"The attributes are not good!" Hou Ping looked at the equipment, rubbed his teeth and said, "Go out and sell it, exchange for some medicine money." If

this is heard by other players, they will definitely scold their mother, sigh that the system is unfair, and say that they will play together? We wear shame clothing for Mao, and you treat your equipment like garbage?

"This..." has reached the final hole, and then leads to the location of the boss Ken Koshikawa, and outside this hole, there are 5 admirers of Ken Koshikawa at the same time!

From a distance, Hou Ping saw the five of them sitting around the fire, on which were the flesh of some unknown animal.

Seeing that these 5 admirers of Yue Chuanjian were so close, Hou Ping was a little embarrassed.

The trick of using the technique of doppelganger to divert the tiger from the mountain will not work at all, and he can't face 5 admirers at the same time, let alone 5, even 3 is already Hou Ping's limit.

If it is an official dungeon, the player does not have a 30% attribute bonus of [Blessing of the Three Generations Hokage], and it is estimated that any squad will stop here, unless there are 3 pieces of equipment with the same equipment as Hou Ping.

According to the explosion rate of "Naruto World", it is estimated that it is enough to choke.

Hou Ping carefully observed the surrounding terrain, trying to use the terrain bug to create opportunities for himself, and after looking at it for a long time, Hou Ping gave up.

"Naruto World" claims to be bug-free, but it's really not blown.

Hou Ping turned on the [Stealth Technique] and cautiously approached, and when he approached the edge of the hatred range, suddenly, an admirer of Koshikawa Ken stood up.

"Oops, found out?" Hou Ping was shocked.

But he found that his [Stealth Technique] had not disappeared, and his hanging heart was finally relaxed.

Hou Ping stared at the worshipper, not daring to act rashly.

After the worshipper stood up, he looked around, got up and walked towards the underground river on one side, and when he reached the shore, he unchained his trousers and began to shush.

Hou Ping fell to the ground.

I can't help but admire how long the brain hole of the game maker is.

When I was in the unit, I looked at them seriously, and I didn't go so "shameless" in secret.

But Hou Ping loves their "shamelessness" to death.

Because he keenly noticed that the distance that the worshipper had left was already within the hatred level of the other four.

In other words, Hou Ping had every chance to kill him without touching the other four admirers.

Thinking of this, Hou Ping was completely excited.

But as he continued to sneak around, he was embarrassed to find that the admirer had brought up his pants and actually returned.

"Living in such a dark cave, you don't have the problem of urinating inexhaustibly?" Hou Ping cursed his kidney function and continued to squat down.

He's waiting.

Wait for him to continue to use the toilet.

After a while, Hou Ping was not disappointed.

The worshipper stood up again and walked towards the river, and Hou Ping counted the time, which was close to 10 minutes apart.

Seeing him put on his pants again and returned to his original position, Hou Ping smiled and said, "Well, frequent urination and urgency seem to be in the late stage!" "。

At the same time, Hou Ping cautiously sneaked to the river and continued to wait for his arrival.

"Be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years." This is Hou Ping's motto.

Hou Ping, who was anxious and waiting, really wanted to whistle to help him.

In the midst of Hou Ping's thousand calls, the worshipper finally stood up again and came to the river.

The moment he took off his pants, Hou Ping directly burst out and wiped his neck with a knife.

"Ignore Defense",

"Critical Hit",

and "Stealth Critical Hit"

are explosive outputs, causing him to be seriously injured directly.

Hou Ping didn't give him a chance to react, and the [Elementary Seduction Technique] used it, forcibly controlled it for 2 seconds, and swept the knife under his throat again.

Although there is no stealth critical hit, the damage should not be underestimated.

Under a series of attacks, the admirer's blood volume was pressed to the bottom line, and when the worshipper reacted, Hou Ping's [Stand-in Technique] pulled away.

Four shurikens flew out.

Direct spikes.

The worshippers contributed a piece of equipment and more than twenty silver coins to Hou Ping, as well as 3250 experience and turned into a corpse.

[Koshikawa Ken's admirer's face protection]

Requires level: 6

type: cloth armor

defense: 4

constitution: +2

ninja: +


Hou Ping wore it directly without saying a word, and Hou Ping looked more like a ninja

after masking.

After adding 4 points of defense and 2 points of constitution, Hou Ping's total defense has reached 51 points, and his blood volume has also risen to 250.

At the same time, in the face of Yuechuan Jianhouping, he was also a little more steady.

After packing up his equipment and the silver and copper coins that were exploded, Hou Ping next faced 4 admirers of Yue Chuan Jian.

Along the way, Hou Ping boldly did the test, and when facing 3 admirers, he could barely defeat with blood.

Four, Hou Ping really has no bottom in his heart.

But there is no other way in front of him, at this time, if there is another player to help him share one, Hou Ping can solve the other three.

"Alas...," Hou Ping sighed, "after all, this is a team game!" "

Whether it's the game design or the setting of the Naruto anime, except for a few ninjas, most ninja squads are composed of multiple people, and each person has a different division of labor.

In the game Naruto, the level of the monsters in the early stage is not high, which will not show anything, but in the middle of the game, most of the tasks are completed in teams.

It's incredibly difficult for one person to accomplish a task.

This gave Hou Ping the idea of creating a ninja squad.

"Big bucktooth counts as one!" Hou Ping folded his fingers and calculated: "Xin'er is also counted, plus my sister, the four of them are just right!"

Thinking of Xin'er, Hou Ping couldn't help but sigh again.

I don't know how Xin'er and her sister are doing now.

Hou Ping shook his head, it's a bit early to think about that now, the top priority is to find a way to reach level 10 in the fastest time, save enough 50 gold coins, find the big bucktooth, and pass on the news that he is still alive.

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