Boom boom boom...

They were walking, suddenly a figure rushed out in front of them, and then, a series of terrifying air waves impacted them.

It was a person who hit them with terror punches.

No skills, no inheritance, just absolute power.


Yi Jianqiu frowned, but the reaction was extremely quick. The opponent's absolute strength was very strong, but it was definitely not their opponent.

He knew that he had to make a move.

Therefore, he drew his sword, and Feiyunyi Tianjian's sword vigorously slammed directly towards the opponent.


The Feiyun Yitian Sword is already a real fairy weapon, its sharpness is extraordinary, and the sword aura that is excited is even more lethal.


The opponent's pair of iron fists could actually blast his fairy weapon.

Upon contact, the surging power shook the entire space, the surrounding stone walls cracked, and the stairs appeared cracks.

This has reached the level of ascension realm.

However, the stone walls here are very hard.


Yi Jianqiu pierced with a sword, broke through the opponent's chaotic fist, and pierced the opponent's chest, sparking sparks and sparks.


Yi Jianqiu repulsed the opponent with a single sword, with a shocked expression on his face. The opponent had no magic weapon and used his body to resist Yi Jianqiu's Feiyun Yitian Sword.

This shocked Yi Jianqiu.


The man was full of murderous aura, with long hair and a body like an iron tower, looking like a huge savage.

He was savage and angry.

Raising an iron fist, bang once again!


Fang Chuan shook his head. With a thought, the savage was immediately suppressed to the ground.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get up at all.

The savage's angry eyes seemed to be able to breathe fire, staring at Fang Chuan, with a trace of fear.

He has never lost since he was born.

The one who fought with him just now is already very strong, but the other party can still fight him.

However, this person could not resist at all, so he was afraid.

"How many people are there?" Fang Chuan asked indifferently at the savage he suppressed.

"I won't tell you!" The savage said stubbornly through his teeth.


The enormous spiritual power was suppressed once again, as if the weight of a heaven was blasting on the savage.


The savage felt his body was about to explode.

Pain, despair, and endless fear.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Fifty-five people."

As soon as he finished speaking, the pressure on him was much smaller, but he still couldn't move except his head.

Fang Chuan asked again: "Are all as good as you?"

"Almost." The Savage said again.

"Have you seen other people similar to us?" Fang Chuan asked again.

"I have seen it, we have been imprisoned." The savage did not hide at all now, and said everything he knew.

"Tian Yanxu?"

Fang Chuan thought for a while and smiled: "Take me, don't resist, don't play tricks, otherwise, all of you 55 will die."


After he finished speaking, the pressure on the savage disappeared and his freedom was restored.

He looked at Fang Chuan, thought about it, gritted his teeth: "Yes."

He seemed a little humble, but he was also the wisest choice.

Fang Chuan shook his head, and followed the savage to continue down, the savage knew some different routes.

He can open some stone walls and enter other passages.

The speed of the savage is very fast, but Fang Chuan still strolls along the savage.

"Are you native to the Winter Stars?" Ziyun asked as he hurried along.

Their communication is all in language, but because they have reached their state, language has no obstacles.

Everyone's words can be completely transformed into their own language through consciousness and spirit, without even listening to other people's dialects.

Thousands of times more powerful than simultaneous interpretation.

"Yes." The savage did not dare to provoke Fang Chuan, and of course he did not dare to provoke Fang Chuan's people: "We have lived here for generations to protect our fire."

"What do you rely on for survival?" Yi Jianqiu asked curiously.

"Ice spirit." The savage replied casually: "The ice spirit is full of energy, and through the transformation of fire, it becomes our source of energy."

"Ice Elf?"

Fang Chuan thought for a while. Suddenly, Void stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and then a wormhole-like existence appeared before them.

Then, a cloud of ice light filled with spirituality appeared in his hands.

This is a group of spirits with souls.

Look carefully, the blue light is just an environment in which they live, and there is a group of constantly changing consciousness.

This consciousness is very weak.

However, it contains laws and energy, and it is very pure, which is of great benefit to the people of Ascension Realm.


In the next moment, the ice spirit fell into Fang Chuan's body.


Following that, a layer of ice appeared on Fang Chuan's body, the temperature of which was not lower than that of the outside world, and everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Jiutianxuanwu frowned and hurriedly backed away.

At that moment, Fang Chuan seemed to assimilate to Winter Star.

The savage glanced at it and showed a sneer. How could the ice spirits be so easy to absorb? They didn't have fire, and they had to melt into ice.

"That's it."

However, the next moment, a wave of air appeared on Fang Chuan's body, and after that, he recovered as before.

"Very pure energy, after I find Tian Yanxu and them, I can absorb the ice spirits here."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, then looked at the savage.

The savage's eyes couldn't hide the shock, because he had not encountered any creature that could directly absorb the ice spirit.

The ice elves are double-edged swords for people like them, which can not only provide them with energy, but also inadvertently turn them into ice cubes.

Life here is too hard.

"Are you disappointed?" Fang Chuan smiled, looked at the wild man, and waved his hand: "Go to your site first."

The savage sighed and moved on.

After walking for about a long time, I finally came to a huge entrance, with a barbaric aesthetic, and some runes and patterns.


When Fang Chuan and the others arrived, seven or eight savages rushed over.

"Dabing, what's wrong with you?"

"Dabing, who are they?"

These savages looked at them, vigilant, angry, and at the same time with a strange excitement.

"They are the people outside, come look for the invaders!" Savage Dabing said quickly.


"Don't let them take away our fire!"

The other savages did not hesitate to attack Fang Chuan and them, and their attack methods were exactly the same as that of the savages Dabing.

Random fist bombing.

The power is very powerful.

A huge breath came, and Yi Jianqiu felt extremely dangerous.

Ziyun is also ready to do it.

"Get down." Fang Chuan waved his hand, and his mental energy surged, bang bang bang, these people who leaped over, like flies swiped, were immediately suppressed by Fang Chuan's mental power to the ground.

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