The Strongest Mythical Emperor

Chapter 1434 The drama ends

"Your Majesty's cultivation has regressed. Something must have happened. You can't ask."

Guan Zhong warned Guo Jia. Guo Jia was a bohemian man. To put it nicely, he was free and easy. To put it bluntly, he was a little conceited and didn't know how to talk.

If it weren't for his wisdom and strategy, he would have died tragically on the roadside.

Guo Jia shrugged and smiled, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

He was not worried about Qin Jun's cultivation declining, because they had all grown up.

Qin Jun protected them and gave them everything. Now it's their turn to protect Qin Jun!

Guan Zhong shook his head and smiled. For a long time, he and Guo Jia depended on each other and regarded each other as confidants. More often, he would always remind Guo Jia as an elder brother, and Guo Jia would accept his opinions.

"By the way, why do I feel that those two people look so familiar."

Guo Jia pointed at Zhao Yun and Guan Yu and said. There were Guan Yu and Zhao Yun in his previous life, but that was before he became a Taoist.

After a long period of cultivation, he had long forgotten the past. After all, in his previous life, his relationship with Zhao Yun and Guan Yu was ordinary, so he only had a general impression.

If he met Guan Yu and Zhao Yun again after becoming a saint, he would probably not forget them.

"The two great Dao supremes may be newly cultivated by your majesty." Guan Zhong guessed. As the teacher of all living beings, Qin Jun's ability to cultivate strong people made them admire him the most, because they were also cultivated by Qin Jun.

Whenever they thought of what Qin Jun said in the past, they couldn't help but get excited. Now, the ancient saint emperor way and the universe are full of strong people cultivated by Qin Jun. If they gather together, what will the scene be?

On the other side, Jing Ke stood next to Baili Shouyue, looking at Qin Jun below, his eyes were hot, and his heart was full of envy.

"Such a posture..."

Let the powerful people around him fight again and again, Qin Jun sat alone on the supreme nine dragon chair, watching everything with a smile, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Qin Jun's attitude was deeply imprinted in Jing Ke's heart. If Qin Jun looked at his attribute list now, he would find that his loyalty had soared to ninety-eight, which was very close to the full value of diehard loyalty.

"I will shout ten times. If anyone does not admit defeat, all will die!"

Qin Jun suddenly spoke, as if he was impatient, and his voice overwhelmed the deafening shouts. More than 30 million creatures were not as good as him.

Hearing this, the remaining participants in the magic array light curtain were shocked. They could all feel the murderous aura from Emperor Qin Tian.


Qin Jun began to count down, and Qiang Liang followed and roared: "Kneel down!"

The pressure of the Great Dao Emperor burst out instantly, and even Zhou Xuwang, Bai Wusheng, and the Sky Demon Emperor knelt on the ground.

The later the realm, the greater the gap.

The Great Dao Emperor can easily suppress the Great Dao Supreme.


Zhou Xuwang opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

He had never really felt the pressure of the Great Dao Emperor, and the magic array light curtain around him began to twist.

Even the God Tower of the World could not stop Qiang Liang's pressure. The creatures in the starry sky outside only felt that Mount Tai had fallen on them. The weak ones were directly crushed to the ground.

Absolutely strong!

"So strong..."

Fairy Nan Su knelt on one knee, and the creatures in front of her did the same, unable to bear Qiang Liang's pressure.


Qin Jun continued to count down, and finally some creatures could not bear the fear and shouted to admit defeat.

Xia Shenwu in the White Jade Pavilion had a blank expression and moved all the losers out.

An unparalleled battle eventually turned into a drama, deviating from Xia Shenwu's original intention, but there was no way. The people of the Great Qin Heavenly Court were indeed much stronger than the other participants, and there was no point in competing.

What's more, he didn't dare to interfere.

Because Zhan Jun and the Chaos Twins were here, each of them could easily crush him to death.





Qin Jun did not delay deliberately, but was completely counting down, with a strong sense of oppression, and it was completely a life-and-death race, scaring more and more participants to shout to admit defeat.

These participants were all powerful. At this moment, they all raised their heads and shouted to admit defeat at the top of their lungs. What a spectacular scene that was deeply rooted in people's hearts.

This scene would be talked about by all living beings for a long time in the future, and it would become an epic scene in the long river of history.

"Fortunately, I admitted defeat early, otherwise..."

In the White Jade Pavilion, Yu Han exhaled a long breath and smiled brightly.

Maybe he could get the reward of the unparalleled battle later, but he had to survive first, and the price of survival was humiliation.

When Qin Jun counted to three, there were less than a hundred living beings left in the magic circle light curtain.

"Your Majesty is worthy of it. The method is really unique."

Guo Jia smiled. It was really a brain-opening idea to win in this way.

Qiang Liang was still roaring, like thunder rolling in the sky.

"That's it!"

The Sky Demon Emperor sighed. From beginning to end, he did not take off his bamboo hat.

He could die, but the demon clan could not live without him.

"I admit defeat!"

As soon as these words came out, the shouts in the Zhenshi God Tower reached a new height again, and everyone went crazy for Emperor Qin Tian.

Although such an ending was absurd, it was also very exciting and impressive.

When Qin Jun counted to one, there were no other participants in the magic circle light curtain.

Only the gods of the Great Qin Heavenly Court surrounded Qin Jun.

At this time, Zhao Yun suddenly turned around, knelt down in front of Qin Jun in the void, and shouted with his fists: "I admit defeat!"

Guan Yu, Yang Jian, Xing Tian, ​​and Hou Yi also turned around and knelt down.

"I admit defeat!"

They deliberately used their magic power to shout, making the Zhenshi God Tower quiet.

As soon as the voice fell, they disappeared in the magic circle light curtain.

Only Qiang Liang and Qin Jun were left in the field.

The breathing of more than 30 million living beings became rapid.

Qiang Liang's performance was particularly outstanding, forcing thousands of combatants to admit defeat. What will he do now?

"If I were a strong man, I would definitely choose to fight!"

"Yes, if we defeat Emperor Qin Tian, ​​Qiang Liang will rise up and dominate the inner universe!"

"If we defeat the Great Emperor again, Qiang Liang may not be able to become a being like the Great Emperor!"

"It's hard to guarantee loyalty at this moment, right?"

"Tsk, tsk, Qiang Liang seems to not want to admit defeat!"

More than 30 million creatures fell on him. Qiang Liang's expression was calm, but his heart was in turmoil.

He understood the significance of challenging Xia Shenwu.

At the edge of the corridor, Huo Qubing frowned, a hint of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

The gods and demons also became nervous. Did Qiang Liang not want to admit defeat?

"This dog doesn't seem to be well-behaved." Guo Jia said with a half-smile, while shaking the fan, one could feel the fierce murderous aura.

These old members of the army who were loyal to Qin Jun could not tolerate a grain of sand in their eyes.

At this moment, Qiang Liang turned around and looked at Xia Shenwu from a distance. This scene made the eyes of the creatures widen.

Does Qiang Liang want to challenge Xia Shenwu?

"I am the Qin Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court! I am a strong and good man! I will live forever and ever!"

Qiang Liang stared at Xia Shenwu and roared, word by word. After speaking, he turned around and knelt down to Qin Jun, kowtowing heavily.

After kowtowing three times, Qiang Liang jumped up and flew away from the light curtain of the magic circle.

The World-Suppressing Tower fell into silence, and the creatures were in unspeakable shock and lost their minds.

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