Five hours later, Lin Feng retreated from the other-dimensional space. Because of the different flow of time, only half an hour had passed in the real world.

After taking a hot shower and changing a suit, Lin Feng just walked out of the room.

At this time, Shiraishi and Shitenhouji players were still kneeling outside. At this moment, it was winter, and the outdoor temperature reached below zero.

In the cold wind, Shiraishi and others shivered with cold, but even so, the expressions on their faces were still very firm.

Lin Feng just shook his head, pushed the door out, looked at Shiraishi, and said lightly.

"I have already said that if you don't accept you, you don't need to kneel here anymore. If you continue like this, you will freeze your body because of the severe cold temperature."

"Even if the body is frozen, we will continue to kneel here, unless you can promise to accept us Shitenhouji, otherwise, I will always kneel here." Shiraishi gritted his teeth and said, with a thin layer between his eyebrows. Thin frost.

In Shiraishi's view, as long as he insists, Lin Feng will definitely agree to let them join the shrine.

However, it is clear that Shiraishi's thinking is wrong. Lin Feng did not show too much emotion after hearing what Shiraishi said. He just said lightly and returned to the shrine.

"If this is the case, then you continue to kneel here."

Lin Feng didn't even turn his head back. He couldn't compare his own decision that was moved by these words. To be precise, Lin Feng didn't like the feeling of being threatened by others.

Obviously Shiraishi was threatening him, using his persistence as a threat. He would kneel there without accepting Shitenhouji.

This kind of scene is the most common in movie plots on earth, and those masters are often broken into disciples because of unbearable heart.

This kind of movie plot may be very touching in the eyes of the audience, but for Lin Feng, it is somewhat disgusting.

What he dislikes the most is this kind of threat. If you don't accept it, you won't accept it. Even if you kneel to death, Lin Feng will not be shaken in the slightest.

Since you want to kneel, then you just keep kneeling there.

Shiraishi saw that Lin Feng turned away without looking back. A hint of surprise flashed across his face. He thought that his persistence would surely impress the owner of the museum, but he did not expect that the owner of the museum would not be moved at all. It is still as cold as before.

This made Shiraishi's heart a little depressed.

Is the master really unwilling to accept them as disciples?

After struggling in her heart for a while, Shiraishi didn't think so much anymore. No matter how they Shitenhouji must become the owner of the joining museum, even if they stand here to death, it is still the same.

With this determination, Shiraishi continued to kneel here, letting the biting cold wind blow on him.

After half an hour.

The students of the temple also came to the temple one after another. When they saw Shitenhouji and others who were kneeling directly in front of the entrance of the temple, their faces were shocked.

What do people from Shitenhouji stay here?

Shiraishi "What are you?"

Ishida Gin walked to Shiraishi's side and asked. He faintly guessed the purpose of Shiraishi's trip.

"Like you, I also want Shitenhouji to join the shrine, but I was rejected, so I want to kneel here, hoping that the owner can let us promise.

There was a wry smile on Shiraishi's face.

He knew that all of this was on his own account. If it hadn't been for yesterday, they should have been able to become a student of the temple as smoothly as Ah Yin.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought."

Ishida Gin sighed in her heart.

"Ayin, go in for training, don't worry about us."

Shiraishi barely squeezed out a smile, but his face was blue with cold. Kneeling here in such a cold climate is quite unpleasant.


It's hard for Ah Yin to say anything. He understands Shiraishi's character. No one can stop the things he decides, even him.

After entering the shrine, Ishida Gin pleaded with Lin Feng: "The owner, let Shiraishi and the others join the shrine. In such bad weather, it would be very dangerous for them to kneel there all the time."

Although Ishida Gin is a student of the shrine, he is also a member of Shitenhouji after all, and his teammates kneel there. Ishida Gin is also a little unbearable.

"I didn't let them. They insisted on kneeling there. They couldn't blame anyone. Don't worry. When they get tired of kneeling, they will naturally leave."

Lin Feng said without changing his face.

"But what if Shiraishi they kneel there all the time?"


Ishida Gin said worriedly.

He knew Shiraishi, he wouldn't be the kind of person who left when he got tired of kneeling, he would stick to it all the time.

"It's just that he took the blame for himself. It has nothing to do with me. You should prepare to warm up now and start training in ten minutes."


Ishida Gin sighed, it seems that even if he intercedes, he can't change the owner's decision.

Time flies quickly, unknowingly the day has passed, the sky is gradually shrouded in darkness, and the whole street becomes quiet.

Right in front of the gate of the shrine, Shiraishi and Shitenhouji's other team members were still kneeling there for ten years. They hadn't eaten for a whole day. Coupled with the severe cold weather, everyone's face was the limit of paleness.

.0 Under the torture of the extreme cold, they hugged their hands tightly. Looking at the seven trembling figures outside the hall, Lin Feng's mood fluctuates for the first time. He didn't expect Shiraishi to stick to this point, and ran outside the shrine for a whole day. Of course, this is not to say that Lin Feng agreed to accept Shiraishi and the others as students. He still insisted on the original decision in his heart. The night became darker unconsciously, and the temperature of the air also became lower and lower. The students in the temple had already finished their day of training at this moment, and left the temple one after another. However, the people of Shiraishi and Shitenhouji still knelt on the cold ground outside the gate of the shrine and did not leave. Broken pieces. At a certain moment, there was a series of sounds outside the shrine. Hearing this sound, Lin Feng, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground futon, immediately opened his eyes. Did these guys finally give up? At the same time, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was really afraid that Shiraishi would keep kneeling outside the temple. After all, if they were kneeling in this cold weather, Will go to the hospital. And the sound response just now should be Shiraishi's footsteps when they left. (Yesterday, the little wolf gave up the glasses. There is no code word. It took a long way to match it. I am very sorry for the delay in updating. Today is the fourth change. This is the first change, the full speed code word.)

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