transform your abilities to other people."

Fang Chuan smiled, stretched out his hand, and touched a **** attendant.


The **** servant shook his whole body, and after that, a group of golden light rose in his dantian and mind at the same time.

"Ah!" The attendant screamed at the same time, with horror on his face.

But it was too late.

Fang Chuan grabbed the city again, and he caught a person who was still working, but suddenly came into the air.

He also saw the more prosperous gods and some legendary **** servants.

He was stunned.

"From now on, you are the **** servant of my Ksitigarbha." Fang Chuan said, and with a wave of his hand, the two beams of light extracted from the **** servant penetrated this person's dantian and mind.


Before this person could react, he felt a bit of pain, and as his meridians were penetrated, his strength expanded, his energy, and some knowledge were perfectly integrated. He exudes golden light and is full of divinity.

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