The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 135: The Temptation of Mōri Juzaburō

"The so-called different-dimensional space is, to be precise, a simulated manufacturing space. In the different-dimensional space, any player in the world can be simulated, and the host can fight against them to enhance their own strength."

The system said.

"Can simulate any player in the world?"

The words of the system made Lin Feng's eyes bright.

I was immediately attracted by this two-dimensional space.

If the two-dimensional space can be activated, it is equivalent to saying that Lin Feng can compete with players from all over the world without leaving the hall.

"I didn't expect the function of this two-dimensional space to be so powerful."

Lin Feng couldn't help but slapped his lips.

"With my current five-dimensional improvement progress, it should only take three to four months to reach 20."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng grinned.

Then the three-fold gravity field was turned on and put into training.

Zero six zero"

Time flickered, and two days passed again.

The final of the Kanto Contest came as scheduled.

This year's duel between the two strongest teams in the Kanto region, this game attracted countless people to come and watch.

Needless to say, the Middle-School in Tokyo, even the strong schools in other regions also came here, Shitenhouji is one of these strong schools.

As the overlord of Kansai this year, Shitenhouji naturally pays close attention to some strong schools in the Kanto region. After all, they are likely to meet Hyotei and Rikkai in the upcoming national competition.

Knowing more about the opponent's situation is also very good for them.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng got up, and after a simple clean up, he closed the temple and came to the game.

Looking at the crowds around him, Lin Feng couldn't help being stunned. Even though he knew that the finals of the Kanto Contest would attract many people, he did not expect that there would be so many crowds onlookers.

Looking around the audience, Lin Feng found some familiar schools.

Shitenhouji, Liliadent Krauser, Higa Junior High.

These are all contests that have entered the national competition in the original book.

"It seems that this duel between Hyotei and Rikkai University has attracted many schools."

Lin Feng whispered in his heart,

But not surprised.

Both Hyotei and Rikkai University will meet in the national competition. They came here, they should just want to know the strength of Hyotei and Rikkai University.

The so-called knowing oneself and one another.


Lin Feng's eyes fell on the leftmost team in the auditorium.

Tachibana Yoshihira, dressed in black, was sitting in the audience with a tight-knit suit. Beside him were Kamio and Fudomine's players.

"It seems that Fudomine is here to inspect the enemy's situation and prepare for next year's competition.

Lin Feng saw Yang Jiping's thoughts at a glance.

He knows that Tachibana Yoshihira should have come to watch the games before the Kanto Contest.

Along the steps, Lin Feng walked towards the Rikkai team.

Yukimura Sanada Yanagi was busy doing pre-match guidance at the moment. Seeing the owner of the museum came, he immediately stood up.

"The owner of the museum."

The owner of the museum would watch their game unexpectedly, and the three of Yukimura were a little surprised.

"It's okay, you are busy with you, I can just watch it from the sidelines.

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Jackal Marui also set his sights on Lin Feng at this moment, and they are also very curious about Lin Feng.

They all heard about it, and even Yukimura Yanada joined his arena to learn tennis.

Presumably the opponent should be a very powerful senior.

A yellow-haired boy stood up from his seat, walked straight to Lin Feng, and said with a smile.

"Hello, introduce yourself, Mōri Juzaburō, the third year of Rikkai.


Looking at Mōri Juzaburō, who was as tall as himself, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Knowing the original work, he naturally knows Maori.

In the U17 training camp, he is a powerful character. The Japanese youth tennis team ranks TOP10 in the high school group.

However, since it is a year before the beginning of the plot, Maori is now only the third grade of middle school students.

Should soon receive an invitation to the U17 training camp.

"Hello, Lin Feng."

Lin Feng also stretched out his hand in a friendly manner.

"Is this the owner of the arena that Yukimura and Sanada joined? But it doesn't seem to be a big deal."

Maori cast a glance at Lin Feng.

It's just that no matter how he looks, he can't see how good the other party is.

"Try this guy."

Maori quietly increased the power of his palm.

But the next moment, his face changed.

He found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the opponent, and the palm of the opponent seemed to be as hard as steel...


Maori's eyes were filled with horror.

The opponent looked about the same size as him, and his power turned out to be so terrifying.

It seemed that he quickly withdrew his hand, the expression on his face was extremely solemn.

Lin Feng smiled jokingly in his heart.

This Maori actually wanted to test him.

If it is a year after the plot started, Lin Feng may be afraid of gross profit.

But now Lin Feng doesn't.

The opponent is only in the third grade of junior high school, and his strength is not strong there.

Moreover, he is not afraid of Jujiro Oni from the U17 training camp.

Yukimura looked at Maori's solemn look and couldn't help shook her head.

It seems that in the confrontation just now, Maori suffered a dark loss.

However, Yukimura was not surprised, he knew how strong the curator was.

If you compete for strength, the museum owner will not lose to the Maori senior.

"Is that the owner of the museum?"

On Hyotei's side, Riji also noticed Lin Feng who was standing in the Rikkai camp, and the expression on his face immediately became happy.

"Now we will start the singles three in the final of the Kanto Contest, Hyotei University Takahiro Kawa VS Rikkai University Kirihara Akaya.

With a melodious broadcast sound.

The final of the Kanto Contest officially begins.

Huadi and Kirihaya walked into the venue.

The size of Huadi is very huge, and the whole person looks like a big mountain, much stronger than Shitenhouji's Ishida Gin.

In contrast, Kirihaya's body is much thinner. The two are standing on the court as if an adult and a child are playing.

"Unexpectedly, Rikkai, the king, sent a freshman to serve as singles third, which is really interesting."

Sitting on the bench, Atobe couldn't help laughing.

He knows that Rikkai is very strong, but letting a first-year kid take the position of singles three, Atobe does not seem to be a wise move.

The power of Huadi lies not only in its own terrifying strange power, but also in its imitating ability.

From Atobe's point of view, Hyotei was a good nine in the first singles game.

He doesn't think how strong a first-year kid is.

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