Boom boom boom...

The infinite energy is converging towards Fang Chuan, and the energy level here can fully meet Fang Chuan's needs.

He is constantly absorbing, and the Dantian world is expanding step by step.

His cultivation is constantly improving.

His strength is constantly improving.

At the same time, the sky blood bead on his forehead is also constantly emitting wisps of heavenly aura with flames, covering him.

It seems that there are giant dragons guarding him around his body.

"So you are stealing my energy!"

Suddenly, in the void, a delicate, graceful and charming woman, composed of pieces of ice crystals, appeared in front of Fang Chuan.

This woman's body exudes a strong ice element aura.

She carried an ice spear in her hand.

She looked at Fang Chuan with an angry face.

"Who are you, I just practice normally, don't bother me." Fang Chuan didn't move, but passed his spiritual consciousness.

He is practicing and does not want to be disturbed.

"You should be a newcomer, well, I will let you suffer and teach you a little lesson, otherwise, you don't know our rules here!"

The woman shouted angrily and waved an ice gun at Fang Chuan.


The ice spear rushed in, filled with the laws of the ice system, and it was powerful enough to affect Fang Chuan's cultivation. There were strands of ice blossoms in the space.


Fang Chuan was surprised by the strength of this woman, because the ice spear she spurred could break through his defense.

He had to accept the exercises, which made him very uncomfortable.

It's as if you are doing something you want to do and the rhythm is interrupted.

He raised his hand, also condensed a musket, and shot at the opponent.


Two long spears of equal strength collided, and burst apart in a crash, the ice and fire were annihilated, and there was a big earthquake.

The entire Winter Star trembled suddenly.

"Okay, you dare to fight back!"

The woman was furious, and then another spear rushed forward, but when the spear flew over, it suddenly turned into three spears.

The strength has been raised to another level.

The roar was even harsher.


The opponent's attack speed was actually very fast, Fang Chuan could only fight back immediately, condensing three muskets and blasted it directly.

Boom boom boom!

The two guns roared again and exploded.

"Ice Dragon, kill!"

Seeing that her move was useless, the woman immediately made a handprint, and a ripple formed around her body.

After that, a huge ice dragon, with a dazzling ice crystal all over, let out a roar, full of spirituality.

It seems that as soon as it flies over, the whole world will be frozen.

The surrounding flames seemed to have been greatly affected, and the temperature also became lower.

You know, this is Fang Chuan's territory, it's the flame's territory, and this ice-type girl may be the strongest among the ice elves.

He actually caused great pressure on Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan didn't hesitate, and with a single move, the Ten Fang Sacred Sword flashed out, and the flames shrouded immediately, and the sword was full of energy.

Then, with a move of his mind, the ten-point holy sword carried a terrifying sword aura and directly killed it.

Thousands of miles away, in the blink of an eye.

With a cut, the sword spirit is vertical and horizontal.


The ice dragon was slashed by the sword qi, and his body halted. The ice crystals all over his body cracked, making a creaking sound, and some cracks appeared.

"Small bugs!"

The woman was unmoved, snorted coldly, squeezed her handprint, and suddenly, the ice dragon roared, more agile, and opened her mouth to bite Fang Chuan's ten-point holy sword.

The ice dragon's teeth contain the laws of ice, and they are very sharp and have extraordinary destructive power.

Fang Chuan quickly knotted his handprint, and the next moment, the ten-square holy sword was dangerous and dangerous, avoiding the bite of the ice dragon, and making a backhand sword.


The flame sword gas pierced into the eyes of the ice dragon.


A crack in the ice dragon's eyes was suddenly punched out, and the ice blossoms came out, and the flame was quickly extinguished.


The ice girl was furious, and once again shot the ice dragon, a burst of ice mana blasted into the ice dragon, and the ice dragon roared again.

The speed suddenly increased, biting Fang Chuan's Ten Fang Sacred Sword.

This time, the speed is too fast.

If it weren't for Fang Chuan's rich combat experience, he would have reacted when the opponent moved something. Under the control of his divine sense, the Shifang Sacred Sword was more agile than the ice dragon.


A sword, a dragon constantly fighting in the air, you come and I will spur a burst of energy every time.

The strength of this woman is very strong, and her combat effectiveness is extraordinary. An ice dragon under her control, like a flying sword, fought Fang Chuan for a long time.

Fang Chuan is not so easily defeated.

What's more, being defeated in one's own territory is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, his offensive is very fierce.


Finally, Fang Chuan seized an opportunity to slash the ice dragon at the woman with a sword in the back of his head, and the flame sword aura burst out.

With a bang, the ice dragon's head burst instantly.

Streams of ice crystals sputtered out.


The woman was shocked. She had a heart-to-heart relationship with the ice dragon. The ice dragon was hit hard, and she didn't feel well.

She looked at Fang Chuan angrily: "You wait for me, I will find my mother to clean up you, you are dead!"

Seeing that she couldn't beat Fang Chuan, she quickly tried to escape.

"Can you go?"

How could Fang Chuan let her leave directly, if he finds another ice **** like Vulcan, wouldn't he be suppressed?

Even if the other party does not kill him, some humiliation will be possible.


He quickly caught up with a big move.


Seeing Fang Chuan chasing after the woman, she was shocked, but she also had a powerful life, she blended into the space, the speed is not much slower than Fang Chuan.

"You have the ability to chase after you. When you get to my mother, you will be dead!" The ice system woman shouted.

"In that case, hum!"

Fang Chuan's eyes flashed, and he followed the woman wildly, chasing out the surface of Winter Star from the core of the earth.

This has come to this woman's territory.

In fact, the fire system is at a disadvantage in Winter Star, with very few chassis.

The ice department is home.

Therefore, as long as it leaves the ground, the ice system has an absolute advantage.

Fang Chuan knew that this woman could no longer be allowed to escape, and once her mother found out, it might be bad.

He also regretted that he had known that he would not absorb the ice spirit so madly and provoke a powerful enemy.

But this is not the time to regret.

"Ten golden lotus, space collapsed."

Fang Chuan threw a golden lotus at this time, and with a buzzing sound, the ten golden lotus turned into a phantom, and then enveloped a large area of ​​space.


Afterwards, the space collapsed, and everything seemed very distorted. The space here suddenly lost its effect.

"Ah, what's going on?" The ice girl was shocked, her space spells failed, and she kept flying, but found herself thrown in place. At this time, Fang Chuan stepped forward, unaffected by the collapse of the space, and came behind the woman.

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