"Chu Yi, the ancestor said, you are the great benefactor of my Jiang family, but I still want to fight with you, and do my best, I hope you can understand!"

Compared with Hua Yunfei, who was a little funny, Jiang Yifei was much calmer, and Xu took the initiative to step forward and fight Chu Yi in order not to make Chu Yi embarrassed.

Of course, if Chu Yi knew, he would definitely laugh. In fact, I don't have anything difficult as a villain... I even want to laugh.

"The name of the Tianjiao Conference is not important to me, but I want to fight with the real peerless Tianjiao, and I want to see what level I am now..."

His eyes were hot and sincere, and he was really looking forward to fighting with "Eight Seven Three" Chu Yi.

"Actually, I think so too." Hua Yunfei came over and hooked up with Jiang Yifei: "Little uncle, you don't mind if we join forces, right?" "

Jiang Yifei's brows frowned slightly, and he wanted to refuse, but thinking of the amazing strength that Chu Yi had always shown, he did not speak.

If we don't join forces, I'm afraid we won't be able to see his true strength, right? Jiang Yifei smiled bitterly.

"Yes, give you this opportunity, as for whether you can see my full strength, it depends on how many pounds and taels you have." Chu Yi tilted his head and muttered, "My match with the Ten Champions is in the first game, then..."

"Simply the two of you are also in the ring, anyway, Heavenly Dao does not stipulate that others are not allowed to interfere in the match, the three of you join forces, as long as it can hurt me, even if I lose!"

Jiang Yifei: "..."

Hua Yunfei's eyes widened: "Little uncle, are you serious?" "

The Ten Crown King's gaze froze: "Arrogant! You will pay for what you do..."

"Good!" In the end, Jiang Yifei nodded, his arrogance made him unwilling to join forces with others to besiege Chu Yi.

But he really wanted to see Chu Yi's strength!

"Brother Yi, he... No way? An Miaoyi was stunned, and Chu Yao shook her head with a wry smile.


All the heavens and realms, everyone was stunned.

"This... One to three? And they are all Hua Yunfei, Jiang Yifei and even the ten crown kings such astonishing arrogance? "

"I'm no exception to this, Chu Yi's goods originally didn't play according to the routine, but now the problem is... He himself 'provoked' the Heavenly Dao does not count, but also pull two people to play together, but they still agreed? "

"It's too big, now..."

"But what if Chu Yi wins? He has all the heavens and realms, and all the Tianjiao will be eclipsed in front of him! "

"Impossible! The Ten-Crowned King Son of Heaven is by no means an easy person, Jiang Yifei also has a divine body, and Hua Yunfei's talent is known to all the heavens and all worlds..."

"But what if..."


Xiaoqian World, above the ring, Chu Yi, Hua Yunfei, Jiang Yifei, and the Ten Crown King Tianzi were separated in all directions.

All spectators held their breath, this battle was too important for anyone to ignore.


With the sound of the Heavenly Dao, the four of them shot almost at the same time!

Hua Yunfei attacked towards Chu Yi, and the rhythm swept through, accompanied by part of the inheritance of the ruthless emperor, sharp and terrifying.

On the other side, the Ten Crown King was covered in golden light, intending to kill Chu Yi, but was stopped by Jiang Yifei!

"Ten crowns? Fortunately, let me see how strong the invincible Son of Heaven is in the tenth lifetime! "

Jiang Yifei's divine body is brilliant and gorgeous, for him, it doesn't matter what name he gets, the important thing is to be able to fight with the real peerless Tianjiao and play a peerless demeanor!

Chu Yi's face did not change color, and he didn't even go to get the weapons and battle armor, and there was fog all around his body, as if fairy qi surrounded him!

He punched out one punch after another, seemingly plain, but in fact, it contained the power of reincarnation, each punch made Hua Yunfei extremely uncomfortable, and after a short moment, Hua Yunfei suddenly flew back 0.......

"Ginger, no, come and help!" Hua Yunfei screamed strangely.

"Change!" Jiang Yifei's divine body was brilliant, and he exchanged opponents with Hua Yunfei in an instant, and he dealt with Chu Yi alone!

Although it was said before that three fight one, it belongs to the pride of peerless Tianjiao, making them unwilling to join forces against the enemy, unless... Confirm that you are invincible!


Chu Yi's fist suddenly changed, as if he was turning into a mountain, as stable as Mount Tai. Behind him, the willow tree shadow covers the sky, and there are laws around!

The wicker hole pierced through nothingness, like a chain of order gods, constantly whipping and stabbing Jiang Yifei's divine body, making his face change slightly.

"Hahaha, let's go together!"

Rumble! Chu Yi's black hair flew around, playing a peerless demeanor, and with a wave of his big hand, the willow divine law swept over, unexpectedly attacking the Ten Crown King, Hua Yunfei and Jiang Yifei at the same time!

"That's awesome!" Ji Xiaoyue's eyes were full of 4.8 little stars, and when he looked at Chu Yi, his face was full of obsession.


The ring is shaking, and the four Tianjiao, from two to two battles, have become Chu Yi with one enemy and three!

But countless observers were shocked, because, even if it became one enemy and three, Chu Yi did not have any pressure, still as before, punch after punch blasted, as if he could break this sky, smash this land, and step on this Lingxiao!

"So strong..."

"Is this Chu Yi's true strength? Even if he doesn't use imperial soldiers, he can suppress the three peerless Tianjiao with his own strength? "

(Eight more to send, there are 2 more, continue to ten more, don't raise books, I feel like I'm going to be raised to death.) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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