Hou Ping walked out of the Hokage Building.

In the end, he accepted the task of ape flying to the sun.

The third generation actually let himself take the Zhongnin exam, he couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in the gourd of the ape flying sun.

But I promised him three things before, and I had to do it.

Replace the [Konoha Murashinobi Forehead Protector], look at the [Konoha Forehead Protector] in his hand, and think that it is better to give the big buck tooth, so he sent a message to the big buck tooth and asked him to wait for him in the Hou Gate.

Hou Ping walked quickly towards Hou Men.

Just when Hou Ping and Ape Fei Ri were talking secretly in the office, the forces of all parties in Konoha Village began to move.

Gather ninjas and players from each village, assign tasks, and everything is going on in the dark.

Outside Konoha Village.

Orochimaru also held a meeting in secret.

In addition to NPCs, this meeting includes a large number of players, led by a player with an ID called [Takeshita Nagaei].

At this point, they were sitting at a huge long table.

"Today, gather everyone, there is a very important task to be handed over to you..."Orochimaru swept the players below, his eyes fixed on Takeshita Nagaei, "Destroy Konoha!"

Takeshita smiled.

Looking at his smile, Orochimaru couldn't help but recall the scene when this player first found himself.

This player has the same goals as himself.

That is to destroy Konoha.

At first, I didn't look down on Takeshita Nagaei, who was more fragile than ants.

However, seeing that he was able to rapidly improve his strength in a short period of time, Orochimaru was still moved, and he couldn't help but have the idea of cooperating with these players.

After all, you also need cannon fodder to invade Konoha.

In this way, the two have their own ghosts, but they become partners because of the same goal.

"Destroy Konoha!" Takeshita Nagaei's heart was excited, trembling because of the excitement, and the blood filled his body.

It's so exciting.

Hou Bufan, who is the number one on the ninja list, Sasuke who has a writing wheel, and the Book of Seals.

These are all he wants.

And this time it's definitely a good opportunity.

Although in the original plot, Orochimaru and they failed miserably, but this time is different, players are familiar with the plot, and they are also prepared.

Takeshita is extremely confident that they will definitely be able to reverse the plot.


"Congratulations, trigger the story quest and destroy Konoha Village!"

Nagahide Takeshita accepted the task with a smile.


The same thing happened almost everywhere else in Konoha Village.

However, the difference is that there are various factions of the NPCs that issued the quests, and most of the players have been given the story quest to destroy Konoha

, but without exception,

they themselves don't know that they are nothing more than cannon fodder.

They were carried away by the huge reward, and excitedly ran away to tell their friends and family, and pulled them together to accept the task of this huge pit.

"It's finally time for the day of the Zhongnin exam."

"Yes, the forces of all parties have invaded Konoha, and we can drink the soup and drink it crookedly."

"Although in the original plot, Konoha won a miserable victory, but with us here, this time it is really not necessary."

"Experience, equipment, gold, I'm coming..."


In Hou Men, the big buck tooth was replaced with the forehead guard given to him by Hou Ping, and his face was shy.

But in comparison, the two of them were worried.

Because they were also given the task of destroying Konoha.

However, the two of them didn't answer, because Late Sakura guessed that the three generations would find Hou Ping and issue a mission similar to protecting Konoha.

Sure enough, after communicating with Hou Ping, I learned the intention of the three generations to find Hou Ping.

"The middle ninja exam?" Da Luoya was stunned for a moment, and said: "I heard that they have already finished the written test, and the rest is the ring competition, and the third generation will let you take the middle ninja exam, which is not in accordance with the rules."

"It is estimated that the three generations have also felt the restlessness of the forces of all parties." Evening Sakura said: "That's why I made an exception to let the boss take the middle ninja exam." With that

, Wan Ying looked at Hou Ping and said, "Boss, what do you think?"

Hou Ping shrugged, "What else can you think, the task has been accepted." "

Whether it's our family or the Fang City, all of this is owned with the support of three generations, once Konoha is destroyed, it will definitely cause a reshuffle of forces, not to mention the Fang City, and it's hard to say whether the Hou Gate can be spared." Hou Ping said worriedly.

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