The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four

Ruguang entered the water, unknowingly, it has been a month since Tachibana and the others joined the shrine.

In the past two weeks, Lin Feng has been arranging chair Jiping and the others for weight training.

The training is cruel, but the gain is undoubtedly huge.

Everyone's five dimensions have been significantly improved.

Among them, the biggest improvement is undoubtedly Ju Jiping. When he joined the arena, his five-dimensional was only 15.9. After a month of weight training, the five-dimensional has improved to 17.2.

That's 1.3.

Although the improvement of other people's five dimensions is not as good as that of Ju Jiping, it is also much worse. The five dimensions are all increased by 1 point on the original basis.

The progress is quite large.

But for Lin Feng, the five-dimensional improvement is only the basic of the basics. If you want to improve the strength of tennis, the five-dimensional improvement alone is far from enough.

So next Lin Feng is going to give Fudomine targeted training.

And this kind of targeted training is naturally determined based on the specialties of each person in Fudomine.

For example, Shenwei's specialty is speed, Shitiantie's specialty is power, and the specialty of thinking is only observation and spin.

If they can be strengthened again on their own foundation, there is no doubt that their strength will be upgraded to a new level.

As for how to improve, Lin Feng already has a good decision in mind.

And this kind of decision is the training room of the shrine.

The strength of the training room is that it can be uniquely strengthened according to individual characteristics.

So in the following time, apart from letting them carry out weight training, Lin Feng arranged Fudomine in the training room for specific training during the rest of the time.

Inside the shrine, Lin Feng is holding a newspaper in his hand.

The newspaper recorded the situation of this national competition.

As expected by Lin Feng, Rikkai won the national championship and won the second consecutive national championship.

As for the Kansai overlord Shitenhouji, he was eliminated by Rikkai in the semi-finals and missed the final.

For this result, in Lin Feng's expectation, in the original book, Rikkai shoved Shitenhouji in the semi-finals.

As for Rikkai Da, whose strength is now fully strengthened, Shitenhouji is undoubtedly even less likely to beat Rikkai Da.

After closing the newspaper, Lin Feng walked out of the room. At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Then the four figures walked into the hall.

It was Yukimura and the others.

"The game is over?"

Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Yukimura nodded with a smile on his face: "Well, we Rikkai won the championship (cgfc).

"Owner, why are you not surprised at all?"

Kirihaya looked at the museum owner suspiciously.

They Rikkai are the champions of the national competition. Logically speaking, the owner should be happy for them.

But the expression of the curator is quite calm.

This made Kirihaya a little puzzled.

"Rikkai University won the national championship last year. After my training, your strength has become stronger than last year. Winning the championship is in my expectation."

Lin Feng said without changing his face.


Kirihaya lowered his head.

At this time, Tachibana Yoshitomo, who had finished training, also walked out of the training room.

After looking at the three iconic faces standing next to the museum owner, I immediately recognized them. It was not Rikkai who defeated Hyotei in the Kanto Game.

"Why did people like Rikkai appear in the shrine?"

Yi Jiping's eyes narrowed slightly.

There was also a trace of amazement on the faces of Kamio and Deep Thought standing behind Tachibana Jiping.

Obviously, some do not understand the situation.

"The owner, they?"

Yi Jiping brought Kamio and others to Lin Feng's side.

"Like you, I am a student of the temple."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing what the owner said, the complexions of all Fudomine changed suddenly.

The Big Three of Rikkai are also students of the museum owner?

Isn't it?

For them, this news is undoubtedly quite a hot news.

Rikkai Dana is the school that won the national championship this time, and the legendary Rikkai Big Three are national level players.

Even joined the shrine.

They couldn't believe it.

"Hello, Rikkai Dai Yukimura Seiichi Yukimura.

Rikkai "Da Sanada Genichiro.

"Rikkai Da Yanagi Renji."

The three Yukimura introduced themselves one by one, and the three loud names alone put a heavy pressure on Tachibana Yoshihira.

"And me, Rikkai's super new star, Kirihara Akaya."

Kirihaya stood up and said his name.

"Hello, this is Fudomine's captain Yang Jiping.

Tachibana Jiping also self-reported his identity.

"Yang Jiping?"

Yukimura's eyes narrowed slightly, apparently he had also heard of Tachibana Yoshihira's reputation.

Once the ace of Kyushu duo and Lion Music Middle-School, he led the club to the national competition last year.

Unexpectedly, now he joined Fudomine.

"Well, since we all know each other, then go to train. In the two months of the national competition, you have delayed a lot of time. From now on, everyone's training will be doubled."

Lin Feng said.

"Ah, double the training? Isn't it?"

Kirihaya's face suddenly collapsed.

"What? Another opinion?"

Lin Feng jokingly smiled.

"No, no problem, I'll go training now."

Kirihaya hurriedly shook his head, walked to the side and took out a weight-bearing vest.

Yukimura Sanada and Yanagi immediately joined Kirihaya's camp.

Although they are the Big Three of Rikkai outside, they are just ordinary students in the shrine.

"Don't stand stupidly here, take the time to rest, and continue training in half an hour."

Lin Feng turned around and said sharply to the person behind Ju Jiping.


Yi Jiping looked at him, and immediately went to rest with Kamio and the others.

Just staring at Yukimura who was training but couldn't help, his expression was complicated.

There is no doubt that in next year's national competition, Rikkai is definitely their strongest opponent.

With the training in the hall, the night gradually darkened unconsciously.

After completing their respective training tasks, Yang Jiping, Yukimura and others also left the shrine one after another.

After closing the temple, Lin Feng immediately returned to the room.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, he took out the Handbook of the Profound Meaning of the Unself, and entered the meditation of the Profound Meaning of the Unself.

During this period of time in training Fudomine, Lin Feng wasted a lot of time, and then he must hurry up.

After all, Lin Feng now only comprehends the limit of one of the three profound meanings.

Lin Feng has yet to comprehend the other two kinds of meanings.

In any case, before his five-dimension reaches 25, Lin Feng must also penetrate the other two kinds of profound meanings.

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