The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 173 The Outburst of Selflessness


The tennis ball hit the ground next to Ishida's iron, Shi Tiantie stepped forward, and his sturdy back lifted towards the back, and hit the tennis ball fiercely.

"Swing the ball.

The tennis ball was hit by Ishida Tetsu in the form of a fluctuating ball, and the rapidly flying ball caused a burst of harsh sonic booms in the air.

Just by the sound of this sonic boom, I can know that Ishida Tetsu's wave ball is very powerful.

"Oh? I didn't expect that even Ah Yin's brother would wave the ball. Although the power of the wave ball is strong, it is useless to me."

Golden Xiaochun smiled. With a high IQ of 200, he calculated the best distance to hit the fluctuating ball in an instant.

He stepped back three meters and hit back Ishida Iron's wave ball.

The tennis ball hit Ishida. The gap between iron and Hiyoshi.



"As expected of Kansai overlord Shitenhouji's official player, it turned out to be able to get back my swing ball. It really has some strength.

Having scored a point first by the opponent, Ishida Tetsu and Hiyoshi not only did not feel depressed.

On the contrary, the morale is high.

These two guys are very good opponents.

It should feel good to beat them.

Three minutes later.

The combination of Xiaochun and Yuji took the lead in winning the next round.

Odds 1:0

"Is this your strength? Isn't it just that?"

Xiaochun laughed.

They took the game very easily just now, without any surprises.

He thought that the students of the temple would be very strong.

But it looks like that, not their opponent.

Shiraishi off the court saw that Xiaochun and Yuji took the lead in winning the first round, and his face couldn't help but curled up. He glanced at Lin Feng inadvertently, but frowned.

There is no panic on his expression, but on the contrary it is calm and comfortable.

This made Shiraishi feel a little uneasy.

At this time, Ishida Tetsu and Hiyoshi Wakashi on the field looked at each other, smiled at each other, and then both squatted down to take off the load tied to the call.

Two loads fell on the ground, and Shiraishi's face couldn't help but change with the heavy landing sound

"Is that a load?"

Do those two guys always have this kind of weight tied to their legs during the game?

Kenya and Hara Tetsuya's faces also couldn't help showing a trace of amazement.

"This weight is at least five kilograms, right?"

Qian also said in horror.

From the sound of the landing, they could feel that the weight was very heavy. Five kilograms was his conservative estimate.

"That's more than five kilograms, but this load is a full ten kilograms."

Lin Feng on the side said with a smile.

"Ten kilograms?

Qian Ye's face changed again.

"I didn't expect you to be able to force us to unload the load. Are you a little capable?"

Hiyoshi and Ishida Tetsu grinned.

After unloading the load, the body of the two of them has become a lot lighter, and the speed has increased by a notch. In the next game, no matter where the ball is hit, the two can easily catch up and do it. To a successful counterattack.

Koharu and Yuji felt a heavy pressure at one time.

However, as Shitenhouji's strongest doubles, Koharu and Yuji, who have a wealth of experience and a heavy and calm attitude, faced the full attacking Ishida Tetsu and Hiyoshi Wakashi, but they were able to stabilize the situation in the game.

But even so, the situation in the field is more favorable for Ishida Tetsu and Hiyoshi.

"Swing the ball.

Ishida yelled and hit a wave ball.

The tennis ball flew towards Golden Xiaochun.

Xiaochun stared at the oncoming tennis ball, and instantly calculated the best return distance in his mind.

Xiaochun retreated 3.3 meters to the rear and lifted the racquet in his hand to hit the fluctuating ball back.

But when he caught the ball, his face changed immediately.

The power of the ball was so heavy that the racquet in the hands of Xiaochun was directly smashed into the air.

Xiaochun stood where she was, with an expression of disbelief on her funny face.

"What's going on? It stands to reason that as long as I calculate the best return distance, I should be able to fight back."

"My wave ball is not static. The speed of the ball just now is close to 200km/h."

Ishida Tetsu said with a smile.

"Close to 200km/h?"

Xiaochun was shocked.

After Ishida Gin, who was standing outside the field, heard Ah Tie report the speed of the ball, his face also showed a touch of amazement.

200km/h wave ball.

This is the speed that his 80th wave ball can reach.

Ah Tie's wave ball turned out to be so powerful.

"Is it because of the museum owner?"

Ishida Gin set his sights on Lin Feng.

...For flowers...

Ah Tie's fluctuating ball has become so powerful, it is probably the work of the museum owner.

As Ishida scored this goal, the score was finally tied.


Of course, although it is deuce, according to the trend of this kind of game, it is obvious that Ishida Tetsu and Hiyoshi have a higher probability of winning.

"The doubles of those two guys are so strong?"

Shiraishi was a little panicked at this time.

Shiraishi knows how strong the doubles capabilities of Koharu and Yuji are.

The strength of the doubles is enough to squeeze into the top five of the national junior high school.

However, even so, it is still no match for the other side.

This made Shiraishi a little bit unbelievable.

"It's not bad to be able to fight like this with us who unloaded the load."

Hiyoshi looked at Yuji and Koharu on the opposite side and smiled.

Then he looked at Ishida Tetsu: "Should I use that trick?"

Ishida iron nodded.

The next moment, the bodies of the two of them rose into the sky with an astonishing aura, and a white air current hovered continuously around them.

"Is that the profound meaning of selflessness?"

Shiraishi's eyes shrank suddenly.

The shock in his eyes reached the point where it could not be added.

Those two little ghosts will have no self-righteousness?

How can this be?

Chitose Senri, Oshitari Kenya, Hara Tetsuya and other official Shitenhouji players also couldn't believe it.

Is it a realm that is very difficult to comprehend without self-righteousness?

Their Shitenhouji is now only Chitose who has stepped into this state.

How did those two boys realize the meaning of selflessness?

They broke their heads and couldn't figure it out.

"The profound meaning of no selflessness."

The expressions on the faces of Ishida and Hiyoshi Wakashi, who were enveloped in white by Koharu and Yuji, were also quite shocked.

Even if they did not step into the Selfless State themselves, they still know what the Selfless State is.

That is a deeper level of standing above the tennis skills, and only players with the top tennis skills can enter.

And now this realm actually appeared on the two little ghosts at the same time.

What kind of monster is the student in this shrine?

(Sorry, I was delayed by things during the day, so today's update is a little bit short. Tonight and tomorrow, Xiaolang will try his best to codewords and will not return the updates owed today. At least five chapters will be updated tomorrow.)

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