The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 221 Fierce Battle with the Byodoin Temple

Originally wanted to challenge Lin Feng's Byodoin Temple, for some reason, the moment Lin Feng stood up, his heart trembled inexplicably.

"I should be scared?"

Byodoin did not understand why such a change occurred in his state of mind.

But he didn't take it to heart. He wanted to come because he was a little excited.

"Although I don't understand why you challenged me, you have to be prepared to fail. My tennis is very violent.

Standing in the court, Lin Feng pointed at Byodoin with racquet, and said high up.

"It's really a shrewd guy."

Byodoin did not get up because of the other party's words, but laughed.

Because the other party has this qualification to be arrogant.

He could beat the eighth-ranked Tohno in Japan's U17 training camp 6:0, even he couldn't do it.

"Do you think the boss can beat Lin Feng's "Nine-Thirty Zero"?"

Kimijima asked the others.

Although the boss said that he could beat Lin Feng after watching Lin Feng's game screen yesterday, Kimijima still has some worries in his heart.

People who have not seen Lin Feng match with their own eyes know the scary thing about Lin Feng.

"The boss is the number one in high school in Japan, I think it should be beaten.

Tsukimitsu Ochi said.

"Maori, since Lin Feng is your curator, you should know his strength very well, how strong is his strength?"

Kimijima asked Mori Tesaburo.

"I really don't know this. I only know that the owner is very strong. In my impression, he has never lost a point in a game."

Mouri Tesaburo said with a grim face.

"Have you lost a point? Not a point?"

Kimijima asked in shock.

Maori nodded.

(Lin Feng has also been scored in the competition, such as Echizen Nanjiro, but that was before Maori joined the shrine.)

Before the net.

Lin Feng and Byodoin will guess the ball right before the game.

"You choose first."

Lin Feng said lightly to Byodoin, the racquet in his hand has already turned.

Chi Chi Chi.

The top of the racquet spins rapidly on the ground.

"Are you making me?

Byodoin sneered and said, staring at the spinning racquet. Generally speaking, whoever owns the serve game first will dominate the game.

Therefore, even if it's just an ordinary guess of the ball right, Byodoin seems very serious.

Mainly because Lin Feng's strength is worthy of attention.


Byodoin made a choice.

Racquet turned slower and slower, seeing that the side he had guessed was about to fall to the ground, but the next moment, a gust of majesty blew across and racquet's blow was offset by one point.

The W at the bottom of the racquet faces upwards.

"I guessed wrong?"

Byodoin frowned.

"It seems my luck is pretty good."

Lin Feng smiled, and reached out his hand to pick up the Dragon God from the ground.

"Is it luck?"

Byodoin's brows wrinkled, and then a flash of light broke out in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter if it is luck or not, I will definitely beat you in this game by the Byodo-In Temple.

For Lin Feng, this may be just an ordinary game, but for Byodoin, he is betting on his reputation as No.1 in Japan.

If he loses, then Japan's No. 1 title will fall into the hands of Lin Feng.

So whether it is for himself or for this title, Byodoin will never allow himself to lose to him.

This is his battle of honor.

"Boy, let me see your strength."

Byodoin was standing at the baseline, staring at Lin Feng earnestly.

"If you want to see my strength, it depends on your qualifications."

Lin Feng said with a chuckle.

"You guy is really arrogant and boundless."

A trace of unknown fire emerged in the heart of Byodoin Temple.

This guy is too arrogant.

"I can't compare to your Byodo-in Temple. The match between you and Tokugawa Kazuya was a hundred times more arrogant than I am now."

Lin Feng's remarks made Byodoin's face changed. The other party actually knew that he had fought with Tokugawa.

That was all two years ago.

It seems "you know quite a lot."

Byodoin now doesn't care why the other party knows about this. He has only one purpose now, and that is to defeat the other party.

"Well, I don't bother to talk to you other things, so let's take the job by Byodo-in Temple.

Lin Feng's voice fell off.


An extremely powerful aura bursts out of the body directly, like a volcanic eruption,

The heart of Byodoin was suddenly shocked.

This momentum is so strong.

Those guys in the U17 training camp in Japan also showed horror, and they were all shocked by Lin Feng's aura.

"It's so strong.

Watanabe couldn't help but smashed his mouth.

Even he felt a kind of panic at this moment, it was really terrifying.

"His momentum is stronger than when he was playing against me."

Tohno Atsukyo's heart trembled uncontrollably.

The faces of Ralph and the players of the American team were also moved. This momentum is much stronger than yesterday's match against Dudu.

"It seems that Lin Feng played with you yesterday, but he hasn't done his best yet.

Ralph said to Dudu.

"This Lin Feng is really scary."

Du Du couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and beat him completely without exerting all his strength. If he exerted all his strength, Du Du estimated that he would be beaten and collapsed by the opponent.

"Ryoga, you are a good friend.

Ralph set his gaze on Ryoga who was aside, with a little envy in his words.

"Ralph, are you taunting me?"

Ryoga doesn't think so, because if the difference between friends is too great, it will make people feel inferior.

Ryoga feels this way now.

"It's not a mockery.

Ralph shook his head, then added.

"It's sympathy.

"Your 4.6 group."

Ryoga was speechless.

"I'm going to the Byodo-In Temple."

Lin Feng exuded an astonishing spirit grinned at Byodoin Temple.

next moment.

His body moved suddenly, and the racquet in his hand slammed on the tennis ball in the air with lightning.

The racquet's net surface suddenly collapsed, and the elasticity accumulated on the net surface turned into an extremely terrifying force at this moment, all concentrated on the tennis ball.


Tennis turned into an extreme Huang Mangbiao to shoot out, this ball has far exceeded the level of high school students, only professional players can play.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless.

These three words describe this ball perfectly.

Byodoin was directly surprised by Lin Feng's face that was shocked by this ball, and the others also showed their horror.

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