All the forces, this moment was stunned.

The name of the Zhao Group, they are like thunder.

The revenge of the Zhao family's organization was only washed in blood by Houmen in an instant.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked by Houmen's strength.

At this moment, everyone reassessed Houmen's strength.

And the appearance of major NPCs helped Hou Ping block the attack, what does this mean?

It shows that this Hokage world is not as simple as they imagined.

Friendliness and prestige have also been re-valued by them.

At the same time, the plan for Houmen was redrawn almost at this moment.

From the very beginning of the attack, it has turned into infiltration and gradual cannibalization!

And some forces began to pay attention to Hou Ping as a player.

"Surprise! The Zhao Group retaliated against Houmen, and four hundred people were bloodied in an instant! On

the Internet at this time, this post was frantically clicked and reprinted by many players.

Less than 1 hour later, almost all players knew about it, and it almost swept the entire network.

Players in the novice villages of other countries were in an uproar.

It's unbelievable.

Houmen had just been established, and there were only 40 people in total, but they resisted the revenge of more than 400 people.

Although the NPC's participation in the war caused the scales to tilt Hou Ping seriously, it can also be seen from the side that Hou Ping has won the trust and help of the NPC.

This is not a kind of Houmen's strength.

And when the Konoha executives learned about this, they issued a wanted warrant and severely punished the 400 players who disturbed the security of Konoha.

What awaits them is Konoha Prison.

As for how long he will be detained, Konoha did not say, but everyone estimates that it will not be short.

And the Zhao family's force has completely lost the capital to compete in the game, even if they are spending money to cultivate new people, it will not help.

After all, it takes time to grow.

But will other forces wait for you?

Houmen, will I wait for you?

Zhao Qiyun was defeated.

Utterly defeated.

Not only in the game, but also in reality, the impact on the Zhao family also has a certain impact.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, the Zhao family is still so unattainable.

In fact, some forces are starting to move.

Shorolo was surrounded by players almost as soon as he went online.

After arriving at the Hokage Building and handing it over to the NPCs, everyone was rewarded with a lot of prestige and NPC friendliness.

For a while, the wind of arresting 400 people from the Zhao family in exchange for prestige rose and blew throughout the entire Konoha Village.

Of course, there are also lucky ones who betrayed Konoha, but as traitors, they didn't end up there.

Hokage Building.

On the balcony on the second floor.

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi, Kakashi, and Nara Shikaku looked at the bustling players below.

"Hokage-sama, this time the killing of chickens and monkeys was very successful!" Nara Shikahisa said with a smile, "It's obvious that the player's attitude towards NPCs has improved a lot.

But Ape Fei Ri still frowned, "These players are really scary, now they are organized, but they are independent, and they can't threaten us."

"It would be a very terrible force if someone united them." Ape Fei Ri slashed out a thick puff of smoke and said, "What's more, that prophecy is worrying me.

"Is it a prophecy of integration and destruction?" Kakashi asked.

Ape Fei Ri nodded, looked in the direction of Hou Men, and said sneeringly, "Son of Prophecy." "

Kakashi, what do you think of Hou Bufan?"

After a long time, Ape Fei Ri asked.

"Uh-huh!" Kakashi thought for a moment and said slowly, "I feel like he's a player who has truly integrated into our world!" "

He has a friendship and bond with Naruto and Sasuke!" Kakashi thought back to the battle with Momochi and continued, "And the protection of each other.

"It can be seen that he is an expression of his true feelings, not the feeling of other players who are fawning for ninjutsu."

Ape Fei Sun Slash nodded.

"Hopefully, I didn't misread him!"


Just when Hou Ping and An An were immersed in the joy of mailing letters back and forth, he didn't know that an alliance against Hou Men was quietly rising.

Because of the bloody washing of the Zhao family by Houmen this time, the other major forces recognized one thing clearly.

It is difficult to compete with Houmen with its own strength alone.

Only by uniting can there be hope for the destruction of Houmen and the replacement of Houmen.

And the leader of this alliance that destroyed Houmen was naturally the Zhao family that suffered the most losses.

"Zhao Shao, we all understand what you said." The representative of the Zhang family pondered his eyebrows and said slowly: "But you have to have a plan, don't rush up and be destroyed by people like what happened yesterday!" "

That is, we are not as rich as your Zhao family." The person in charge of the Wing Chun Yao Industry Group hurriedly said: "Investing a few million can cultivate a group of people, I can't afford to play it."

"In the past, we could also circle a wild monster area and collect a protection fee, but now that the martial arts hall in Houmen has begun to be cleaned, Lao Tzu has no income at all." The Wang family sighed and said with a look of resentment: "Now some players actually laugh at us publicly, and this shame is brought by Houmen.

Zhao Qiyun listened to them complaining, and the corners of his mouth felt a hint of curvature, "Houmen is nothing more than the support of the Konoha high-level today, can't we get the support of other NPC high-level people?"

"Zhao Shao said it easily, who knows what tricks Hou Bufan used, his reputation and friendliness are so high, it is difficult for us to win against him in this regard!"

"That's it!"

Everyone smiled wryly and shook their heads.

Zhao Qiyun looked at everyone and smiled mysteriously, "You have overlooked a problem, that is, the high-level of Konoha is not supported by all NPCs!"

"For example." Zhao Qiyun's eyes shone brightly, "Shimura Tuanzang!" "

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