"If you like it, I'll buy it all for you!"

The handsome guy's words immediately caused a burst of exclamations from the onlookers.

Some little girls looked at the handsome guys with stars in their eyes.





"It's the perfect lover."

"Boy, 5 gold coins including ninjutsu, I want them all."

The handsome guy said with a proud look on his face, as if he had offered a high price, a gift-like attitude.

This feeling of eating made Hou Ping very unhappy.

Very unpleasant.

He glanced at the girl, who seemed to be looking at him all the time, trying to see something in his face.

But she was doomed to be fruitless.

When entering the game, the system optimizes the face shape and body of the character, which can be said to be a facelift.

It is also a fatal temptation for female gamers who love beauty.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that everyone is "unrecognizable" now.

Hou Ping looked at her gaze with a special feeling, indescribable.

"Not for sale!"

Hou Ping's cold voice rang out.

Maybe it's because of his attitude, maybe it's because of the girl in front of him, Hou Ping himself can't say clearly.

The handsome guy obviously didn't expect Hou Ping to refuse, and he was stunned for a while.

Then he sneered disdainfully and said: "That's it, I really don't have many gold coins in the game, but in reality I'm giving you an extra 100,000, how about it!" There was

an uproar in the crowd.

"Local tyrants, desperate local tyrants!"

"Local tyrant, make a friend!"

The handsome guy looked at Hou Ping with a look of disagreement I don't believe you.

However, there was not the slightest wave in Hou Ping's eyes.

100,000 RMB?

Lao Tzu can't get out of the game, what's the difference between your 100,000 and special dark coins.

"Not for sale!"

Hou Ping said impatiently.

"Two hundred thousand, how?"

The handsome guy stared at Hou Ping, as if he was threatening, staring at Hou Ping deadly.

Hou Ping was not shocked, but the crowd exploded.

"I'm Nima, two hundred thousand."

"That's the price."

"That's right."

"I think this kid wants to slaughter a fat sheep."

"Hehe, there are more such people, and they will be slaughtered to death when they encounter a large amount of money."

"That's it, be careful that the sheep runs away, and there is no hair."

The handsome guy smiled obliquely and said, "Brother, it's almost there, you just want to make more money, just a person like you, in reality, you are also a poor dick, right?" I'll give you a chance to turn over.

"I just don't want to sell it to you, that's all."

Hou Ping looked at the handsome guy and said word by word.

Suddenly, the handsome guy's slanted smile froze on his face.


There are many people in the crowd who are not used to seeing the faces of the nouveau riche, especially this kind of person who can do whatever he wants if he has money.

The handsome guy's face instantly darkened.

"Forget it, since he doesn't sell, let's go."

The girl on the side said softly.

The handsome guy also knew that his continued presence was nothing more than a joke, and after snorting coldly at Hou Ping, he turned his head and left.

Hou Ping looked at the girl's back, and the girl looked back at Hou Ping.

At that moment, Hou Ping's heart ached.

"Brother, thirty gold coins, I've got it."

A middle-aged man came over in a hurry with a group of people.

Obviously, it's a player who farmed monsters outside and hurriedly ran back after hearing the message.

His ID is not hidden, and his name is [Mythic].


Thirty gold coins is indeed the price of Hou Ping's heart.

It is estimated that these thirty gold coins were also collectively made up by all of them.

Even so, being able to get so much money in such a short period of time really made Hou Pinggao look at him.

"Are you Hou Bufan? No. 1 on the ninja list?

When trading, Myth saw Hou Ping's ID and asked in shock.

"Ninja Bang?" Hou Ping was stunned for a moment, and this time he remembered that it seemed that the system prompted him to open the leaderboard when he was level 5.

I've been busy with tasks and forgot about it.

Seeing that Hou Ping did not deny it, the myth continued: "No wonder, no wonder there is these equipment. "

Brother, you've finished the pre-quest for the dungeon!" Myth's eyes lit up, and he suddenly asked.

Hou Ping nodded and said, "I just finished it, and I haven't had time to deliver the task yet." "

Hou Ping doesn't need to hide, Ping Jie's own strength at this time, among novice players, it seems that no one is his opponent.

Even if it is the group V himself, he has full confidence to leave calmly.

"Brother, let's discuss something." For this legendary first person in the game, Myth really wants him to join his team, but he has always been very accurate in looking at people, and it is enough to see that Hou Bufan is definitely not a person who values interests.

Since it is not a matter of profit, it must be of love.

The myth decided that he must befriend this person.

"If there are ninjutsu scrolls and equipment in the future, can you sell them to us first?"

Mythology rubbed his hands and looked at Hou Ping with some expectation.

Hou Ping glanced at the rankings, he is currently the first, and this myth is really the same as he expected, he is not a lonely and unknown person, and he ranks 4th on the ninja list.

Seeing that Hou Ping didn't speak, the myth thought that what he said was a little abrupt, smiled awkwardly, and said: "Brother, don't worry, we will definitely collect at a high price, and it will definitely not be lower than the market price."

"I guess you also know that the ninjutsu explosion rate in this game is too low." Myth sighed, "My brothers and I brushed the humanoid monsters for a whole day, and none of the ninjutsu skills exploded.

"No problem!" Hou Ping agreed very happily.

"Really?" Hou Ping suddenly agreed, let the myth flutter for a moment, and confirmed with a happy face.

"Happy working together!" Hou Ping smiled.

He needed a consortium because he was short of money, and the myth looked worth paying for.

This is Hou Ping's reason.

The two made friends, and after a pleasant exchange, they parted.

At this time, riots began on the public screen again.

"I just went to ninja school, guess what day it is?"

"What's the matter, did you catch the school anniversary?"


"Lower forbearance assessment!"


I have a bold idea."

", I really want to go together!"

"Do you want to form a group?"

Hou Ping looked at the discussion on the public screen and suddenly thought of something.

"Naruto! Book of Seals! "

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