The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 103 Echizen Nanjiro (3/4)

With the end of the first two rounds of testing, the next will be the third round of testing, which is the last round.

The final test is the actual combat ability.

Simply put, it is a competition.

As the saying goes, this is the truth when talking about soldiers on paper.

Qualified basic tennis theory and knowledge does not mean that they can perform well in real games.

The way of the game is very simple. The six players are divided into three groups and played against each other in twos.

The rule of elimination is not based on who wins and who wins, but Lin Feng decides whether they will go or stay based on their performance in the game.

In other words, even if he loses, but his performance in the game is remarkable, he can still pass the test.

Lin Feng gathered the six people who passed the second round of testing, and then began the third round of testing.

As for Lin Feng, he stood on the sidelines, carefully observing the game of six “zero and four zero” people.

I have to say that the six players' tennis level is pretty good if they can pass the first two rounds of tests.

Among them, the best performer belongs to Hiyoshi Wakashi.

Although he is only a first-year student in Hyotei College, his strength is undoubtedly very strong. Of course, this is also in Lin Feng's expectation.

After all, in the youth trials, Hiyoshi Wakashi was comparable to Kirihaya.

However, as the game progressed, the situation in one of the courts made Lin Feng frowned.

In order to show his tennis prowess, a teenager hit the tennis ball on the opponent's body deliberately.

The game only lasted ten minutes, and his opponent was already scarred.

But it can be seen that the little guy's perseverance is very tough, even if he is tortured by his opponent, he is still stubbornly persevering.

That kind of perseverance even Lin Feng can't help being vivid.

Even if his strength is a little weaker, there is no doubt that he has left a good impression in Lin Feng's heart.

As for the teenager who did not hesitate to use tennis to torture the opponent's body in order to show off his strength, Lin Feng did not immediately express his attitude.

But in Lin Feng's mind, he was directly eliminated from the third round.

In Lin Feng's eyes, no matter how strong you are, you cannot use tennis to attack your opponent's body.

After all, tennis is not a tool to manipulate hatred, nor is it your capital to show off.

Even if you want to show off, you can't use such extreme methods.

Half an hour later, the third round of the game is also over.

Lin Feng announced the list of people who passed the third round of the test. Five people passed the test. As for the elimination, it was the teenager who used tennis to attack the opponent's body.

When he heard that he had been eliminated, the young man was stunned, a little unconvinced.

"It's not fair. I obviously won the game. Why am I eliminated? I'm not convinced.

The teenager didn't seem to know why Lin Feng eliminated him.

"You want to know why?

Lin Feng closed the list and asked the boy.


The young man nodded heavily.

"Since you want to know, I can tell you that although you are very strong and have won this game, you should not use tennis to attack other people's bodies, because tennis is a sport and you are not showing off. Tools, so you were eliminated, do you understand now?"

Lin Feng's remarks were very straightforward, and did not leave the slightest affection.

The boy's expression changed, he didn't expect that this was the reason for his elimination.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness.

"Can you give me a chance, I will definitely not attack others with tennis again."

The boy asked Lin Feng.

"The opportunity has been given to you, but you are not sure about it."

Lin Feng said lightly.

"When did you give me a chance?

The young man was slightly taken aback.

"I gave you a chance from the moment you entered the arena."

Lin Feng then said.

It seems that he didn't know when he saw the other person, Lin Feng pointed to the wall aside.

The young man looked at the location pointed by Lin Feng. When he saw the big characters on the wall, "You can't use tennis to attack others", his face changed again.

The bitterness in the corners of the mouth could not help but become more intense.

He didn't expect that this was the opportunity the other party was referring to.

When he entered the arena, he did see it, but he didn't take it to heart.

Now he was eliminated because he did not abide by this principle.

The boy turned around and left the arena.

Lin Feng set his gaze on the five little guys in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Congratulations to you for successfully passing the test. From today on, you are the students of this arena, but I hope you can remember that no matter how strong a person is, you can't use tennis as a tool to manipulate hatred, otherwise even you The talent is very good, and I will ruthlessly expel you from the arena..."

"Students remember.

The five little guys said in unison, their voices were extremely loud.

With the end of the third round of competitions, the admissions exams officially came to an end.

Although they eventually became the next five people who were able to successfully pass the test, it was clear that the soldiers were not more skilled.

Taking into account that it was getting late, Lin Feng did not immediately arrange training for the five new guys. He simply said something and told them to leave.

As the sky gradually darkened, Yukimura Sanada and others left the arena after completing the training.

Lin Feng tidied things up, and was about to close the arena.

However, at this time, a middle-aged man wearing a monk's uniform entered the arena. The opponent didn't even wear his shoes, so he walked in barefoot.

"Shoun Lang, do you want to compete with me as an old man?"

After entering the court, the middle-aged man set his sights on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng turned around and looked at the man with the appearance of a big-footed man, his eyes focused suddenly.

Lin Feng will react like this, not because he is surprised and dressed up, but because of his identity.

The man is not someone else, but the father of the protagonist in the original work 5.2, Echizen Nanjiro.

Echizen Nanjiro came here naturally because of the news in the Tennis Monthly.

I immediately became interested in Lin Feng.

He wanted to see if Lin Feng was as good as described in the monthly magazine and had a professional level.

Of course "Yes, Mr. Nanjiro.

Lin Feng said with a smile.

In fact, when he entered the world of Net King, Lin Feng was like seeing the strength of the father of the legendary player Echizen Nanjiro.

Unexpectedly, now the other party actually delivered it to the door in person.

Lin Feng naturally accepted it with pleasure.

"you know me?"

Echizen Nanjiro was a little surprised.

It seems that he has not yet declared his identity.

(There will definitely be four more, now at half past nine, and the next chapter will be around eleven o'clock)

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