The Strongest Mythical Emperor

Chapter 960: Go straight to the Nine Netherlands

"Qiongqi, break the city for me."

Qin Jun lazily ordered in the sedan chair. As soon as the words came out, a strong wind came from behind, almost blowing the ghost soldiers to the ground.

Qiongqi became a thousand feet high, rushing towards the Yinhuang City in front of him like a black flame. The ghost fog was squeezed out, and Qiongqi crashed into the Yinhuang City that was hundreds of feet high.


The earth shook violently, the ghost fog in the sky was directly shredded, and the Yinhuang City also appeared. The towering city gate was smashed by Qiongqi, and the broken stones flew across. Countless ghost soldiers quickly flew out of the city, like locusts pressing on the border, making people's scalps numb.


A three-foot-tall Yin general raised a black-patterned broadsword and roared. While speaking, he slashed with a sword, and the sword energy was crisscrossed, spanning thousands of meters and falling on Qiongqi.

However, Qiongqi didn't frown at all, and waved his claws to tear open the city wall. The figure like a mountain raged into the city and trampled on the buildings in Yinhuang City.

"Kill--destroy the city!" Zhong Kui shouted loudly, and millions of Yin soldiers attacked like a torrent, breaking directly into Yinhuang City. Ksitigarbha recited Amitabha, and Di Ting carried him to Yinhuang City at a very fast speed, so Qin Jun was not in a hurry. Several Yin soldiers carried the sedan chair, but the speed was not fast. Qin Jun hoped that when he arrived at Yinhuang City, Yinhuang City would have been conquered by Ksitigarbha and Qiongqi. Qiongqi ignored the attacks of the Yin soldiers, and bared his teeth and claws in the city, destroying the city crazily. A Yin general in Taiyi Jinxian Realm raised a knife and looked at Qiongqi. Qiongqi, who had his back to him, pulled his tail, tearing the air, and fell on the Yin general with the power of destroying mountains and breaking the earth. Bang--The Yin general was directly shattered, and this scene scared many Yin soldiers. What kind of power is this? Qiongqi didn't care so much, and raged all the way. Yinhuang City was like paper in front of it. Wherever it passed, nothing could stop it. "You dare to harm the Yin Emperor City, aren't you afraid of angering the Yin Emperor?"

A roar full of anger sounded, and the Yin Emperor appeared. This Yin Emperor was wearing a black imperial robe, and he was extremely majestic, especially when his face was distorted, it was terrifying.

Unfortunately, Qiongqi ignored him at all, opened his mouth and sprayed a black light column a hundred feet wide at him, smashing all the buildings along the way, and came to the Yin Emperor in the blink of an eye.

The gap between the two realms was so great that the Yin Emperor had no time to react, and was strangled to death.

The death of a generation of Yin Emperor was so quick and clean that the Yin soldiers of Yin Emperor City were dumbfounded.

"Run! The Yin Emperor's soul has dispersed!"

"My God, isn't Huangquan Palace afraid of offending the Yin Emperor?"

"What kind of beast is this? It's too cruel!"

"Huh? Isn't this Qiongqi under the command of Emperor Qin Tiandi in the Yang world? It looks exactly like the rumored image."

"It's over... Could it be that Huangquan Palace's target is the Nine Netherworld?"

The noise of the Yin soldiers resounded under the dim sky. More and more Yin soldiers and ghosts began to flee, and no one dared to fight.

In this way, Qin Jun easily occupied the broken city with Qiongqi.

"Keep going, and take the Nine Netherworld!"

Qin Jun gave a loud order, which made the morale of the army soar.

Zhong Kui looked at Qiongqi and couldn't help sighing: "It's worthy of being one of the four evils, it's really domineering."

At the same time, the Nine Netherworld also received the news that the Yin Emperor City was breached. Each Yin Emperor City has a special connection with the Nine Netherworld, which can let the Nine Netherworld know the situation of each Yin Emperor City as soon as possible.

The Nine Netherworld was in chaos. Because the Nine Nether Yin Emperor was not in the underworld, the nearby Yin Emperor City was breached in a short time, which meant that a great enemy was coming.

The Nine Nether Yin Emperor was not in charge, which was very bad.

Among the mountains that rose one after another, a palace stood on the top of a mountain. The walls were made of white jade rocks, and the buildings were stacked layer by layer. The stone stairs extending from the foot of the mountain reached tens of thousands of steps, which were magnificent and majestic. Many figures stopped under the palace, including human cultivators, demon kings of the demon race, and ancient strange species.

In the palace, the leaders of various forces gathered, including the Emperor Yan, the Nine Nether Yin Emperor, the Sword Master, and General Ding.

"Daughter of the Emperor, why didn't the Emperor come?"

The Emperor Yan asked the daughter of the Emperor who represented the Tianming Palace. This was the first meeting of the heroes of the Anti-Qin Alliance, but the Emperor Tianming did not come, which made people really uneasy.

Even though the Emperor Tianming was defeated by the Demon Emperor, he was once the number one in the world. His existence could give the allies a great sense of security.

"The emperor is in seclusion to break through, so I'm here to represent him." The princess said expressionlessly, and everyone was moved when she said this.

The emperor is going to break through?

This is good news for them. The stronger the Emperor of Destiny is, the more confident they are in fighting against Emperor Qin Tian.

Compared with the current Emperor Qin Tian, ​​they can't help but miss the time when Emperor of Destiny was the number one in the world. At least at that time, Emperor of Destiny was high above and didn't care about worldly affairs.

"Since the emperor is breaking through, we must not disturb him. Let's discuss how to fight against the Great Qin Heaven!"

The Nine Nether Yin Emperor said. As the lord of the underworld and the second in the world, his words still carry a lot of weight.

The other three emperors all nodded. The so-called anti-Qin alliance is actually led by the five emperors, and the other heroes are just helping.

"The Qin Heavenly Court is coming with great force. Xingtian, Taiyi Zhenren, Daoxing Tianzun, and Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun are even more powerful. If we don't have the top power to fight against them, it will be difficult to defeat them." General Ding Wu said in a deep voice. He was not well-known before, but now he has become one of the nine emperors in the world. He can be regarded as a model of counterattack. Unfortunately, he ran into Emperor Qin Tian.

All his glory became insignificant in front of Emperor Qin Tian.

Xingtian! Taiyi Zhenren! Daoxing Tianzun! Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun!

Four Great Luo Shixian!

The hall fell into silence, and a hero said cautiously: "There is also Patriarch Bodhi... Kong Xuan..."

His words made many heroes' mouths twitch. Although they understood it in their hearts, having someone say it out loud made them feel great pressure.

There are so many powerful people in the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and any one of these people can be compared to an emperor.

"Kong Xuan probably just owed Emperor Qin a favor, which was repaid at the last gathering of hundreds of heroes, so he left." The sword master said in a deep voice. When he said this, many heroes' eyes lit up.

Kong Xuan has been recognized as the strongest man in the world. If he no longer helps Emperor Qin, the pressure on the Anti-Qin Alliance will decrease sharply.

"Even if there is no Kong Xuan, who will fight with Patriarch Bodhi? Except for the Great Emperor and the Demon Emperor, none of us can be his opponent together."

Emperor Jiuyou Yin snorted coldly. He did not tell the story about Nangong Yifeng. He knew that once he told the matter, the anti-Qin alliance would instantly collapse, and no one would dare to defy the Great Qin Heavenly Court again.

Even immortals and gods dare to kill, let alone them?

At this moment, Emperor Jiuyou Yin's expression suddenly changed, he stood up suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "You guys talk first, I will leave first if I have something to do."

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