The Strongest Mythical Emperor

Chapter 1736 Dangerous Underworld

Enjoying the sublimation of the Avenue of Creation and the baptism of the power of time and space, Qin Jun raised his hands as if hugging something, with a faint smile on his face.

What he enjoys is not power, but the achievement of creating and formulating rules.

After an unknown amount of time, the increase in his cultivation finally stopped.

It's a pity that it's still the Eight Transformations of Dayan God.

But for Qin Jun, enough is enough!

When the God of Dayan undergoes the fourth transformation, he can easily kill the existence that surpasses the God of Dayan in the ninth transformation. Now, how strong is he?

What's more, he is still immortal and can recover quickly even if his soul is destroyed. What can the Hongmeng Spirit do to him?

Qin Jun immediately flew along the time and space line, wanting to return to the point in time where he was.

Next, he will go to the underworld. He is full of confidence. If the Yin-Yang Source Emperor persists, he will kill him!

Today's Hongmeng God is no longer worthy of being a god!

They went against Qin Jun's original intention, but were working against Qin Jun. There was no need to exist.

Soon, Qin Jun returned to the time and space Jedi. He did not look back and flew straight back to the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Next, he should prepare to go to the underworld.

Origin world.

The gods gathered together, even Taiyi Chaos was there, and there was a gray air ball, burning like a flame, whose true identity was indistinguishable, it was the origin of consciousness.

At this moment, they were all silent, and the atmosphere was extremely serious.

"All time and space disappeared..."

Jiuji Gandi gritted his teeth and said, breaking the silence, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Under their noses, countless time and space disappeared, and they didn't know what was going on. This feeling made their hair stand on end.

In addition to the Origin God Clan, is there someone stronger than them?

Even if it is too easy to be confused, it is difficult to see the extreme expression on his face.

They have always regarded each other as their biggest enemies and thought that they were the strongest existences, but they did not expect such a drastic change to occur suddenly.

"Without time and space, we cannot predict the future... What should we do now?"

The First Emperor of the Nine Palaces asked. He was extremely irritable and wished he could break into the Siyuan God Clan to vent his anger.

"Recently, we must be careful. Even the Origin God Clan doesn't know how big the Endless Emptiness is. There may be enemies we don't know about."

Ren Woxiao muttered, he said with profound meaning: "Remember, no more internal fighting."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the gods flickered, but no one answered.

They all have their own ambitions, and they will use secret means to unite them.

Yin-Yang Source Emperor took a deep breath and said: "Let us each take care of one side. Pay more attention. The fight will end in a fight, but don't let outsiders seize the opportunity."

The supreme throne they are fighting for can only be occupied by them!

The gods nodded and left one after another, leaving only Taiyi Chaos and Siyuan Consciousness in place.

"Can you detect anything?"

Taiyi asked in confusion, his eyes falling on Siyuan's consciousness.

The original consciousness in the form of gray gas made a cold voice: "I don't know, I can't understand."

Although the Hongmeng gods all have great fortunes, compared with Hongmeng, the Avenue of Creation, and time and space, their fortunes are still one level lower. Qin Jun absorbed time and space, leaving them clueless.

Hearing this, Taiyi Chaos frowned again and fell into deep thought.

Shiyuan's consciousness ignored him and quickly dissipated without a trace.

One month later.

Qin Jun left the Great Qin Heavenly Court with a group of his men. He sat on the head of the Great Emperor Evil Wolf, holding Little Tianyun in his arms. Behind him were Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, Tongtian Cult Master, Li Yuanba, Wu Zetian, Zhunti, Kong Xuan, Donghuang Taiyi, Emperor Jun, Li Cunxiao, Liu Chenxiang, and more than twenty gods and demons.

The gods and demons were full of curiosity about the underworld and chatted non-stop.

Little Tianyun raised his head and asked: "Father, is the underworld fun?"

This kid has grown extremely fast and can now communicate freely.

Qin Jun lowered his head and smiled at him: "It's fun, you will know when the time comes."

Tianyun is a new born god, and he can't rest assured to stay in the Great Qin Heavenly Court. Daji also agreed with this. Although she was reluctant to part with it, she was even more afraid that Tianyun would be in danger.

Qin Jun's mind moved, and the divine power of time and space was activated. In the blink of an eye, they came to another starry sky, not far from the shady scene of the underworld.

The gods and demons were startled.

"what happened?"

"That moment just now..."

"It feels so terrifying, it must have been done by His Majesty!"

"Uh-what height has your Majesty reached now?"

The gods and demons whispered. After Qin Jun heard it, he just smiled and said nothing.

Soon, they saw the dark side of the underworld. The creatures they met along the way all recognized Qin Jun's identity, gave way one after another, and looked at him with awe and admiration.

When the Yin and Yang clones saw Qin Jun and others appearing, they were stunned and quickly stood up.

"You also want to enter the underworld?"

The Yin and Yang clones bowed and saluted Qin Jun and asked respectfully.

This scene made the creatures in the distance widen their eyes.

The clone of the god actually saluted the Emperor of Heaven?

In response, Qin Jun nodded indifferently and let the Great Emperor Evil Wolf fly into the darkness of the underworld, ignoring the Yin and Yang clones, and other gods and demons quickly followed.

The creatures were stunned.

This was the first time they had seen someone act so arrogantly in front of the Yin and Yang clones.

But that's right, more than one god clone died in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Too overbearing!"

"Nonsense! This is our strongest overlord in Southern Hongmeng, the Emperor of Heaven!"

"I feel like the Emperor of Heaven can become a god!"

"It's necessary, even Hongjun is his subordinate!"

"Hahaha, let's follow him. When the Emperor of Heaven enters the underworld, there will definitely be no good things!"

The creatures started to stir, and many creatures followed immediately.

The underworld.

As soon as they flew out of the black screen, what caught the eyes of Qin Jun and others was the boundless blue sky. Below was an extremely broad continent with continuous mountains, green mountains and green waters, and there was no end in sight.

Qin Jun glanced at it with a look of surprise on his face. This continent was definitely the largest continent he had ever encountered. It was bigger than the Chaos Earth, and even ten thousand suns combined could not compare.

The gods and demons were also surprised and kept looking around.

Qin Jun turned his hand and took out a jade slip, crushed it into pieces, and turned it into countless light spots, then waited in the air.

The underworld is only bigger than Hongmeng, because it is also connected to the underworld of chaos.

According to Zhao Shichen, the underworld is divided into many fairy lands, headed by the ten major divine dynasties, and there are countless forces, hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Even Zhao Shichen dare not say that he is the strongest.

"I didn't expect Emperor Yin Yang to have such a skill."

Qin Jun snorted coldly. If Yin Yang Yuan Emperor was allowed to perform a blood sacrifice to the underworld, he would indeed become the strongest Hongmeng god. However, the blood sacrifice would take time. Once started, other Hongmeng gods would discover it, so he delayed starting.


At this moment, the Great Emperor Evil Wolf under Qin Jun suddenly roared angrily, shaking the mountains and rivers.

Qin Jun frowned and shouted in a deep voice: "Shut up!"

The Great Evil Wolf felt dizzy and did not dare to bark any more. He said in a low voice, "I don't like this place. It's too dangerous!"

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