The Strongest Mythical Emperor

Chapter 912: King You Reappears

Ji Ruyi relied on the Great Dao Sheng Tian Lun and quickly won, but before she could finish, another hero challenged her.

After defeating three heroes in succession, King Haiji entered the battle again.

"Damn it, I will definitely win the throne!"

The King of the Sea's eyes were bloodshot. He had been defeated by the sword master before, but unexpectedly he jumped up again.

His appearance made many heroes shake their heads and sigh.

"Is he possessed by madness?" Ran Deng exclaimed in wonder, without any sense of guilt. If he hadn't been attacking Hai Ji Palace from Jie Jiao Palace, how could he have forced Hai Ji King to look like this.

Chu Juhuai didn't answer. He was still squatting in the corner of the attic, shivering, making it easy for people to ignore his presence.

Qin Jun raised his eyebrows. Ji Ruyi was the person he wanted to protect. If this continued, Ji Ruyi probably wouldn't be able to last for more than a few battles.

Among the candidates for the Nine Emperors, Ji Ruyi is the weakest and will definitely be targeted by the heroes.

"Your Majesty, do you need my help?"

Xing Tian asked. He was not afraid of all the heroes except the candidates for the Nine Emperors.

Qin Jun shook his head and said: "You are one of my people. If you take action again, you will definitely anger Emperor Tianming, and maybe Ji Ruyi's candidacy for the Nine Emperors will be revoked."

How can I help Ji Ruyi?

Qin Jun touched his chin and began to think. At this time, an old man squeezed out from among the creatures. He was wearing a shabby black robe, with gray hair tied on top of his head. He was thin, slightly stooped, and had dark skin. He quickly walked towards Qin Jun. flying from the attic.

Xing Tian, ​​Patriarch Bodhi, Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, Shi Gandang, Demon King Peng, and Our Lady of Golden Light looked back subconsciously.

The old man was locked by their gazes and froze in the air for an instant, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

"These people... are so strong..."

The old man was filled with fear. He was Gui Guzi summoned by Lord Qin. He came specially to serve Lord Qin. Unexpectedly, he was frightened by the eyes of Xing Tian and other gods and demons.

He quickly calmed down, raised his hands and shouted, "My name is Gui Guzi. I admire His Majesty the Holy Emperor's ambitions, and I have come here to pay my respects. I hope His Majesty the Holy Emperor will take me under his wing."

Although his cultivation is not top-notch, he is still confident.

When Qin Jun heard this, he turned around and looked over, feeling secretly happy that Guiguzi had finally arrived.

At this point, the three gods and demons summoned by Qin Jun have all come under his power.

The heroes saw it in their eyes, and fortunately Guiguzi was only in the middle stage of Taiyixuan Immortal Realm, otherwise they would definitely be jealous.


Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, and Demon King Peng all had slightly changed expressions. Could it be that they were the legendary Guiguzi from their previous lives?

Patriarch Bodhi counted his fingers, and his eyes suddenly became full of meaning.

Xing Tian was indifferent.

Qin Jun waved and smiled: "Come up."

This little episode didn't cause much trouble, and the creatures' attention was still focused on the battle within the purple formation.

"Is that Emperor Yan or Emperor Qin?" Lou Nan looked at Qin Jun and asked.

"Qin Sheng Emperor, Emperor Yan didn't come." Emperor Tianming replied absently. He was still thinking about the great master of the ancient immortal world.

Lou Nan began to look at Qin Jun. He was young, handsome, and had outstanding temperament. He was a talented person who was hard to forget at one glance.

"Could it be the Ziweixing from some time ago..."

Lou Nan's eyes flickered, but Emperor Tianming next to him didn't notice anything unusual about him.

Time passed quickly.

An hour later, Ji Ruyi finally couldn't hold on anymore and was defeated by a hero named General Ding.

General Ding is a heroic man, wearing long blue and white clothes, with many magic weapons. In addition, his cultivation level is also in the late stage of Daluo to Fairyland. He finds the right time to take advantage of Ji Ruyi's weakening power to take action and become the new Nine Emperors. Candidate.

"Ji Ruyi is still a little weak."

"Although General Ding is very sinister, it also shows that Ji Ruyi does not have the strength to dominate the world."

"General Ding used to hide himself very deeply. He was only ranked 61st on the list of heroes."

"Tsk, tsk, if General Ding becomes one of the Nine Emperors, it will definitely be a big joke."

Millions of beings discussed that General Ding's reputation and strength were not worthy of the Nine Emperors, so there were not many supportive voices.

Qin Jun looked at Ji Ruyi, who was in despair, and his face turned cold. It was not directed at Ji Ruyi. He understood that Ji Ruyi had tried her best.

It seems that the only way to push Ji Ruyi up is to find an opportunity later.

General Ding's long hair was fluttering in the wind, and he glanced at the audience with a stern expression. Just as he was about to leave, a hero jumped up.

Compared with other candidates for the Nine Emperors, General Ding is obviously better at making decisions.

"You cowards have the guts to challenge me!"

Ran Deng couldn't help shouting that except for Ji Ruyi and Xu Chongsheng, none of the other candidates for the Nine Emperors dared to challenge, which made him feel bored.

Unfortunately, no one responded to him, leaving him alone and embarrassed.

Donghuang Taiyi turned over and lay down on the couch to take a nap, leaving his Demon King's subordinates speechless.

The sword master was practicing cross-legged, Jiuyou Yin Emperor was recovering from his injuries, Emperor Yan was drinking wine, and Emperor Tianming was chatting with Lou Nan, which was out of tune with the battle of the purple formation.

Qin Jun heard that it was funny that Ran Deng always said something that didn't deserve a beating.

Time continues to pass.

General Ding was durable enough, fighting four times in half an hour without losing.

It's not that he is ridiculously strong, but that two of General Ding's subordinates have the strength of the late Da Luo to the Immortal Realm, and other heroes can't come up with two strong men of the late Da Luo to the Immortal Realm.

"Strange, who are those two people?"

"I don't know. Although Dingjiabao is not very powerful, with the three of them, it shouldn't be difficult to reach the top ten in the hero list!"

"The list of heroes is not omnipotent. General Ding is too low-key, and the information obtained by Mingji Pavilion is too little."

"This is the real hero, waiting for the opportunity to soar into the sky!"

"I don't know how long General Ding can hold on."

The creatures kept discussing, and more and more voices supported General Ding. General Ding had a lonely and cold temperament, unlike Ran Deng who was arrogant and mean. As he proved himself with victory after victory, more and more voices supported him.

At this moment, the rolling thunderclouds above the Nine Emperors Platform became more and more violent. It was already night, but the meeting of the hundred heroes was still lively and noisy.

The Emperor of Heaven's Fate, Lou Nan, the Sword Master, the Nine Nether Yin Emperor, and the Emperor of Flame suddenly looked up, as did Xing Tian, ​​Bodhi Patriarch, and Ran Deng. Even the underestimated Donghuang Taiyi opened his right eye.

"What is this breath?"

Lou Nan frowned and murmured, and the Emperor of Heaven's Fate was also a little confused.

Donghuang Taiyi laughed and murmured: "Tsk tsk, you still can't sit still?"

Above the thunderclouds, a ball of black air was suspended, and lightning from all directions intersected on it, but did not disperse it.

The black gas surged quickly, turning into a human figure, madly absorbing the power of thunder and lightning.

"This feeling..."

The voice of King You came from the black gas, as if waking up from a dream.

In order to revive, he deliberately hid on the thundercloud. The fighting aura of the heroes attracted the thunder, and he absorbed the thunder to recover.

This time, he wants revenge, kill Qin Shengdi, kill Xingtian, and kill Donghuang Taiyi!

The third update, school and work tomorrow, everyone should go to bed early~

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