In front of more than twenty Tianjiao, and in front of the eyes of countless people in the heavens and realms, Chu Yi was actually digging the ground!

"Those who come out to mix are to say a letter that says that if you kill the whole family, you will kill the whole family, and if you are buried alive, you will be buried alive!"

The big pit was quickly dug, and Ji Tianmei and Lan Zhan did not have the slightest resistance strength, they were entangled in wicker and thrown into the big pit and buried tightly.

With their strength, burying them in the ground will naturally not die, but with the shackles of wicker, it is impossible to break through the ground by their own evil power.

In the heavens and realms, the eyelids of countless people jumped, and the people in the great sect where the Ji family and Lan Zhan were located were even more angry to vomit blood!

"My mom, these two guys are so miserable!"

"Chu Yi is too strong, he has fought the Ten Crown Kings and the Ji Family Divine Son and the Great Sect Saint Son successively, and he won easily..."

"Is this still a begg? These three people clearly have the strength to enter the top ten, but now..."

"This goods... Won't clean up all of Chu Yao's opponents, right? "

"Look at those Tianjiao, their faces are green..."

"Chu Yi..." The Ji family was so angry that they vomited blood, among all the Tianjiao, only their Ji family, two Tianjiao entered the top twenty-five.

One is the destiny of the god son Ji Tianme, and the other is the little princess Ji Xiaoyue, originally this was a big happy event, but now the problem comes... The person who helped Ji Xiaoyue enter the top twenty-five, and even the top ten, killed the divine son Ji Tiandesti...

Should we be happy? Or should I get angry? Or are you happy and angry?

The Ji family wanted to cry and laugh, but the Great Sect where Lan Zhan was located could only be so angry that it almost exploded at the moment...


In the small world, there was silence. All Tianjiao did not speak, in fact, most people did not dare to speak at will now, lest they be targeted by Chu Yi.

Everyone could see that Chu Yi was a god who could not be unable to be heavenly, there was nothing to be afraid of, and he was extremely violent!

The unwritten rule that everyone obeys in their hearts, do not kill Tianjiao? Fart! One kill is three, and then maybe a few more will be killed.

Heavenly Dao rules? As long as you don't say it, I dare to exploit the loophole!

Who dares to provoke even those who dare to 'tease' by the Heavenly Dao?

Time passed, and soon, half an hour flickered by.

Since Ning Chuan had been 'voluntarily withdrawn', it was Chu Yao who won without a fight, and Heavenly Dao directly announced Chu Yao's victory, and the second game was An Miaoyi and Ji Tiandesti...

[An Miaoyi and Ji Tiandestiny, go on stage to fight! ] 】

The voice of the Heavenly Dao was cold and bleak, but as soon as this remark came out, it made the hearts of the Ji family and Lan Zhan's master sect sink.

Before, they had been looking forward to it, expecting that Tiandao would make a move, solve the two of them, protect their face, and let the fight continue.

But now it seems... Heavenly Dao did not mean this at all, that is, the Divine Son and Holy Son in their door were already doomed to failure, and there was no other possibility.

"Alas... Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other..." The Ji family was entangled and smiled bitterly.

[Ji Tianmei, if you don't go on stage within ten breaths, try to admit defeat! ] 】

Underground, Ji Tianmei's eyes widened and he looked confused.

"I really want to go on stage, can you get this wicker for me?"

He scolded his mother in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, otherwise he would offend the Heavenly Dao, and his luck would probably be exhausted...

Ten breaths of time passed quickly, and Ji Tianmei felt his body loosen, his body began to fade, and he was obviously being forcibly teleported out of Xiaoqian World.

"Chu Yi, I remember you, I am at odds with you!" Ji Tianmei roared, his expression was ugly, and he was about to cry.

[An Miaoyi, win! ] 】

[In the third scene, Ji Xiaoyue vs. Lan Zhan, immediately take the stage! ] 】

Lan Zhan: "..."

I'm a big-headed ghost on you! I can't even move my toes now, how can I get on?

Lan Zhan was angry and scolded Chu Yi thousands of times in his heart, but in the end, he could only be forcibly sent out of the Xiaoqian World in ashes, and Ji Xiaoyue was promoted...


In the heavens and realms, countless people were dumbfounded, and many people thought that Chu Yi's previous actions would inevitably anger Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao was likely to modify the rules again or rescue the two unlucky eggs who were buried alive.

But the result was that Tiandao did nothing, and all four members of Chu Yi's squad advanced.

What the? You said that Chu Yi has not advanced yet? Old brother, his opponent is nothing more than a five-crown champion...

The six crown champions have all been laid down by Chu Yigan, and the five crown kings are counted as a request?

Soon, the first round of the two-pair duel was over, and except for Chu Yao and the three, the other winners did not exceed most people's expectations.

The four people of Chu Yi, the four-crowned king Tianzi, Hua Yunfei, the Holy Son of Shaking Light Su Mo, the godson of the Jiang family, Jiang Yifei...

A total of thirteen people, again drawn, the same people will be empty.

And in this regard, no one expressed dissatisfaction, everyone knows that luck is also a kind of strength, not to mention under the Dao of Heaven, who dares to express dissatisfaction? Well...... Except for Chu Yi.

The list came out quickly, and this time the person who turned out to be Jiang Yifei.

This made several Tianjiao sigh secretly, why wasn't they empty?

And when several Tianjiao saw the final list, their faces turned green!

"I'm Nima, how did I deal with Chu Yao? Doesn't that mean..."

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