The Strongest Mythical Emperor

Chapter 247 Full of Honor

"Qin Jun! You can't kill me!"

The Black Dragon Emperor screamed in horror, without any of the imperial power of the past. The jade crown on his head fell to the ground, his hair was disheveled and he was in a miserable state.

Qin Jun stepped on his chest, suppressing him and unable to move, and sneered: "Did you ever think of this day when you attacked the Qianyue Kingdom?"

Winner takes all, loser for Kou!

As an emperor, he should die with dignity!

Therefore, Qin Jun had some contempt for the Black Dragon Emperor.

"It's not that I wanted to attack the Qianyue Kingdom, I was forced to do so!" the Black Dragon Emperor explained in horror, with snot and tears streaming down his face. He was about to kowtow to Qin Jun. Fortunately, everyone in the palace had fled, and no one was watching. Seeing his cowardly attitude.

"Abyss Gate ordered you?" Qin Jun asked with raised eyebrows.

As if grasping a life-saving straw, the Black Dragon Emperor nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yes! Yes! It's the Abyss Gate!"

Qin Jun took out the Silver Dragon Soul-killing Spear and stabbed it, blood spattered, and the spear head directly pierced the Black Dragon Emperor's chest, and the Black Dragon Emperor's expression froze.


The Black Dragon Emperor looked at Qin Jun with resentment and wanted to speak, but unfortunately his life passed faster. He didn't understand until his death. Why did Qin Jun kill him even though he had told the truth?

Little did he know that Qin Jun hated people like him even more.

Good and evil are at odds with each other. People like the Black Dragon Emperor are equivalent to traitors. If they are not eliminated, they may cause big trouble in the future.

"Ding! Kill the ninth-level Golden Core monk! Get 9099 experience points!"

"Ding! Three percent of the main mission—Hundred Kill Emperor has been completed!"

Two consecutive system prompts sounded in Qin Jun's mind, making him sigh that he still had to kill ninety-seven emperors, and the road would be long and long.

After killing the Black Dragon Emperor, Qin Jun raised his head and smiled: "Let's go!"

As he spoke, he put the Silver Dragon Soul-killing Spear into the mythical space, then turned around and left, followed by everyone. No one sympathized with the Black Dragon Emperor. There was no one right or wrong in this world, only who was strong and who was weak.

If Qin Jun died here, no one would pity him!

A group of people strolled to the palace wall. Qin Jun took out two explosive thunders and threw them back. He seemed to throw them casually, but the force was not small. They flew directly over the palace wall and landed deep in the palace. .


A shocking loud noise startled everyone in the capital. They all looked in the direction of the explosion, and saw a majestic mushroom cloud rising slowly. Dust filled the sky, and broken wood and gravel fell from the sky. As it fell, countless people in the capital opened their mouths.

The palace was destroyed?

The news that the emperor of the Black Dragon Kingdom was killed and the palace was destroyed was like a bomb blast to the surrounding kingdoms. Even people in the Nanzhuo Dynasty were talking about it.

Because there is Jun Qin in it!

"It's over, who dares to stop Mr. Qin from now on?"

"The strongest Nanzhuo Dynasty has been suppressed by Qin Jun. What can we kingdoms do?"

"Hey, I'd better try not to offend Mr. Qin in the future."

"Tsk, tsk, the Black Dragon Kingdom has ended up like this. It seems that the Wuqi Kingdom will also follow suit."

"I always feel that Mr. Qin is very ambitious."

Dozens of kingdoms surrounding the Nanzhuo Dynasty were discussing this matter, and some evildoers even gave Qin Jun the title of Emperor Slayer.

This guy has already killed three emperors, one of whom was the Holy Emperor of the Nanzhuo Dynasty!

At the same time, Qin Jun and others flew towards the Qianyue Kingdom in the clouds and mist. He killed the Black Dragon Emperor and obtained the divine beast, so he was naturally satisfied.

"Xiao Zhulong, come on, call me daddy."

Qin Jun grabbed Xiao Zhulong's face and chuckled, making Daji and others speechless.

How can any master let a mythical beast call him daddy?

Qin Jun ignored their strange looks and continued to teach Xiao Zhulong.

"Dad..." Xiao Zhulong suddenly called out, making everyone's eyes widen. Then Xiao Zhulong began to repeat the word, reading it more and more clearly.

I have to say that the mythical beast is uniquely endowed with great talent!

How many days was it born?

Then Xiaoli actually hugged Little Zhulong and asked him to call her mother. Little Zhulong repeated it several times and clearly learned the word. Now Daji and Honghai'er were no longer calm, and they also began to train Little Zhulong. .

Many years later, Xiaozhulong will be ashamed of his childhood innocence.

"Your Highness, we will arrive at Yuguan City soon."

Sha Wujing turned around to remind him. Qin Jun nodded, his eyes looking deeply toward the sky.

After several months, he is finally going back to Qianyue Kingdom!

When he left the Qianyue Kingdom, he carried the hope of the kingdom, and when he returned, he was full of glory.

Even he himself did not expect that he would be able to stir up the righteousness of the Southern Territory.

All of this was like a dream. He often dreamed that he was still commuting to and from get off work in the Chinese city like a machine. His life was dull, there were no surprises, and even love was so dull.

If he hadn't traveled through time, he might have married his female colleague and had children, shouldering a mortgage and car loan, and working hard for the future.

But now that I think about it, that kind of plainness is not a kind of happiness.

Just when Qin Jun was filled with emotion, the outline of Yuguan City appeared in his field of vision. On top of hundreds of cliffs, the city wall was like a long dragon entrenched on it.

"Huh? Something is flying over there!"

A soldier pointed at Qin Jun and others and shouted, causing the other soldiers to look sideways.

Now half of the soldiers in Yuguan City are from the Longqi Legion, and they all know Qin Jun and others. As Yunwu gets closer and closer to Yuguan City, someone finally recognizes the identity of the person.

"It's His Highness! His Highness Qin Jun is back!"


This sentence instantly made the soldiers on the city wall explode. They were immediately excited. Word of mouth spread quickly. Soon all the soldiers on the entire city wall knew that Qin Jun had returned.

Recently, Qin Jun was the one they talked about the most. He killed demons, captured divine beasts, and even went to the capital of the Black Dragon Kingdom to kill the emperor and destroy the palace. No matter which one, it was a shocking event, but Qin Jun did it. In their hearts, Qin Jun was a god!

"Welcome to His Highness!"

One soldier knelt down and shouted, like a wave of people, quite spectacular.

Qin Jun and others stopped above the city wall, and only heard Qin Jun's hands drooping naturally, laughing: "No need to be polite!"

After that, the group flew over the city wall and was greeted by hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Qin Jun was in a good mood.

The shouts of hundreds of thousands of soldiers were so loud that everyone in Yuguan City could hear them clearly. They saw figures flying out of the city. They were Guan Yu, Taibai Jinxing, Li Bai, Li Yuanba, Xu Guiku and others. There were dozens of figures, all looking at Qin Jun excitedly.

"Everyone, I'm back." Qin Jun bowed and smiled to his confidants in front of him. Because of these gods and demons, he had achieved what he has today, so he respected them very much.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, on your triumphant return!" Taibai Jinxing waved his whisk and smiled, his face full of relief. He could see that Qin Jun had become stronger again.

This kid's breakthrough speed is simply unreasonable!

April Fool's Day has passed, and I knew no one would believe that I would not update ten times. . Hahahaha. . Sadness flows backwards like a river, so there really is no ten updates. Ahem, no kidding, it will be on the shelves next Tuesday, which is Qingming Festival, and it will explode then! ! ! I will just say the important things once, if you have monthly tickets, please keep them for us, and then we can smash the Emperor as hard as we can! !

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