The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 111 The Collision of Asura (3/4)

As a realm higher than the limit of seamlessness, Asura Shinto is undoubtedly more powerful.

Of course, it is somewhat different from the limit of seamlessness. To be precise, Asura Shinto is a prototype of a different dimension, a state of mind, or a limit breakthrough in the spiritual realm.

And the limit of seamlessness is the coexistence of spirit and skills. Although the power is also very strong, it is still not comparable to Asura Shinto.

In the opening of Asura Shinto, Lin Feng and Nanjiro's momentum is extremely strong.

In the center of the court, one red and one black are confronting each other.

What Nanjiro's Asura Shinto opens up is the samurai.

As for Asura Shinto opened by Lin Feng, it is Ashura himself.

"It seems that I guessed right. You have also stepped into this state. It's really amazing."

Nanjiro said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng smiled lightly and said casually.

"For Mr. Nanjiro, this should be just the first realm you have realized after entering the realm of different dimensions. You must have penetrated into higher levels of different dimensions, too."

"You have good eyesight, but it depends on whether you have this ability to force me out of the real different dimension.

Nanjiro's eyes flashed sharply.

"Don't worry, I will force your different dimension out."

Lin Feng said softly.

Junyi's body leaped into the air, and of course the red Asura behind him jumped up with him.

"Mr. Nanjiro, be careful."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Feng waved his arm angrily.

The yellow tennis ball turned into a fiery red color at this moment.


A huge impact suddenly exploded from the air.

At this moment, Lin Feng's serve ball speed directly exceeded 300km/h.

Up to 350Km/h.

"Let me see how strong your Asura Shinto is."

Nanjiro laughed loudly.

The body instantly disappeared from the place, and the samurai behind him disappeared with it.

After Nanjiro caught the ball, the samurai behind him pulled out the samurai sword on his waist at this moment.

It was subsequently approved in a volley.

Bringing up a black sword light, blending with the tennis ball and blasting towards Lin Feng.

The huge sword light suddenly enlarged from Lin Feng's pupils.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed, and the Asura behind him was directly integrated with Lin Feng at this moment.

When Lin Feng raised the Dragon God, Ashura's arm also raised at the same time.

Then he smashed towards the black sword light.

Rub the taste.

A trace of cracks suddenly appeared in the blade.

The next moment, it turned into a faint black light and disappeared. At the same time, the tennis ball appeared in Lin Feng's field of vision.

Lin Feng gripped the Dragon God and hit the tennis ball fiercely.


The tennis ball was returned to Nanjiro's court area by Lin Feng.

"Good boy.

Nanjiro couldn't help exclaiming.

The sword light developed by his Asura warrior was actually defeated by the opponent.

It seems that the other party's understanding of Asura Shinto is not lower than him, or even beyond.

Nanjiro stepped out.

The samurai behind him also merged with himself.

Nanjiro held the racquet with both hands, as if holding a katana.

Stepped out horizontally, bringing up an amazing black light.

This black mang was much tougher than before, giving people the feeling that the entire court would be split in half by this knife.

Hei Mang slammed into the arm of Asura who was hitting oncomingly.

Cut Asura's arm directly to the volley, the incision was extremely smooth.

Lin Feng successfully received the ball by Nanjiro, and the power of the return shot was extremely terrifying.


Lin Feng grinned.

His Asura just defeated the opponent's samurai, but he didn't expect that the Nanjiro's samurai defeated his asura.

The samurai Nanjiro is really amazing.


Lin Feng is not a vegetarian either.

Almost at the same time that Nanjiro defeated his Asura, Lin Feng's body rushed out quickly.

That merged with him, Ashura also strode to the net.

However, as Ashura's body is much taller than Lin Feng, standing in front of the net gives people a giant-like feeling.

Lin Feng's eyes were on Nanjiro, and Ashura's eyes were on the samurai.

When the tennis ball flew to the net, Lin Feng clenched the racquet with both hands and threw angrily down the oncoming tennis volley.

Asura's huge scarlet fist also blasted down from the air.

When Lin Feng caught Nanjiro's ball, he also blessed the power of (Violence: Eight Changes".

………For flowers…

Eight times the power of the original ball.

The tennis ball shot towards Nanjiro.

Nanjiro can feel that Lin Feng's ball is stronger than just now.

Nanjiro jerked his legs against the ground.

The veins on both arms burst out, and then they pierced laterally towards the tennis ball.

He brought up a powerful black sword light, and then dropped an Asura iron fist in the volley and slammed together.


A huge noise rang from the court.

However, this time, Nanjiro did not cut Lin Feng's Asura with a single knife as before.

Instead, his samurai was suppressed by the opponent.


Nanjiro's face changed slightly.

His own samurai couldn't break Lin Feng's Ashura.

Suddenly, a burst of smelling sound rang from Nanjiro's ear.


The next moment, Nanjiro was horrified to discover that there was a slight crack on the samurai sword.


There was a boom.

Nanjiro's Asura Warrior was directly smashed by Lin Feng's Asura.

The racquet in his hand was smashed through by this ball.


Nanjiro looked at the racquet in horror, his body froze directly.

His own samurai Asura was actually defeated head-on by the opponent.

At the World Open, his Asura Warriors were never defeated.

But now he was defeated by a teenager.

Even with the facts in front of him, Nanjiro still couldn't believe it.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was standing in front of the net, was also relieved.

Although he successfully defeated Nanjiro's Asura Warriors, he used Asura Shinto and [Violence: Nine Changes] to succeed in that goal.

Otherwise, it is impossible to defeat the samurai just by relying on Ashura.

Lin Feng knows this very well.

"I didn't expect Nanjiro Asura Shinto to be so powerful."

Although Nanjiro samurai Asura was defeated by Lin Feng.

But it can't hide the power of Nanjiro Asura Shinto.

This man's understanding of Asura Shinto can be said to have reached the limit.

If you say who has the strongest Ashura in the world today, Lin Feng can say with great certainty that it is the samurai Nanjiro standing in front of him.

Even if the opponent has retired for decades, Lin Feng still thinks so. pill,

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