Kakashi was behind Fujii and held kunai with his backhand, and kunai was against Fujii's throat.

"it!" Hou Ping was shocked.

Kadian's men are merciful.

Hou Ping hurriedly stepped forward, and was about to stop Kakashi from making a move when Kakashi's serious voice suddenly sounded.

"Have you had enough?"

There was a hint of anger in his voice.

Hou Ping stopped, feeling that these two people seemed to have a story.

Fujii laughed miserably, the whole person relaxed, and gave up resistance, "You can do it with her, why don't you kill me?"

Kakashi took back the kunai, and naturally knew in his heart who she was in Fujii's mouth.

There was a hint of loneliness in his expression, and a trace of heartache flashed in his eyes.

"You know, I'm also for..."

Fujii sneered, "For Konoha? So, you're going to kill your former companions?

Hou Ping, who was on the side, heard the conversation between the two, and he also knew something in his heart.

Shortly after the Battle of Kannabiha, Rin was placed with a spell on her heart by Madara Uchiha, and the Three-Tails plan was implanted in her body to destroy Konoha.

Since the spell can't make herself hurt herself, Rin chooses to die under Kakashi's Rachel in order to protect Konoha from destruction.

The one in Fujii Fumi's mouth is Lin!

It's just that Hou Ping didn't expect that Fujii Xun and Lin were actually friends, and the relationship was so good.


Kakashi opened his mouth and was about to explain, but he saw Fujii's figure flash and disappear in front of Kakashi.


Kakashi exhaled deeply.


Seeing that Fujii was gone, Kakashi was still in a daze, and Hou Ping called out tentatively.

Kakashi saw Hou Ping and patted his head, "I almost forgot to get down to business." When

the sound fell, Kakashi jumped down, came to Hou Ping's side, and said with a smile: "On behalf of the

three generations of adults, I will announce something to you." "

This time you will take the Zhongnin exam in the name of the seventh class." Kakashi looked at Hou Ping in front of him with satisfaction and said, "Come on, don't let me down!" As he

spoke, after handing Hou Ping an admission ticket, the figure dissipated in front of Hou Ping.

【Zhongnin Exam Admission Ticket】

Name: Hou Bufan's

Camp: Konoha Village, the Land of FireClass

: Class

7 Recommended Teacher: Kakashi

Hagi Task Completion: S-level Mission 0;

A-level mission 0; Class B Mission 1; C-level mission 0; D-level task 0

introduction: After reaching the number of tasks, you will get the admission ticket of the corresponding ninja level, and pass the exam to advance to the corresponding ninja level.

When the player enters the ninja school to learn Xi to receive the task, he will receive the title of ninja apprentice, with this title can go to the Naruto Building to receive D-level tasks, when 100 D-level tasks are completed, the ninja apprentice graduates, is promoted to the lower ninja, and takes the C-level mission, and so on, until the S-level shadow-level title.

When protecting Dazna, Hou Ping rubbed the task of the seventh class, and after completing it, it was automatically counted as completing the B-level task.


Three days have passed, and in these three days, Hou Ping did not rush to upgrade, but squatted in the Hou Gate to make the detonation charm.

In three days, 4,000 detonation charms were made overtime, and the owner of the Imperial Dining Hall, Pi Monster, was not idle and rushed to make ramen.

At first, he didn't know why Hou Ping would let him come to Houmen to be a cook.

It wasn't until one time, when he accidentally tasted the ramen he made, that he realized what he was awesome about.

He was not angry at Hou Ping for hiding this matter, but was satisfied to see that he could contribute to Hou Men.

However, there is a limit to the number of raw materials that can be purchased to make ramen every day, and only 30 bowls of ramen can be made in three days.

Mythology and Late Sakura are competing for each other, if it weren't for the approaching of the Zhongnin exam, Hou Ping will transfer all the resources to Myth, and Late Sakura will definitely grab half of it and throw it to Fang City, which will definitely attract a large number of players to rush to buy it.

On this day, the Daimyo of the Fire Country, the important ministers, and the daimyos of other countries came to Konoha one after another.

For a time, Konoha was at an unprecedented peak.

During this period, Sasuke learned to Rachel, and with the two hooks of the jade writing wheel, the increase in strength was not half a star.

Naruto was thrown into a cliff by Jiraiya, and at the last moment, Naruto used the Nine-Tails Chakra to successfully summon the number one rogue in Myoki Mountain, Bunta.

For the third Zhongnin exam, everyone can be said to be full of confidence.

At the same time, the forces of the shadows began to carry out an organized ambush against Konoha according to the plan.

Under the call of the god of war, Houmen has recruited many powerful masters, and according to the information obtained, he is also secretly arranging troops.

An unprecedented war has quietly begun.

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