Suddenly, Kan Jiulang waved his hand, and the puppet crow flew towards Hou Ping.

It's so fast, it's almost in the blink of an eye.

I saw Kankuro's fingers move, and a sharp dagger suddenly appeared on the wrist of the puppet crow, and the dagger was cold.

Hou Ping was startled, and his body hurriedly dodged to the side.


The puppet crow's dagger stabbed into the place where Hou Ping had just stood, and the purple liquid soaked the ground.


Hou Ping's eyes shrank.

At this time, Kanjiuro's wrist was moving, and the puppet crow of the manipulator once again rushed towards Hou Ping.

Hou Ping had no choice but to continue to hide to the side.

"Hehe..."Kankuro's disdainful laughter rang out. Do you just know how to run away?

Hou Ping kept dodging in the air, and the cold sweat on his face couldn't help but flow.

I still underestimated Kankuro's strength.

The puppet crow's speed is beyond its own to avoid, let alone resist and counterattack.

Hou Ping kept thinking in his heart, in the original plot, it seemed that Kanjiuro could only control the puppet, and he didn't have any outstanding physical skills and ninjutsu.

If you want to defeat Kankuro, the only way to do it is to fight in close combat!

And the condition for hand-to-hand combat is to take out this damn puppet!


Hou Ping was in a trance, and when he dodged, he was a step too late, and his ankle was scratched.

At this moment, the amount of blood fell by one-third in a hurry, so frightened that Hou Ping didn't dare to think about it, and was bent on dodging.

At this time, Hou Ping found that there was a slight delay when Kan Jiulang was manipulating the puppet crow to turn around.

Although it was only for a moment, the puppet crow's body did pause.

Thinking of this, Hou Ping in the air kept changing his position, dodging left and right, irregular.

"It's now!"

Taking advantage of the moment when the puppet crow paused, the eight shuriken were thrown out directly.





All hits, but before Hou Ping was happy, he saw "Bang!" A sound of smoke rose up.

The puppet crow turns into a stump.

"Grass, stand-in!".

Hou Ping scolded.

At this time, I heard the wind whistling in my ears, and when I looked sideways, the figure of the puppet crow appeared behind me.

It's too late to distance yourself now, and the puppet crow is close at hand.

I saw the puppet crow open its mouth, and a pipe leaked out.


Hou Ping cursed.




Daggers shot out of the pipe one after another.




Hou Ping didn't have time to resist at all, so he was hit in three fatal places: the center of the eyebrows, the heart and the throat.

"In 10 seconds, in 10 seconds! Hou Shen lost, I won, hahaha. "

Ahh Hou Shen is not Kanjiuro's opponent after all. "

Most of the bets placed by players are that Hou Ping will be killed within 10 seconds, so when I saw Hou Ping being shot in a critical position, I suddenly looked like a look, if it weren't for Hou Ping fighting on behalf of the player and NPC, I'm afraid I would have to shout and cheer at this time.


When Sakura saw this scene, she couldn't help but clasp her hands together, with a nervous look on her face.

"It's over!"

Kankuro smiled!


Smoke rises.

Hou Ping, who had just been shot, turned into a piece of wood.

"Stand-ins?" Kankuro frowned.

At this time, a wind sounded in his ears, and he saw Hou Ping appear beside Kanjiuro with kunai in his hand, and slashed at his throat.

Kan Jiulang used force under his feet, and he soared into the air with a thud, avoiding Hou Ping's blow.

"It's still slow!"

Seeing Kan Jiulang avoid, Hou Ping smacked his tongue and said.

"You can unleash a stand-in in that situation and sneak up on me, okay, underestimate you." Kankuro was only surprised for a moment, and then returned to his normal appearance, and as he spoke, he manipulated the puppet crow to rush towards Hou Ping.

"Sure enough!" Seeing Kan Jiulang's escape, Hou Ping's hanging heart also relaxed.

Kankuro manipulates the puppet, and he is not good at melee and ninjutsu, because he needs to concentrate on manipulating the puppet, and this puppet is Kankuro's killer weapon and Achilles' heel.

"Hehe... Hahaha..."Kankuro laughed loudly, "I'm really surprised, it seems that you can know the strengths and weaknesses of everyone's ninjutsu, but, what I want to tell you is that knowing is one thing, and whether you can defeat it is another." "

Now, I'm going to show you the real horror of the tactical puppet crow!"

As he spoke, Kankuro's hand shook, and the puppet crow came to his side, his elbow flipped back, and a hollow pipe cannon appeared at the elbow joint.

"I'll you."

The moment Hou Ping saw the crow revealing the pipe cannon, he leaned over and dodged to the side.


A puff of smoke rose from the cannon, and at the same time, something like a howitzer exploded at Hou Ping's feet.

With a loud bang, a thick purple smoke filled the air.

"Poisonous Mist!"

Hou Ping was shocked at first, but found that his blood volume had not changed in the slightest, and at the same time, he was not in a state of poisoning, and then he remembered that one of the states attached to the ramen sent by the skin monster was poison immunity.

Thinking of this, Hou Ping didn't panic.

Taking advantage of this smoke, Hou Ping sealed.

To outsiders, Hou Ping was shrouded in a puff of smoke.

Immediately after, a figure flew out of the smoke and landed in the clearing not far away.

"Oh no, Lord Extraordinary has been hit by a poison gas bomb!" Shikamaru saw that Hou Ping's feet were unstable at this time, and he stumbled, his face a little anxious.

And when the smoke rises, Kankuro's figure disappears.

On the field, as long as Hou Ping's crumbling figure was looking around for Kan Jiulang's figure.

But Hou Ping didn't notice that the puppet crow was hovering behind him, looking at Hou Ping's back, like a beast that chooses people and devours them.

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